Status: Trying to make it a weekly thing (maybe friday's), if not then, bi-weekly.

Subject to Loss

Prologue: Discovering something that doesn't exist... yet

For some strange reason I could never wake up peacefully, I always gave a spasm an sat upright, but now, waking up in the woods in a circular patch of burned grass, I felt calm, the only thing that I was aware of was that this wasn't by bed, or my sofa, or my latest conquest.

"It's always difficult for the first timers" I hear a voice say into my ear. Something here wasn't right. The image around me slowly dissolved and I found my self laying down, strapped to a chair in the middle of a completely white yet dark room. A small light flickered above me as the man in the lab coat leaned over me.

"What's going on?" I asked trying to back away from his bearded face, his glasses were crooked form leaning over and he had a frustrated look on his face. He looked like a man that had answered the same question for a while now.

"Naiota" The man said and all of the memories came rushing back. Not that I saw them as memories, hell no, it was all a very confusing hyper-speed collage of images. I almost fainted and I definitely broke something in the environment around me, because I heard the distinct crash of glass. "Damn, that was the vase holding my mothers ashes!"

"You shouldn't have kept the damn vase next to the chair, you know how most of them get after their transfusion" A woman with bright blue hair and a black-red ball gown stepped out of the semi darkness. She casually threw a look towards me over the rim of her Ray Ban glasses then looked back at the now sobbing doctor.

"How are you always so cold hearted Aerith?" He asked, cradling some pieces of the broken vase in his hands.

"I only say what I know to be true, and that, my friend, is why I'm still working at my current post." She said, noticing that my eyes were following her as she moved closer to the chair. "Can he hear us?"

"He shouldn't, not with the amount of sedatives that I gave him. If he can then theres no doubt about it, he's one of them." the doctor answered after briefly cringing at the murderous look the woman gave him.

"He seems to be responding to our words so we must assume that he can hear us..." She waited for something and after a minute of silence she hit the doctors arm "Meaning!?"

"That he is a threat to humanity and the rest of us and that he cannot remain breathing. This is the one aspect of this job that I really hate." He said, while he walked toward a beige colored cabinet that had surfaced form under the floor tiles. "You know, I always had something against the ones that thrashed, and, let me tell you something in case you don't know: you're a thrasher. But somehow there was something different in your thrashing, something that let me know that it wasn't just a violent reaction to the serum we gave your mother."

"Can I go? As much as the other aspects of this job attract me, this is the one part that I never get used to seeing" The woman said as she started walking for the door. Just as the door opened and she was half way out she spun on her heels and looked at the doctor "And neither should you"

"She always says things like that. It was because of one of those cryptic comments that I lost my medical licence" As he said this he was filling a syringe with a needle about the size of my middle finger with a murky, silver-white, liquid. "Normally I would heat this up, otherwise it could kill the person it's given to but, since your not supposed to be alive, I can kill two birds with one stone. And, before you go: Have you ever tried it? Killing two birds with one stone? It's pretty hard, let me tell you but, with enough perseverance and glue, anythings possible! Am I right?"

That's when the liquid hit my veins, and I convulsed strongly.

And that's when I woke up...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that it seems like theres not gonna be more but there is, I'm just really bad with making cliff-hangers (give me a break folks) but I would most certainly enjoy the feed back!!!

Take care and remember: It's wrong to frag in drag!