Status: active :]

See You at the Finish Line


I had heard from a few people about a new student. A new guy who had decided to transfer here this year. Our senior year. I didn't really understand what was so special about this school. It was just another drama filled public high school. Full of hormonal teenagers who didn't really do much that would benefit their future.

It was a little bit after my third period and I had become separated from Sara who had a class immediately after mine and I had just taken a look at my schedule for a moment before I realized that I had to head downstairs.

I had never spoken to the principal or anyone about this task that used to be so simple to me. I knew there were elevators but most were downstairs somewhere.

I rolled a couple feet closer to the stairs before I felt someone grip the handlebar of my chair. I figured that it was just one of my nice classmates but I was so wrong.

"All you have to do is roll down there" was all I heard before I was sent flying down the stairs and out of my chair and to the floor.

I could feel the tears reaching my eyes not at the humiliation that a normal person would have felt but the pain that I was in.

It wasn't likely that I would be able to get up on my own because I couldn't lift up my lower half. I had learned that a couple weeks ago when I had tried to get up off the floor when I was watching a movie in the living room.

I could hear the laughing and the snickering of my classmates but that's not what caught my attention in this moment.

It was the footsteps then the voice that soon was heard through the hall. "What are you looking at? Get to class." Then I felt my weight just kind of let go as I was picked up with some unfamiliar arms.

"What are you doing?" I muttered as I looked at the strangely attractive stranger who was still holding me.

"Helping you up what does it look like?" He muttered as he stood up with me still in his arms.

From what I could see he had already picked up my chair and now all he had to do was put me in it. But it seemed like something was stopping him.

"You can put me down now." I said softly.

"Not yet just wait." He said as he secured me in his arms more. What the hell was with this guy?

I stayed quiet a moment before I realized what he was doing.

The bitch who pushed me down was none other that the girl who had put me in that chair. I gasped for extra affect for the few stragglers that were still in the hallways.

"When will you learn?" I said as she got down the stairs and was just a few feet away from us.

He carefully put me in my chair before telling me not to move and he walked over to her.

I decided to just ignore what he was saying and just rolled over to one side of the hallway since I knew that he was probably watching me.

I waited until he came back over to me and then the tardy bell rang and I sighed. Fuck. I was late now.

"Well this makes it much more worse." I muttered.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you late." He said as I started to roll away but then I forgot where I was supposed to be going so I started to reach into my bag for my schedule.

He stopped me. "Follow me we're going to the same place."

I followed him and didn't really ask questions. I was surprised to notice that my next class was Photography. I wished that it was much later in the day but it wasn't.

I smiled as Ms. Remes, Clara's mom came into my view.

Here was the strange thing about this. I really liked Clara's mom but I couldn't stand her. It was just how it was. Clara had done something wrong to me and I wasn't willing to forgive her yet but her mom has done nothing to me so why punish her? I wasn't that kind of person.

"You're late." She said as she approached both of us. Apparently the new guy wanted to stick with me. I didn't know if I liked this yet.

"There was a bit of a problem in the hallway." I muttered. "Plus this guy is new so." I trailed off hoping for some kind of escape.

"Okay well hurry please and take your seats. Class needs to proceed." She realized what she said and quickly recovered. "There is a desk in the back that you can use as your table. As for you..." She trailed off talking to our new student as I wheeled back to the table where there was more than plenty of space for me and a couple of more people.

I looked around the room just trying to see if anybody was familiar. There was nobody, it seemed like more underclassmen than anything.

I accidentally locked eyes with the new guy and he smirked at me.

What is wrong with him? I kept asking myself this question every time since I met him.

It was really creepy.

I sighed as I looked towards Ms. Remes, she was talking about a couple of rules for the class since we were using cameras, hence the word photo in photography.

After school I called my mom and told her to meet me at the fieldhouse. I wanted to check out everyone's progress. I knew it wouldn't be much help to me but I hadn't been near the track since the night of the incident.

I went down the ramp and down the street to the track. I took my time because I knew it would be awhile before anyone would be on it. Once I was there I took notice to Coach Miller standing at the starting line.

I gulped as I wheeled along the fence just trying to watch everyone. I shut my eyes and tried not feel the sadness that was always present inside me now.

I looked back to see the girls take off in a sprint, it looked like they were doing the mile today. I was taken out of my gaze by my mother who blew the horn. It startled me and I gripped my wheels before going over to her. She gave me a smile as she opened the passenger seat and helped me into it. Once everything was in the car she got in and she drove off.

I didn't tell her but I caught my coach's gaze before we left. She seemed as sad as me. I knew why, I was the school's ticket to be noticed as an important school that wasn't just an academic school but we had amazing athletes as well.

"How was school?"

"Fine mom, just great." I didn't want to go into this but she was taking me there.