‹ Prequel: Birth of an Angel

Transformers: Moments

Moment 19: 'School Sucks-Part Two'

If there’s one thing I hate about Little Angel’s High School, it’s the uniforms.

The blouse and blazer are fine, but with the plaid skirt, I look like a Japanese schoolgirl from an anime.

And you know how much fan-service is done with that!

I couldn’t stop fidgeting with the skirt, trying to keep from flashing my underwear, as I walked towards my first class.

My schedule said it was a computer class, and so I was slightly excited; I’d be able to do the course assignments quickly and use the extra time to put the finishing touches on ‘Battle for Earth’.

Shouldering my way through the door (why can’t people talk inside the classroom instead of blocking the door? Douschebags…), I nearly ran into another girl.

She was really small and fragile, with wide purple eyes and short brown hair, and looked a lot like a rabbit that had run into a wolf.

“I-I’m so sorry! I-I wasn’t looking where I was going-!”

“It’s fine. No harm done.” I assured, not wanting her to have a panic attack.

“I’m Keke. And you?”

She smiled shyly.
