Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

And Now I Want You So Much...

“Ugh, how do I work this thing on?!” David exhaled in frustration as the rest of TDF boys sighed in just the same frustration.

“Man, I have never used this kind of thing before.” Eric spat as Cameron glanced at them.

The Downtown Fiction was trying to do a live chat with their fans through Justin.TV and it was a pretty shameful thing to know they didn’t even understand how to work the program. Lucky them Bridget was there, she was the one who actually made things work.

“So, it’s only a day to Christmas! What are you all doing for Christmas?” Cameron asked as the reply tabs went a little crazy.

“The replies are crazy…” Eric mumbled.

“Anyhow, we’re gonna play a new song called “when you’re around” so you all better sit still and let me finish the song!” Cameron said as Eric handed him his guitar.

As they performed the song, Cameron looked to the side of the place they were sitting on, where Bridget was sipping her hot chocolate. She didn’t say anything but smile as Cameron’s head was smacked by Eric.

Some of their fans were trying to get their attention, some other were just trying to tell them to come to their countries, which was overseas. Cameron sighed in disbelief for a few times when he realized his band was overheard in some other countries across the oceans.

After an hour of live chat, they decided to got off and spend some lovely snowy night with Bridget while waiting for Vivian to come home. It was almost 10 pm when Vivian hadn’t come back home just yet and it worried Cameron to death. As her cousin, he was the most responsible person for his own damn cousin.

“Why couldn’t she inform us where she was going?!” Cameron grunted in pissed as the front door was cracked open and Vivian stormed in with tears. “Where were you?!” He kind of yelled.

Cameron realized something went wrong with Vivian and the yelling he did, Bridget and the rest of the boys who was with him were just rolling their eyes as Cameron looked down to his toes, looking sorry.

“If you’re not going to talk to her, I would.” Eric said as Cameron got off from the place he was sitting, followed by Bridget.

“What happened?” Bridget asked once she opened the door and found Vivian was lying on her bed, crying even harder.

“I pity myself.” Vivian cried. “I should’ve known I was just a joke.” Vivian added as Cameron pulled her in a huge bear hug.

“Who thought you’re a joke? Viv, when are you going to realize how awesome you are? You managed me and my douche friends for like, 4 months?”

“Viv, really, what happened?” Bridget asked in curiosity.

“I broke up. He was a total douche, I should’ve told you guys about him, but I met him back in Boston, and I thought he was lovely, I never knew he was a douche bag.”

After listening to Vivian’s story, Bridget decided to take her downstairs to the other two boys. Even though she tried so hard to resist, she could never say no to her cousin’s will. Cameron dragged her down with her puffy eyes and messy hair, which made her as the tease of the night.

As the night went even darker and cold, Cameron decided to make something cold for his friends, and he was asking for Bridget’s company in his kitchen. As Bridget followed him to the kitchen and was making some of hot beverages, Cameron held her waist and smelled her hair.

“Cameron, what the hell are you doing?” Bridget asked in a bit of panic tone.

“Doing something I should’ve done long time ago.” Cameron whispered as he turned Bridget around and quickly pressed his lip on hers.

“What the…” Bridget questioned everything.

“I love you, Bridget Sabrina Crowne.” He said as the kissed continued.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates!
and it's also suck-ish
