Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

Camera rolled you play your part

The next morning when Vivian woke up, she found her pillow was soaked in her own tears. She realized she had been crying the whole night to sleep. She turned around and found Gio was still sleeping, but in the living room, Marina's voice was heard, and so was Bridget's.

"Morning aunt Viv." Bridget said as she put Marina on her baby-seat.

"Morning Bree." Vivian answered with least spirit.

"What happened between Cameron and I don't have to bother your relationship with Eric." Bridget said as Vivian just rolled her eyes. "You're miserable, right? You dumped him last night yet you cry for him afterward."

"I don't like the way he treated you. I hate it."

Bridget tried to argue but she knew there was no chance for her winning an argument when its Vivian she argued with. Vivian was indeed misrable, but seeing the smile on Marina's face brought her back to life a little. Bridget made her way to the kitchen, making Bridget's little breakfast.

Vivian insisted Bridget to fed Marina as she let her be. Marina was being a good kid toward Vivian as Vivian spent the whole morning playing with Marina. When it was bath time, Bridget lifted Marina up from her seat as she set up the bath tub, setting the water temperature to warm and filled the tub with some rubber ducky.

Marina had always loved bath time and Vivian had always loved documenting it, especially the part where Marina splashed the water. But that morning was different, Vivian was nowhere inside the bathroom, her giggle was nowhere heard, and she wasn't being a butt-hurt annoyance for Bridget, which she kinda used to already.

Bridget was finally done with Marina and already changed her outfit, after the change, Bridget took her daughter to Vivian's doorstep as she knock on the door slowly. It took about 5 minutes before Vivian opened her door, but they stormed in into the room once it opened anyways. Inside, Bridget noticed a wet pillow and Vivian's puffy eyes while Gio just woke up when she heard Marina's voice.

"Morning Marrie." Gio woke up as Bridget let Marina lie down on the bed by her side.

There was an awkward silent between the girls because clearly they knew what they wanted to say, but nobody says a thing because of the tension inside the room. Especially when Vivian shut her self, there really was something wrong. Bridget glanced at Gio when Vivian just stared at her floor blankly, as Gio stood and gave Vivian a hug.

"You don't have to push yourself to this." Gio said, relaxed while Vivian started to sob. "We both know how you and Eric loved each other..." Gio stopped and took a breath.

"But what Cameron did proved that Eric couldn't keep his promise." Vivian spat, slowly pushed Gio away from her. "He promised nothing bad will happen during this tour, and look what we've got here."

Bridget's heart crimpled by the time Vivian let out her excuse, Vivian was not making any sense and it should just be her and Cameron's problem, not Vivian and Eric's. Gio noticed the guilty feeling Bridget has in her mind as she finally spilled the truth. Gio started explaining the thing Wes explained from the last night phone call, but Vivian wasn't buying it.

"Cameron's a good actor, isn't he?" Vivian scoffed.

"I don't think he was acting..." Gio said. "Wes isn't a liar, and he wasn't lying about Cameron skipped meeting the fans." Gio said.

Vivian was confused, she was lost in her own mind and the anger took control of herself. She took her motorcycle key, put on a proper shirt and stormed out the apartment, went away from Bridget, Gio, and the little girl, Marina. Bridget was a little worry about it, but she thought it would be best if Vivian spent sometime alone, knowing she would be back in the count of hours.

Bridget looked over Marina's sleepy eyes, because it was already 10 am and it was her nap time. Bridget decided to put Marina asleep in Vivian's room, just incase she came back, she wouldn't lost it because her niece was in there. As Bridget held Marina up, Gio told her that she would get Marina's milk and Bridget just played with her daughter on the bed. Even though Marina was sleepy, she could open her eyes and the girl's lip reminded Bridget of Marina's dad.

"Your lip looks just like Daddy..." Bridget said slowly as Marina's eyes widened on the word Daddy.

Marina's eyes wondered around as if she tried to find the daddy figure inside the room but found none. Marina turned back to Bridget, smiling, but the sight of her eyes were blank. Marina's eyes were as blue as a deep ocean as Bridget found a picture from the older days on Vivian's desk. Bridget took a little step, take the picture and smiled. It was a picture of her, Cameron, Vivian, and Eric on Christmas 2008. Right after Cameron confessed his feeling toward Bridget.

Bridget took the picture to Marina, showing her daughter what her father looks like back in 2008. Marina could recognize Cameron as she lifted her little finger and point at Cameron and she started giggling. The second Marina stared at Bridget, she felt so familiar with the stare. It was warm and relaxing.

"Not just you have your dad's lip, you also has his eyes." Bridget said as Gio came in and handed her a bottle of warm milk. "Let's put you to nap, baby girl." Bridget smiled.


It had been a week, and the boys from TDF should be back by the evening, Gio was already at Cameron's house, because that was the place the boys go to after every tour. Cameron's parents had heard about the rumor and they were just anxious, but Cameron could've sworn that he didn't do it. It wasn't him who wanted to party.

As Gio heard an engine voice, she ran to the door and let them four in. Wes was the most excited one to be back home while Cameron just walked toward the house with no passion at all. He stared at Gio who was currently on Wes' arms with no desire to greet her or nothing at all. He unpacked his belongings and found a small plastic bag that filled with some cute hairbans.

"I bought them everytime I saw some cute stuff for girls." Cameron put on a bittersweet smile to Gio.

"They're cute." Gio complimented.

"Cameron's been busy going to this and that stores to find something cute for Marina. And he's been buying those since our first day out of VA." Wes whispered.

"Would you guys like to come over for dinner?" Gio offered as they all slightly shook their heads.

"Wes should go." Eric said from the corner of the room. "Tell Vivian I say hi, will you?" Added him.

Wes drove Gio back to Bridget's apartment. When the door was wide opened, Gio found Bridget behind the door gasping the second she saw Wes. Bridget's eyes were trying to find someone besides them but no one really showed up and it gave Bridget a relief.

"Where's the baby girl?" Wes asked as he entered the house.

"You two alone?" Bridget sighed as they nodded. "Why isn't the rest coming?"

"Cameron and Eric has no passion of leaving their nest. More like, they don't want to see anyone just yet. The past week been rough for them." Wes sighed. "They miss you, Marina, and Vivian." Added him quickly.

As they were just talking, Vivian got out of Bridget's room and was shocked to found Wes sitting on their dining table as she turned around and walked straight back to her room, trying to avoid Wes and everyone else there. Wes did notice the act Vivian pulled, which means she doesn't want to meet anyone from the band ever.

"She's miserable." Both Gio and Bridget sighed.

"Obviously." Wes took a breath. "And so are you, Bridget."

Bridget bit her lower lip before she started to tear up and shaking. She knew Wes was right. She realized that she couldn't be a single parent. She needed a stronger figure but it wasn't Cameron. As much as she wanted Cameron back in, there's always something that made her had to slow things and rethink of what she really wanted.

Bridget broke down in front of Gio and Wes, she let her guard off in front of the two people who love her so much. Wes and Gio could only pull Bridget into a wide warm hug while she just cried there as Vivian got out of her room and slammed the door real hard.

"Look what I just found on the internet!" Vivian said with her Mac on her hands.

Headline news!

Just in! The frontman of The Downtown Fiction was caught on camera making out with Daisy Lisette (20) and she's claiming that Cameron had actually been seeing her since early 2011 because she had a baby girl with the singer.

Lisette claimed that the baby she's having with the singer, who she will never tell the name, was born in the early 2011. Is it just another rumor or does Lisette and Leahy were actually a thing together?
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Its coming to an end! Well, its almost the finale, but I'm not quiet sure whether its 2 or 3 chapters to go... But I sure hope you enjoy!
