Two is Better than One

chapter one


I was glaring at my mom at this point of time. Probably because she just told me something that I never wanted to hear.

"Why?" I yelled. "Of all the freaking places!"

"Language, Hayley." she warned. Then she grinned again as she stared at the slip of paper that was in her hand. "Think about it."

The reason I was so pissed and my mom so happy was because I received a scholarship from Werverd High, requesting me to go study there. They accepted me because I was good at sports.

What sport? Tennis.

She opened her mouth as to speak but she was interrupted by the random slamming of the door.

We turned around and found out that it was just my best friend, Dylan Johnson, who was smiling widely at us.

I frowned at him. "Is it too much to ask you to knock before you enter?" I said.

"Whoa." his eyes widened, still smiling. "Somebody's on their period."

"Shut up, Dylan. What do you need?"

"Now, now, Hayley. Be nice." my mom said as she gave a me a look that said WARNING in real big letters.

I sighed.

"What's up with your mood today? Yesterday you were overjoyed because you beat Ryan in an arm-wrestling match and now you seemed like you were defeated by the weakest guy or whatever." he said in top speed.

"Is it really necessary to NOT breathe?"

He rolled his eyes. "What's with the devilish mood?"

My mom showed him the paper and his eyes looked at them understandingly. "That explains it then."

"That's good." he said, grinning and seating next to me on the couch. He patted my head.

My glare was the most evil I can give. "What the heck is so good with that?"

He laughed out loud. "Watch it, Hayley. You're looking like Medusa lately."

I smacked his head.

"Ow. That freaking hurt." he rubbed his head in an exaggerated way.

"Hayley." my mom said.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Then I looked at Dylan. "Explain why you're here."

He smirked. "What's wrong with Werverd High, anyway?"

What's wrong is it would be super boring without your best friend beside you. Duh. If school is the worst punishment for teenagers then it would be ten times worst without your best friend.

"No mom. No freedom. No you."

Mom chuckled. "What's wrong with no me?"

"My diet." I groaned.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure there's a health food thing there." she sighed.

"No freedom?" Dylan rolled his eyes. "Right. There's no parents there, remember? What's no freedom in that?"

"Teachers are worst." I groaned.

"And no me?" he sounded thoughtful.

"As if you would want to go to Werved High." I muttered.

He grinned and handed me a slip of paper.

"Where the heck did you get this?" I asked.

"Due to your juvenile condition, you didn't notice that I was holding it. The whole time."

I unfolded the paper and my mouth dropped. My eyes wide.

"No." I managed to choke out. "No way."

"What are best friends for, right?" he smiled.

"You're going to Werverd High?" I yelled, jumping up. "For real?"

He took to paper from me and stood up. "Honestly, can't you read?"

I smiled and threw my arms at him.


Never in my entire life would I expect this to happen.

First, I asked my mom to send me to the school me and my best friend hated so much and I got accepted due to my good looks and nice build. Kidding, I was accepted because of I'm good in basketball.

Second, I didn't know that Hayley couldn't survive high school without me.

Third, I wasn't expecting that she was going to hugged me.

As soon as her arms wrapped around me, I froze in place, not knowing what to do. So, to play it safe, I just hugged her back.

Hayley Anderson had been my best friend since I was five. She is my favorite person in the whole wide world aside from my mom. She always makes me wanna smile with her chocolate brown eyes and that dazzling smile. With that, I was contended.

When we were kids she was this chubby little girl that just had one friend: Me. All the boys used to teased her and made her life miserable.

That stopped when we were thirteen. I befriended a couple of guys and they introduced me to the world of basketball. And I introduced her to the world of sports.

Now, let's just say she's smoking hot and her face kinda stung my eyes. Because it was turning beautiful to me.

All the guys that used to teased her, those stupid guys, regretted the day they were born. Mostly because they got rejected. By a hot girl.

But to tell you the truth, the whole truth, I have a crush on her since I was in fifth grade.

She made me laugh with her protests.

And she was cute.

And mostly she was... Hayley. The girl who made me laugh with her silly attempts to try basketball and kept on protesting to me how much it suck. She's also the one who comforts me when something was wrong. Trust me, I wanted to blush so much when she's comforting me. But I have fight it.

Now, I have a huge crush on her and she isn't even aware of it.

Well, I wasn't going to tell her. I don't want to end our friendship.

That's what happens, right?

You're best of friends, you started to fall for her, and when you did and you confessed that, she started to pull away.

But in other's case, it would work out.

But let's face it, every relationship have a problem. You'll make a stupid mistake and she'll get hurt. Then, not only is your relationship is over but your friendship as well.

I don't want that to happen.

So, I'll just keep my moth shut

Shifting back to reality.

Hayley pulled away and smiled widely at me, her pretty face just inches away from mine.

Fight the blush, Dylan. Fight that stupid blush.

"Mom." she said. "I have decided."

Her mom grinned. "Okay, honey. I'll have to celebrate this wonderful news so I'm ordering pizza."

"You will what?" Hayley asked her, eyes shocked.

"I need a break with cooking." she sighed and stood up.

She left the room.

I was alone with Hayley Anderson.

"Want to play ping pong?" she asked me after a moment of silence.

I stared incredulously at her. "Ping pong? Why?"

"Mom's ordering pizza and she is planning on inviting your mom. She would probably order two boxes." then she looked at me. "Make that three."

"That's large right?" I raised an eyebrow.


That's it.

"Race you!" I yelled and started running.


Dylan is a little bit childish at times, you know that?

He's funny and cute and protective and also stupid.

But he's fun to be with.

"Race you!" he yelled.

That just meant that he agreed to play ping pong with me.

He sprinted ahead of me. He was so darn fast! I guess that's what you get if you're obsessed with basketball.

He turned around and groaned.

I was five feet away from him.

I giggled. Dylan looked really cute when he's annoyed. At me, that is.

"Slow down." I pleaded when I was just two feet behind him.

"I will if you tell me." he said.

"Tell you what?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"Tell me a name of a person who slows down at race."

Forget it.

After I cursed, we reached the backyard.

"I won." he announced, grinning like he just won some tournament.

"I lose."


"Arrogant jerk." I muttered.

"You can still beat me in ping pong." he rolled his eyes.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"That depends, of course." he grinned.

And we started the stupid game.


And end it, too.

I'm proud to say that I...

I won!!!

"It's a compliment." Dylan said when we heard my mom's voice calling us for dinner.
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This is longer, I think. Thanks for reading!