Status: Activeeeeee :D

The Inbetween.

A Little Short Lived..

It couldn't be..
"Amanda.." I whispered, looking from her body to the girl talking. This wasn't making sense.. If only this was a dream, then I could just wake up..

But, Mom really did see me at the bottom of those steps.. She really had to go to my funeral, and now she really had to live on without her beloved son.

"So.. Wait. No.. Did you, or did you not, see a freaky dude in wearing black? Did everything that lived around you dissapear?" I asked her, and it was recived with a nod.
Not surprising.

I took her ghostly hand and pulled her up, looking down at her body once more before giving her a tight squeeze.
"I missed you.. So much." I told her, my lips quivering and making my voice seem even sadder than it was.

I sighed and pulled away, watching more and more people gather by the ferris wheel. Even though she was right next to me, I couldn't help but feeling completely heartbroken..
At least I didn't feel as bad as Mandy had, she probably thought we would never see each other again.
"I'm going to see mom." I told her, "I need to.. Maybe try and show her I am still sort of here."
I tried as hard as I could to force a smile, but it wouldn't come.

"I'll meet you.. At your place? Or something.."
"Yeah, sure.." She whispered..
God.. I just wanted to kiss her right now, so I turned and sprinted towards my house..
And back to mom.