Queen Of Hearts

She's an assasin. A very good one at that, but what happens when someone makes an attempt on her life, and instead kills someone she holds dear to her? What happens when our assain needs help from the most unexpected?
  1. All Started With A Mistake
    "Spade," She cringed at his voice. She didn't want his help, but she needed it more than anything.
  2. Rules
    "You are really pissing me off. Do you know that?"
  3. Time to Disappear
    "You can't expect me to take this seriously." She folded her arms across her chest. That little movement drew Spades attention to it and he sadly moved his focus back to her face, thinking that very inappropriate.
  4. Hello, Mr. Sulby
    "You're hot." Those two words made Mary feel filthy. She doesn't know why, but just the fact that he could utter those two ridiculous words when he was in the situation he was in made her fill sick. "That's not going to stop me from killing you." S