Status: completed

Life in a Fast Lane

I Miss The Way We Never Said Goodbye

Cameron had already fallen asleep when Bridget was next to him, crying. As much as she loved Cameron, she missed her best friend from the elder years, not the boy friend who turned his back on her when she needed him.

David and Gio entered the room slowly, trying not to make any noises on their steps as Bridget pretended to be asleep. Bridget put her arms on Cameron’s waists and nothing was happening until Cameron moved aside and unconsciously put Bridget’s arms aside and she could do nothing.

Bridget was just wishing she would be back at home and once she’s got there, she would find her boyfriend home. The night went a little awful for her, since she didn’t even get to hug Cameron, but as the morning came, Gio let the sunshine break inside the room through the window as David woke Bridget and Cameron.

Bridget wasn’t able to sleep until it was three or something, and it was seven in the morning when David stroked the bed where they were sleeping. As much as she wanted to sleep in, she couldn’t. she didn’t know why she played the game of pretending to be happy while she was hurt inside.

After being woken up by David and Gio, Cameron took his steps to the bathroom first and he changed into a proper outfit before went out of the room, leaving Bridget with his band mate and his girlfriend. Gio noticed the difference in Cameron to Bridget as she pulled Bridget onto a huge warm hug.

“I’ll talk to him, Bree. Don’t worry.” David said as he shrugged his shoulder and went over to Cameron.

“You want to talk about Bridget now, don’t you?” Cameron spat once David got there.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Cameron?” David said, throwing his hands to the air.

“What’s wrong with me? The proper question is what the fuck is going on here?!” Cameron yelled as he rolled his eyes out of annoyance.

“Bridget is your girl friend! You’re not supposed to be that cold to her. Without her, you wouldn’t meet me, you wouldn’t dare to start a band, you wouldn’t live today!” David smirked as he went away, leaving Cameron alone on his guilt.

After that little fight with David, Cameron had been avoiding the boys and the girls to talk to. The only person he ever talked to was Dan, and it was when they had to check out of the hotel. TDF carried on their tour as the girls made their way back to the good old Northern Virginia.

The rode back home wasn’t as cheerful as their rode away to DC. In fact, Bridget wouldn’t stop crying on the backseat of Vivian’s car, and it made her think her cousin was a big douche. Gio tried her best to comfort Bridget, but nothing really worked.

“If I lose him now, I'm not just losing a boyfriend, Gee.” Bridget sobbed from the backseat of the car. “I’ll lose my best friend too.” She added in a low voice, kind of whispering.

Gio and Vivian looked at each other as Vivian carried on driving the car on maximum speed limit. The road wasn’t that crowded on their way back home and they reached home right at the noon and they all went to Vivian’s-slash-Cameron’s-house to stay over for a rest.

As Vivian knocked the house, Cameron’s mother opened it and instantly asked her questions she didn’t have the answer since she didn’t even spend more than 10 minutes with her cousin. Cameron’s mom was still looking over Vivian’s eyes with hopeful looks and she just had to deliver the ugly truth about everything.

“Aunt Leslie, I'm pretty sure Cameron’s just having a bad day, that’s all...” Vivian said as she glanced over Bridget and Gio, motioning she needed help.

“Yeah, Cameron told me the past few days on tour had been rough for him and everyone. He’s the one who’s taking thing serious. You know him better than we all do, Mrs. Leahy.” Bridget came to Cameron’s defend as Mrs. Leahy smiled a relieved.


Bridget couldn’t take the silence for over three days and she decided she would text Cameron first, with a little hope he would reply her with just the right answer.

“Is it so wrong if I just wanted to talk?” –Bridget Crowne

Bridget waited for hours and hours for a reply on her text, but Cameron on the other side of the country was busy playing a show for a bunch of girls. Bridget could only look at the calendar page on her bedside table, looking at that one date she circled. March 20th 2010, the date the boys would be back in town, back to the good old Northern Virginia, which was still three days to go.

It was evening and also a pretty late one when Bridget decided to went out of her house for a refreshing kind of night. She got away alone to the nearest coffee shop by her house. She ordered a cup of a green tea as she took a seat on the corner of the room, the place she and Cameron hangs a lot.

“Hey, is this seat taken?” Said a guy as Bridget looked up and found him standing still, holding a cup of coffee.

“I don’t want to be bothered, to be honest…” Bridget stuttered as the guy smiled.

“I wouldn’t come to this table if only there was any other spot left.” He rolled his, examined the rest of the place. “Oh, I’m Jason, by the way.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, say hello to Jason!
There will be more conflict on this story and I am looking forward to write them! I just thought it would be cool, though..
