Status: might not be updating for a bit.

How Can You See Me With Your Eyes Closed?

How Can You See Me With Your Eyes Closed?(3) Let's Just Agree To Disagree Okay?

"You know Gerard, you are the King Of Being A Dumbass!"you snap. You had all walked back inside and back into your shared dressing room; you and Gerard had obviously not stopped arguing the whole entire time. As soon as you all had gotten back inside you had separated yourselves with your gang being near the windows and Gerard's being near the door; you had also put on one of Kristen's Backstreet Boys t-shirts over your ripped one.
"And you're the Queen Of Being An Annoying Bitch!" he retorts from where he has was leaning on the wall.
""And I wish you would both shut up already! Holy shit!"Michelle yells at the both of you as she and Kyle walk in and slam the door.
"This is your fault in the first place by making us share a room with a bunch of A-holes."McKenzie snaps at her.
"What forgot how to speak actual words stupid?"Gerard asks with a smirk on his face.
"Don't start with me boy!"Michelle turns to glare at him."I'm not in the mood!"
"Sorry."Gerard looks slightly scared.
"For saying that to Michelle, or existing?"you ask with a raised eyebrow. Gerard flips you off.
"Anyway, MCR time to get your asses on stage."Michelle tells the My Chemical Romance guys.
"Why do they get to go first?"Julia whines.
"Because you are the Epic Fail."Matt jokes with a triumphant grin on his face.
"Well ya, I know that. But what does that have to do with anything?"Julia says, completely serious.
"Ya seriously. We all know Julia's the Epic Fail."Kristen adds just as serious.
"Ya shes also a leprechaun, a smurf, a shit-zuh and a smellow kitty. And Kristen's a horse and I'm a trucker."you point out with a shrug. Everyone except for your band-mates stare at you like you were the crazy one and not Bert.
"Wh-what!?"Mikey asks shaking his head a bit as though he was trying to it what you had just said father into his brain so that he could understand..
"Just...don't even."you roll your eyes and sit back in the chair.
"Ya so anyways MCR-stage, les go."Michelle urges, trying to herd them out the door.
"Again, why can't we go first?"Julia restates.
"Because that's the way it is."
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever-"
"Wait hold on sec!"you interrupt while pushing yourself foreword on your chair. Julia and Michelle give you a confused look.
"If the boys go first...then that means....THEY'RE OUR OPENING BAND!!!!"you literally fall off of the chair and start rolling on the floor; almost dying of laughter. The boys look on completely shocked. The other girls in your band follow you onto "ROFLMAO-ing" as the boy's look slowly goes from shocked to pissed off.
"Hahahahaha holy crap, they're opening for US!!!"Morgan gasps out. She bends over and clutches her stomach from laughing so hard.
"WE ARE NOT!"Frank snaps. He clenches his fists and takes a threatening step in your direction.
"Dude you totally-ha, are! Ahahahahahaha!!"you laugh. Your side is starting to hurt from laughing so hard and spit is starting to form at the corners of your mouth.
"Kyle, what the fuck?"
"Sorry guys Michelle won the coin flip."he says sheepishly."Damn tails."He gives Michelle a dirty look and she in turn just smiles sweetly at him.
"Us girls gotta stick together on this testosterone filled tour."Michelle boats with a triumphant smile.
^God this girl is weird. She must be a hippy or something to act so damn happy and now there's Girl Power...Awesome.^you rolls your eyes.
"Michelle you are the man!"Kristen bursts out, standing up from the couch to give her a hug.
"With penis and everything."Paul says with a laugh. Julia who was sitting on the arm of the couch though fell on the floor due to laughter and is right next to him, gives him a swift kick in the ankle."Ow."Paul starts hopping up and down on one foot. McKenzie turns her head upside-down to look at Julia.
"Hey you missed." she points out.
"I know but I'm on the floor so whatcha gonna do?"Julia says with a shrug as she, and the rest of you get off of the floor and stand up.
"Not miss."Julia sticks her tongue out at her.
"He's up too high and I don't know where those filthy nuts have been so S.T.F.U."
"I wished you'd both shut the fuck up. Now Michelle, what pray-tell is the line up for tonight."you ask sounding completely innocent and holding your hands infront of you.
"Well first its MCR, then Greenday, Good Charlotte and then you guys." she answers counting them all off on her fingers.
"So let me get this straight; unlike the Madden boys."the brothers glare at you."So they are ALL opening for us?"
"Basically."she gives you a 1000 giga-watt smile.
"I say girls this requires another round of extreme laughter."you say with a British accent.
"Rightfully so."adds McKenzie, also with a British accent. You all take one look at each other and then...
"Bwahahahaha aha hahahahahaha!!! Oh my God!"you all fall on the floor again.
"You have got to be shitting me Kyle."Matt roars glaring at him with his face contorted in rage.
"I told you guys, Michelle won fair and square."Kyle looks at them nervously.
"Always choose heads babe."Michelle chides, giving him a sympathy hug.
"Which Gerard doesn't have on top or bottom."you laugh.
"Go fuck yourself."he returns and gives you a nasty glare.
"That's the only kind of action you ever get."
"Hey he's like Brandon or It!"observes Julia with her mouth going into an 'O' shape with surprise.
"Ya 'cept Brandon does it with Brady and Dylan remember? Plus he doesn't have anything"
"Oh ya!"
"Who?"Kyle asks looking very confused and disgruntled with Michelle holding onto him for dear life and him trying to shove her off.
"Brandon is disgusting, with nothin' downstairs like Mikey."you give a nod in his direction." It is actually Chelsea, who is an annoying bitch who wants everyones boyfriend, like Billy" Again you nod."and only talks about herself, Brady is amazing unlike any off you. Also he's gay and Dylan is Brady's lover; in our heads at least."
"You wouldn't understand 'cause you're not Canadian."you huff.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"I don't know, I'm bored...I want a sandwich."You hadn't eaten in about two hours and your stomach was starting to hurt a bit.
"That was...random..."Frank brings his eyebrows together in confusion.
"It's the way we are, love it or hate it."Julia says simply with a shrug.
"Hate it."the Greenday guys smirk.
"See Julia, this is why you're the Epic Fail, you walked right into that one!"you slap her playfully on the back.
"I know!!! I'm so hopeless!"
"Okay can you guys stop being idiots so we can GO!!!!"Michelle says exasperated. She finally let's go off Kyle and starts gesturing to the door frantically. You all nod or acknowledge her in your own ways follow her out of the room and down a couple of hallways till you reach the stage.
"Holy shit on a shit sandwich!"Julia blurts in amazement. The stage is way bigger than you ever thought it would be, or atleast what you can see of it from behind the curtain. The backstage where you're at is crowded as hell with sound people, lights, equipment and other people just running around and making sure everything was going to run smoothly.
"Girls, this is where it all happens!"Michelle says holding out her arms."Ain't it great?"
"Damn."Kristen says while looking around wide eyed and trying to take it all in as were the rest of you.
"Ya-ya-ya, its great. Gerard, others, get your asses out there!"Kyle snaps. Shoving Gerard towards the stage.
"Someones cranky."McKenzie whispers. You all giggle and Kyle gives her a look before shoving MCR on stage.

One And A Half Hours Later
You hated to admit it but those boys were good at there jobs and sadly you had especially loved MCR's newest song Cubicles. The concert had gone well so far, the crowd was roaring and pumped up the boys were all happy-go-lucky and you, you were as nervous as a satanist in a church. It didn't help that all the guys had come to stand beside you all and were saying less than encouraging things to your group.
"So girls how you feeling?"Michelle yells over all the noise as Good Charlotte was still playing and the crowd was extremely loud. You had been to other concerts but being in the crowd didn't even compare to the noise and the excitement backstage.
"Barfy."you admit taking in some deep, lung filling, yoga breaths.
"Scared shitless."Julia looks around nervously.
"Pumped!"Kristen says completely happy. She was completely used to performing and didn't mind at all.
"Nervous."McKenzie and Morgan both say.
"Don't worry about it! You'll do great I'm sure."Michelle encourages you. She grabs Morgan and McKenzie's shoulders and shakes them a bit while smiling.
"Ether that or you'll choke."Ray says with a smirk.
"I wish you'd choke."McKenzie mumbles.
"Shut up Ray, stop being the dick that you are." Michelle scolds."The same to the rest of you."She wags a finger at them.
^I feel like I'm with my grandma.^Then you hear the words you have been hoping for and dreading at the same time."
"Now guys and girls, we want to present you with a brand new band!" Benji shouts to the crowd. "Please welcome the Satan Sisters!!!"
^Mother-shitter.^you think. The crowd cheers as Good Charlotte comes off stage and you go on. Out of the corner of your eye you see Billy make a choking motion at you. You don't even have time to glare at him before a mass of people come swimming into your eyesight.
^Oh. My. F-er.^you think swallowing vomit. You can't even tell one person from another the crowd is so big, and the lights are so bright they hurt your eyes. You feel like you're going to faint when you walk up to the mic and the middle of your chest starts to hurt. Not to mention you felt like you did when you had your mini panic-attacks that made you feel like you couldn't breathe right; they usually occurred out of the blue for no reason at all, but now it had a reason. You look over to your right and catch Kristen's eye and she smiles at you, you then look at McKenzie and she winks, you take a glance behind you and see Julia nod and Morgan give you a thumbs up; though those two look scared half-to-death aswell. You try to calm yourself down and do a round of Sukha Purvaka Pranayama which is a yoga breath where you clear your mind and then inhale for six-counts, hold for six-counts, exhale for a six-count and finally hold your lungs empty for six-count. You know it must be weird for all those people in the crowd just standing there watching you breathe but you really needed it.
^Well hear goes everything.^you grab the mic and pull it a little closer to your face.^Okay if it doesn't squeal it'll be fine.^
"Ummm...hey wassup? Is every pumped!?"
^What the fake is that!?^ you think feeling a slow blush cross your face. ^Listen for confused silence because you're a dorky, idiot.^ But instead you hear-
"WWWWWHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" You look up from the ground and see that the whole crowd is cheering.
^They want us to succeed? Really? Well its ether that or they're all drunk...I'LL TAKE IT DAMNIT!!!^
"Are you ready!!!!????"a small smile appears on your face and you start feeling better about what you were about to do.
^Just think of it as a role in a play. You're playing an epic musician...^you give one last exhale.
"Lets go!" you scream with a wide smile. You sense the girls pick up their instruments and then hear them start to play.
^Let's go.^you begin to sing.

There's a raging storm, each and every day
Crashing around inside you
Picking a fight
We don't toss and turn, sleep so sound
Grind the bones
In our, our empty mouths
{Our Empty}
There's a flaming desire
Burning bright
Spreading through our souls
Towards our last rites
Nowhere to go, useless to hide
Just stay there and bleed, hoping to die
Watching it blur, trying to fight it
Everyone yearns for the freedom to hide it
Things took a bad turn, say goodbye to the fire
You wish you could burn
You wish you could burn
This impending doom, is haunting your nights
And it's coming for you, causing you fright
Like angry wolves, hunting me
I hide my eyes, trying to sleep
Watching it blur, trying to fight it
Everyone yearns for the freedom to hide it
Things took a bad turn, say goodbye to the fire
You wish you could burn
You wish you could burn
Like candles we are slowly waning
Like wax, we are not strong
Somehow we slipped down to the far side
How is Hell home?
Watching it blur, trying to fight it
Everyone yearns for the freedom to hide it
Things took a bad turn, say goodbye to the fire
You wish you could burn
You wish you could burn
Like candles we are slowly waning
Like wax, we are not strong
Somehow we slipped down to the far side
How is this Hell home
Tell me how, this hell home?*

You take in a deep breath as you finish with the first song and are surprised by the fact that the crowd is actually cheering about it.
^Oh my God they actually like us!!^you get a big grin on your face and smile at your bandmates; they smile right back.
"Thanks everyone!! That song was called Burn, written by our very own Julia Harris!!"you yell at the crowd. A spotlight shines on Julia and she waves shyly from behind her keyboard and for once her face turns red from embarrassment and not from Julia Rage."Are you ready for the next song!!??"you scream feeling more confident.
"WHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!" screams the crowd as the start jumping up and down with their hands raised; some with lighters.
"Okay get ready! This song is called Soul Search!"you scream, the band starts playing the song and the crowd seems to really like it.

Gerard's POV
"Damn dude. they're good."Frank comments with a slight uncomfortable laugh, after watching Satan Sisters perform their first song. They were now beginning on their second.
"Shut up."you snap. You were mad because you knew he was right, they really were very good; although you would never admit it.

Your POV
"Okay everyone ready? We're gonna play one m instead of just one more song and then we sadly haveta go!"you yell to the crowd, unfortunately you had, had to perform with the other bands and not just My Chemical Romance like it would be one your tour so all bands only got three songs.
"AWE!"yells the crowd.
"We know, we know. But its Gerard's beddy-bye-time."Kristen takes a shot at Gerard. The crowds laughs a little and you snort into the mic.
"Yes unfortunately its true. So this is our last song called Pain of Death written by moi!"
"No French!"Julia yells into her mic and you and the crowd laugh a bit.

The scent of death all around me
Burning a candle to keep away the fright
But as the darkness surrounds me
I feel I'm alive but I know that I've died
All that's left is to accept that I'm over
My life runs away like the dreams that I've made
I try to keep it burning, but it just smolders
I feel like I'm slipping away
After all my life has passed
My will still remains
After the wicks burned its last
There will still be pain
I know I won't last today,
But I'll be back again
And the pain will still remain
Death won't take away my pain
My whole life was fighting pain inside me
The best I could do is just get through a day
But my life before is only a memory
I wonder why the pain has to follow me in this place
I still can't understand why this has happened
But I know that I will feel the hurt through the day
I am but a pile of burning ashes
That make me as lasting as smoke from a flame
After all my life has passed
My will still remains
After the wicks burned its last
There will still be pain
I know I won't last today,
But I'll be back again
And the pain will still remain
Death won't take away my pain
I am here
Close to the end of me
Trying to hold to the life I can't see
There is no hope
That I can hold on to
I barely cling to the promise
That there must be a dawn
After all my life has passed
My will still remains
After the wicks burned its last
There will still be pain
I know I won't last today
But I'll be back again
And the pain will still remain
Death won't take away my pain*

You finish your last song and the crowd goes wild. You feel a blush start to creep into your cheeks and wave at the crowd.
"Thank you guys so much for being out here today!!! Good-bye and goodnight!!"you shout into the mic with a huge grin still your face. You girls all walk backstage as the concert ends and the applause die away. As soon as you're all backstage you all start freaking out like crazy.
"OH MY GOD THAT WAS SOOO COOL!!!!!"Kristen yells jumping up and down.
"I can't believe we actually did it!"Morgan screams.
"Thanks for the confidence."you says wryly.
"Oh shove it!"
"Your right 'cause I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DID IT ETHER!!"
"EEEEEEE!!!!!!"you all grab hands, well really just you and Kristen, you kind of forced the other three, and start jumping up and down will spinning in circles chanting:
"We did it! We did it! We're awesome!"
"Oh my god we're sooo cool!"Aaron walks over and says in a fake girl voice, mocking you.
"Shut up! You're just jealous we got more cheers than you." McKenzie snaps, abruptly stopping the Circle-Dance and putting her hands on her hips.
"You wish!"
"We know!" you all shout back.
"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down."Michelle brakes in, walking over"Now look jerk-offs, this is the girls first concert so you leave them alone! You can go back to fighting tomorrow." Aaron and the rest of the guys grumble but walk away.
"Ya go cry to your mommies you little babies!"you shout after them.
"Ha ha. Now since was your first ever concert I say we go celebrate!"she throws her arms up in the air.
"Whooo!"you and Kristen shout; smiling.
"Ya. now go get ready for a night out and then we'll go."Michelle walks away and you all go running for the bus to get ready. You get ready by getting redressed and putting on some more deodorant because those lights were hot and re-touching make-up. Michelle ends up taking you all to a bar where you party all night long and head back to the bus at around 3:00am where you all go to bed in a drunken and exhausted sleep.

♠ ♠ ♠
all songs actually written just by me! whoo! Also I don't know why we continually talk one right after the other and have it form a sentence, we just do.