Status: might not be updating for a bit.

How Can You See Me With Your Eyes Closed?

How Can You See Me With Your Eyes Closed?(4) Shenanigans

8:13am: Driving On Your Way To San Francisco

^ tired!^you whined when you woke up the next morning.^Why can't it always be night-time? David Suzuki never mentioned anything about needing sleep in that stupid video!!!^ You slowly crawl out of your black blanketed bed in your new "room" that you shared with Kristen and made your way down the stairs to the first floor of the bus. Walking into the kitchen you promptly grabbed a box of Fruit Loops out of one of the cupboards and then plopped yourself down onto the love-seat. Grabbing a handful of dry cereal and shoving it into your mouth you turned the TV on and started watching the original Power Rangers.
"Good Lord, I already saw this episode! What am I doing up anyway? I never get up at anytime before like noon!...And I'm talking to myself outloud...great."you mutter to yourself while eating another handful of Fruit Loops.
^Must be the excitement from last next.^ you think; tuning out the sounds of Power Rangers winning yet another fight against some giant monster created by Rita and Finster.^It was pretty bitchin' singing up there infront of everyone. And I hate to admit it but...meeting My Chemical Romance, Greenday, Good Charlotte and Bert wasn't half bad ether; even if they are assholes; and I could have done without the crazy "you're my soul mate" business...but other than that it was pretty freaking cool!^ You think back to being on stage with your girls, singing your heart out and you smile.^Yep, pretty freaking cool. Now if only anything past the first season of any show was half as cool, things would be alright.^ You turn back to the TV and watch the remaining minutes of the epic friendship talk that always seemed to be in every episode and eventually fall back asleep.

2:35pm:(now that's more like it!)Still Driving

You slowly open your eyes again at the more appropriate wake-up time(For me anyway). Then you managed to push yourself up into a sitting position and twisted your pale arms above your head.
"Have a nice nap?"Kristen asks while cleaning some sort of leftover food off of her 'Backstreet's Back' Backstreet Boys t-shirt.
"Oh yes."you yawned out."Best bus sleep ever!"you end in sarcasm.
"Well get used to it 'cause that's how it's gonna be for the next two tour months."you hear Michelle say from somewhere in the kitchen.
"Great. Cramped bus, annoying boys and no sleep for two months...awesome."Julia complains from a chair beside the love seat.
"Oh shut up Julia!"
"Can I go back to bed?"you ask, getting annoyed that people were fighting.
"Go for it. We still have about three and a half hours until the next gig so might aswell get as much sleep as possible."Michelle walks in carrying a mug and plops down beside you.
"Great. I'll be back when it's less fighty in here."you groan as you push yourself off of the love-seat and head back upstairs. You throw yourself onto your bed and attempt to go back to sleep. Unfortunately Mr. Sandman had other ideas.
"Man! Let me sleep!"you shout as you tossed and turned for the eleventh time. After another minute or so you give up with a sigh."Fuck my life!" Instead of going downstairs to rejoin your friends, you decide to read. Getting up and searching through your stuff that you had yet to unpack you found The Chronicles of Faerie by O.R. Melling which you had been reading for the past four days; you are on part one, The Hunter's Moon.
^My God I wish Findabhair(finn-a-veer) would hurry up and realize that her "boyfriend" is a total douche-bag to Gwen.^You read a couple of pages before you started to get the familiar feeling of getting car-sick which you always got when you did anything besides daydream, sleep and drive in the car.^Really!? Just really!? I can't read ether! Ugh this sucks!!!!^ Tossing the book down onto the bed in frustration you glare up at the ceiling.
"I'm so BORED!!!"you screech.
"Here's an idea! SHUT UP!"you hear McKenzie snap from down the tiny hall.
"You shut up Captain Hangover!"
"Go fuck yourself."
"No thanks."you flip her off even though you knew she couldn't see you. There was then silence for about five minutes with you daydreaming about your Death Note fan-fiction and McKenzie doing God knows what.
"Hey guys! We're stopping for gas! Come on out and stretch your legs!"Michelle shouts from at the bottom of the stairs.
"Finally something to do!"you jump up off of the bed and race downstairs, arriving just as the bus stops moving.
"Alright people we have about 20 minutes before we leave again and we have about another hour before the next gas station so whatever you need to do, do it now. And remember you can't crap on the bus."Michelle orders before bustling you out of the bus.
"That means you Kristen."Julia laughs.
"Nah, I think I'll just hold it in until you guys can't escape."says Kristen wickedly.
"Oh God. Then we'd die before we ever became famous!"you joke. You and Kristen giggle before spotting the My Chemical Romance boys starting to get off of their bus; the other bands had ditched you A.S.A.P.; to your dismay however Bert had decided to continue to tag along but thankfully he was still staying on the MCR bus."Or maybe you could just stow away on their bus and kill them with your toxic fumes."You point to the MCR boys in particular.
"You know, it's not nice to point."Gerard snaps while airing out his black t-shirt; it was very hot out today.
"Ya well, nether is forcing people to look at your hideous face everyday so I guess we're even."
"Ya you're one to talk."Gerard frowns.
"Oh please! Comparing me to you is like comparing a diamond to pyrite."you give a wave with the back of your hand as you walk into the gas station store to grab some well needed junk food.
"What the hell is 'pyrite'?"you distantly hear Ray ask.
"It's Fool's Gold morons."Julia answers while following you. You walk into the store heading straight for the back freezers to look for some Root Beer Jones; you hear the bell on the door jingle twice behind you.
"I well I am rather like a diamond. Gorgeous, valuable and all the girls love me."Gerard smirks, walking up behind you."And you're definitely Fool's Gold."
"Oh really? And whys that?"you snap grabbing a few bottles out from the freezer.
"Because, anyone would have to be a "fool" to wanna be with you."You hear barking laughter from somewhere in the store.
"Ooooo so clever. You think that one up yourself Special Ed?"you retort, pointing to Gerard's bandaged and broken nose before while walking towards the counter; Gerard glares. The zit faced man working there starts to ring you up aswell as Julia and Morgan who bought Doritos, Lays, Aero bars, among other foods to rot your teeth out; you turn back to Gerard."Oh wait! You couldn't have done that because you don't have a brain."
"Look who's talking!" Mikey snorts, coming up beside you.
"What're you talking about?"you ask, confused. Morgan leans over.
"You're still wearing your pajamas."she whispers. You down to only see yourself in your over-sized blue Elmo night-dress and your mismatched pink Happy Bunny bottoms.
"Oooohhhh fuuucck."you curse in embarrassment.
"Ya, and I'm the one with no brain."Gerard rolls his eyes at you.
"Ya well...shut up."you duck your head and pull a piece of hair behind your left ear as you did when you were nervous or embarrassed. Gerard and Mikey laugh.
"That's the best you got?"Gerard raises an eyebrow.
"Oh go and eat some Funyuns jerk-off. C'mon guys, let's go before we go blind from the extreme ugliness in the room."You turn to go out the door with Julia and Morgan following you with their purchases.
"I wouldn't go out that door if I were you."Mikey says with an evil grin on his face.
"Well there's only one door so we kind of have to."Julia snaps. Morgan pushes open the door and you guys all walk into blinding sunlight.
^Stupid sun.^you think before screaming:
"What the hell!?"Morgan yells and spazes out; arms flying everywhere.
"It's called payback!"Frank yells as he and the other boys continue you to spray you with water filled Super Soakers.
"Hell ya!"yells Matt.
"Urgh!!"you scream raising your arms to defend yourself; it wasn't working.
"Ahhhh!"Julia sputters.
"Fuck off!"
"Eeeeee!"Morgan shrieks.
"I'm gonna kill you!"you and Julia say in unison. They eventually run out of water and start laughing like maniacs.
"Whats the matter? A little water never hurt nobody."Frank says in mock sympathy. You and Morgan shake your arms up and down in an attempt at getting rid of the water. Julia on the other hand got into Rage Mode.
"You're freaking dead!"she screams chasing after Frank like a bat outta hell.
"Holy shit!"Frank takes off running. Julia continues to chase him all around the gas station and the buses."Ah! Get away shorty!"
"EHHHHH!"Julia launches herself at him but misses.
"Get lost!"
"Whoa! What's going on?"Kyles asks as he comes off of the MCR bus; almost getting run over by the two.
"Look what your "boys" did!"you shriek pointing at yourself and Morgan.
"We're soaked!"Morgan moans wringing out her hoodie. Kyle slaps himself on the forehead.
"Guys? Seriously? What are you five?" Kyle chastises.
"They started it!"Matt snaps.
"Nooooo! You idiots started it!!!"you screech in Matt's face.
"You bastard!"Morgan yells in his face aswell.
"Look, look. You guys calm down."Kyle waves his hands in a diffusing gesture."Julia stop chasing Frank."Julia stops and Frank runs back onto the bus, slamming the door.
"Baby."you hear Julia mutter.
"Now listen, we all have to survive this trip for two damn months and it'd be alot easier if you atleast tried to get along."he looks at you and Gerard in particular."Now let's just get back on the buses and stop the nonsense Per-Men-Nant-Ly. Are we clear?"There are a few mumbles."I said ARE WE CLEAR!?"
"Ya, ya whatever."you mumble looking away.
"Fine."Gerard sighs. There are few more noises of agreement.
"Good. Now let's get'r going!"Kyle says happily as he walks back on the bus.
"What is he a hillbilly?"you mutter.
"Well even if he was, he'd still be better looking than you."Gerard mumbles. You shoot him a look that could kill Wolverine and start walking towards the bus.
"Ya, ya whatever. Nice nose by the way."you taunt over your shoulder. Gerard's broken nose had been completely gauzed up last night after the concert and he looked like he should be in a science fiction movie; as well as Bert who looked much worse with a broken arm and nose."I am not an animal. I am a human being."You start laughing and slam the bus door shut before Gerard can say anything back. You pop open a Jones and flop down on the couch beside Kristen. You take a swig of your Jones and sigh.
"Well that truce lasted long."Morgan says, tossing her hoodie into a corner.
"What the hell happened out there?"McKenzie asks from one of the chairs.
"Just guys being douche-bags."you answer.
"Why are you wet?"
"Because those assholes hit us with Super Soakers that's why!"
"That's mean."Kristen says with a scowl.
"I know right!"you exclaim."And we're all soaking wet and I walked around outside in my pj's for 15 minutes!"
"Ya but that's kind of your own fault."McKenzie says.
"Oh shut it!"you take another drink of your Jones and frown at the TV.
"Well we have to get them back."Julia says; coming downstairs after changing.
"But we just agreed that we wouldn't and Kyle will get mad again."Morgan criticizes.
"So!? They splashed us with SUPER SOAKERS!!!!"you snap."Do want to continue getting wet for the next two months!...Wow that sounding wrong."Kristen giggles.
"Come on Morgan, we've got to get them back!"says Julia. Morgan looks unsure.
"Please Morgan! It's complete immature fun! Just what we're good at."Morgan stays silent for a couple seconds.
"Uck! Fine I'll join."Morgan responds.
"Yay!"the rest of you shout.
"Now the question is how to get them back."Kristen says mischievously.
"Well we could always have Julia attack them, she's like a pitbull."you jokingly suggest; Julia gives her signature glare at you.
"Ya, well while you think of that I'm gonna go get changed."Morgan says going to go upstairs.
"Me too."you say.
"Oooo Morgan and Mckenzie are gettin' changed together."Kristen jokes. You laugh while flipping her off and continue upstairs. Once up there you search through your suitcases until you find some skinny jeans, white t-shirt and blue and grey striped sweater. You then run into the bathroom beating Morgan by seconds and get changed.

4:10: An Hour Later; Still Driving

You get out after showering, brushing your teeth and changing; seeing Morgan looking slightly mad that you had taken so long.
"I had to shower!"you explain.
"For an hour!?"
"Si senora."Morgan just rolls her eyes at you and slips into the bathroom. You walk downstairs and grab yourself some ketchup chips for lunch as well as the rest of your Jones that you hadn't finished. You go into the living room and see Julia and Kristen playing Super Smash Bros. Melee while Michelle and McKenzie are reading magazines. You sit on the floor and watch Julia and Kristen play for about another few minutes until Julia completely owns Kristen with Mario after killing off the two computer players.
"How could you lose with Yoshi!? He's amazing!"you shout at Kristen after her loss.
"Shut up."she replies.
"Let me play and then we'll talk about payback 'kay?"you snatch the second controller and start searching through characters.
"Payback?"Michelle asks from behind you.
"Ya, the boys kinda got the Three Brownie-teers with Super Soakers so now we're looking for revenge."McKenzie answers making reference to the fact that you, Morgan and Julia were all brunettes while Kristen, Michelle and herself were all blondes.(how did that happen?)(Oh and Kristen you are blonde, I saw a girl with your hair colour on What Not To Wear and Ted said her hair was blonde so ha!)
"Oh...sounds like fun!"Michelle smiles.
"Yep."Julia replies while kicking your ass with Link.
"Mess off Julia!"you have Headband Jigglypuff use Sing and put Link to sleep before kicking him off the stage.
"You guys are way too into this game..."McKenzie grumbles.
"Shut up."you and Julia reply in unison. Julia then kills you with half of her life left.
"Damn it!"you shout.
"Yay I win!"Julia says in glee. You in turn stick your tongue out at her.
"What-ev-er. Let's to the revenge part!"Michelle says excitedly. You all raise your eyebrows at her."What? Bugging the crap out of people is what I'm best at."she smiles.
"Fine you can join."Kristen says with fake exasperation.
"Yes well, if a certain someone would get her butt down here we could get stared."McKenzie says crabbily.
"Rawr."you and Kristen say doing the cat-clawing motion. McKenzie just rolls her eyes at the both of you.
"MORGAN!!!!!"Julia yells upstairs.
"Morgan!"you join in."Hurry up!!!"
"I'm coming jeez!"Morgan snaps in her nasally voice while walking down the stairs wearing new jeans and her Pokemon t-shirt.
"Oh so that's what you were doing up there."Kristen says mischievously. You burst out laughing.
"Morgan no master-debating in the bus!"you scold. Morgan just gives you a look before sitting down in the chair that Michelle wasn't occupying."Moo-ving on. Let's get to revenge!"
"Yays!"Michelle says once again raising an arm in triumph which raises her pink tank top over her mid-driff.
"So what do we do?"Morgan asks.
"Destroy them!"Julia puts in.
"Julia we can't do anything thing illegal...unfortunately."you reply.
"Well we should think of something when we get to the next gas station."Michelle suggests."They probably won't expect a retaliation so soon."
"Yes! We should hit them hard and fast."Kristen laughs.
"That's what he said."you giggle.
"Guys! Let's focus!"Michelle stands up and starts pacing the small space."We need to come up with something that will let them know that we girls mean war."
"Ya but what mien commandant?"
"I don't know. I'm just the general of this operation; I run this ship-bus-whatever. You guys need to find your roles."she flops back down onto her chair.
"Gee thanks."you sarcastically say.
"Hush Private!"
^I think this girl is on something...probably Fruit Loops.^(inside joke, tell you later)
"Come on guys let's think!"McKenzie says."We need to get those douche-bags back!"
"Well I already gave my suggestion."Julia replies. Morgan sighs.
"I don't even want to be a part of this."she whines.
"Shut up Morgan."
"Yes Morgan. No insubordination in my troop."Michelle says.
^Thinking, thinking! Man, it's times like this where I wish I was Jimmy Neutron. C'mon I've seen enough Jackass to be able to come up with a plan....Wait a minute, I've got it! Thank you Bam Margera!!!^
"Oh my God I have an idea!"
"Very good Private Mckenzie!"Michelle applauds.
"...'Kaaaayy. Anyways I saw this thing on this show called Jackass where they do pranks and stunts-"

5:08pm: The Next Gas Station

You all step off of the bus to stretch your legs and get some fresh air.(Btw, the only thing your driver does for the times you're not on the bus is take a smoke break...I totally didn't forget about him*shifty eyes* or his name...)The MCR boys, Kyle and Bert were already out there and yammering to each other. As soon as you all step off of the bus the MCR guys give you wicked glares and Bert walks quickly into the station.
"Ladies."you say, nodding in their direction which causes Kyle to give you a look, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Gentlemen."Frank replies. Kyle then proceeds to push the MCR boys into the station following Bert before an incident was caused. You all stand there and watch the door for a few seconds; it doesn't open again.
"Okay girls, ready for operation Smelly Payback?"Michelle says wickedly.
"Oh yes. I've got the stuff right here."Kristen smiles and holds up a large zip-lock bag filled with condiments.(Mustard, mayo, peanut butter and ketchup.)
"Awesome. Hands in."you all stick your hands on top of each other." 1, 2, 3! Go!" On "Go!" you all raced into the MCR bus, thankfully it was unlocked(Ah convenient plot points ^_^), except for Morgan(Omg! Kristen and Julia are the only girls who's name doesn't start with M! Hahahahaha!) who's role was now Look-Out so she stayed outside and was waiting to give the sign to say that the boys were coming back. Meanwhile on the bus, Kristen booked-it over to the microwave in the kitchen and shoved the baggy inside while the rest of you grabbed toilet paper and some mustard and ketchup bottles.
"C'mon let's get a move on!"you order while grabbing some toilet paper out of the tiny bathroom.
"Ya, they could be back any minute! Or see us." Julia says worriedly.
"My God these guys eat a lot."McKenzie says as she pulls out a fifth bottle of ketchup.
"Oh please, you know they're all Gerard's."you smile and laugh.
"Hurry up! We need more toilet paper."Julia orders.
"We're hurrying! Calm down!"
"Well we need to get out of here before they come back."
"We're almost done. Kristen hurry up."
"I am! This microwave is confusing!"she snaps at you.
"It's just some buttons! Press some and let's gooo!"
"Okay we got all the stuff. Let's get the fuck outta here!"McKenzie says, running out of the bus with Julia right behind her.
"Kristen, c'mon let's go!"you say wildly; nervous that you would here Morgan's signal.
"I'm coming!"Kristen pushes the microwave buttons and sets it for two minutes then followed you outside where Julia and McKenzie were busy "decorating" the MCR bus with toilet paper and condiments while Michelle stood there "supervising". You slam the door behind you and join the Trading-Spaces-Team-From-Hell.
"They're so going to hate this."McKenzie laughs; chucking toilet paper onto the roof.
"Oh just wait until they get inside, they'll really love us then."you smile while writing 'Satan Sisters wuz here' in ketchup on their front window.
"Awe ya."Kristen adds being fake gangsta.
"Take this!"yells Julia in utter delight. You all stare at her wide-eyed.
"Julia, you need to calm down."
"Bwahaha! I am Overlord!"
"....What!?"Julia ignores her and continues to "decorate". Kristen gives a confused look at you but all you can do is shrug and continue "decorating" as well. All of a sudden you all hear a shrill whistle coming from near the station.
^Uh oh.^
"The signal!!!"McKenzie gasps.
"They're coming back!"yells Kristen.
"Thank you Captain Obvious!"
"Guys we gotta go!"you snap at them.
"Exactly! Troops I order you to RUN!!!"Michelle grabs your homemade paper flag with a girl symbol on it from off of the ground and takes off for your bus; unfortunately you had to run right infront of the store to do so. The boys come out right as Michelle runs infront of the store, she raises the flag high up in air.
"VIVA LA RESISTANCE!!!!"she yells as she runs by and books it into your bus.
"Wha-"Gerard starts as he sees her run by; and then he sees his bus."-t THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO OUR BUS!!!!"he screams as runs towards you.
^So much for our fearless leader.^you think as you see Michelle slam your bus door shut.
"What? We just decorated a little."you say with a pout.
"Ya we were just being good tour-mates."McKenzie adds.
"Yo-yo-you-it's EVERYWHERE!"Franks yells in frustration.
"Okay stutter-pants, calm yourself."you taunt.
"How-why..."Mikey starts.
"It's called sweet revenge Stupid."says Julia with an evil smile on her face.
"Do you know how long this while take to clean off!!!"Gerard screams in your face.
"I don't know, or care."you smirk.
"GUYS! I told you to cut it out with this crap!"Kyle snaps in exasperation.
"So? Your girlfriend helped you know."says Kristen glaring.
"Don't be such a drama queen Kyle."says Julia.
"Seriously!? This is ridiculous!"
"Exactly! It was just a prank!"yells Gerard in anger.
"And so is this!"you yell right back.
"Atleast you can change clothes! We have to clean all of this crap off!!!"
"Well who's faults that!"
"NO YOURS! As usual!!!"
"Oh no, not again."Kyle groans.
"That was your fault!"Gerard snaps.
"You ran into me ya whale!"
"Chelsea!"you retort.
"....WHAT THE HELL IS A CHELSEA!?"Gerard screams in confusion.
"You are! Obviously!"
"You make no SENSE!"
"No you're just a dumbass!"
"You're one to talk Elmo!"
"Shut up!"
"Okay children, cut it out."Michelle suddenly appears behind you.
"Ahhhhh!"you screech in surprise.
"What, are you done hiding!?"Kyle snaps at her.
"Oh shush ya big sissy. Now listen up men!"
"Men?"McKenzie whispers to Morgan.
"Silence! Now as I said, listen up! I have a way to settle this argument."
"Murder?"you suggest, raising an eyebrow and glaring directly at Gerard.
"As fun as that sounds, no. I suggest that we, have a prank war."
"Prank war?"Mikey asks confused.
"Yes, a prank war."Michelle says this to him in a tone that makes him seem stupid."For the whole two months that we are on this tour, we play pranks on each other and whoever has played the most pranks wins."
"Wins what exactly?"Frank skeptically asks.
"Whatever the hell you two want from each other."
"Them to die?"asks Julia.
"NO! My God you girls are morbid. Anyway so what'dya think?"There is a slight pause.
"What are the rules to this "prank war"?"you ask.
"I'm glad you asked Mckenzie."she answers like a game show host."The rules are: no animals are harmed and no one gets sent to jail, the hospital or the morgue."she looks at you and Julia."And that's everything."
"I don't know..."Mikey says.
"Whats the matter? You scared we'd win?"McKenzie teases.
"Then shut up and let's do this thing."You look at Kristen and wait to see what she does.
"Sounds like fun."she grins. You shrug.
"Sure, why not. It'll get the giant baby off our butts anyways."you look at Kyle.
"Sure."Julia agrees.
"I guess."Morgan sighs. You all look at the boys.
"Well!?"you snap, waiting for an answer.
"This is so stupid."mumbles Ray, crossing his arms over his Day of the Dead t-shirt.
"Awe like you?"McKenzie jokes. Ray growls.
"Okay I'm in!"
"And what about you boys?"Michelle asks.
"Fine whatever."Frank sighs.
"Sure."agrees Matt.
"And you, Tweedle-Dim and Tweedle-Dimmer?"you ask Mikey and Gerard.
"Ha ha that's so original."Gerard says sarcastically.
"What-ever, you gonna play or not?"Gerard looks back at Mikey and he nods.
"Ya we'll play. It'll give us a chance to show you girls whose boss."Gerard sneers.
"Ya OK."you sarcastically say.
"You'll regret that sarcasm when we win. And when we do win, you girls have to..."He pauses for a second to think, then he gets an evil look on his face."Wear an My Chemical Romance shirt every time you go on stage from then on."You glare at him and you can feel the anger radiating from the other girls.
"Fine. But if we win, which we will, you guys have to dedicate all of your concerts to Satan Sisters from "then on"."
"What!"Ray screeches.
"That's bull."Frank snaps in agreement.
"Take it or leave it Chicken Little."you look Gerard directly in the eye.
"Fine."he puts out his hand and you shake it.
"Hurray! Prank war!"Michelle shouts happily.
"Ya...great..."Kyle rolls his eyes at her."But we to go now so we can actually continue the tour."
"Oh Kyle you're such a whiner! But he's right, we gotta go, so troop back on le bus! Foreword march!" You all just kind of roll your eyes at her and then start getting on your bus.
"What about our bus!?"Ray whines. Julia looks back at him and shrugs.
"Your bus, your problem."she says simply while bits of laughter could be heard coming from the Satan Sisters bus. You slam the door behind you just as you see Bert sneak out of the gas station and back to the boys.
^Tool bag.^you think as you sit down on the couch beside McKenzie who is rubbing a bit of ketchup off of her black tank top. You hear Rea(Oh so that's what I named him...shut up...) start up the bus.
"Well the war has begun."Morgan says sitting on the couch arm.
"Hell to the ya!"Michelle smiles.
"Who still says "hell to the ya"?"you whisper to Julia; she just shrugs.
"Yep and so far the score is 1-1."McKenzie finds a white board and writes your bands names on it with the points underneath.
"It's about to be 2-1. Come watch!"Kristen says excitedly while looking out of a window. You all crowd around the window and you see Gerard about to open the door to his bus; you all start to giggle.
"C'mon open the window! I wanna hear his reaction!"Julia whines. Kristen complies and opens the window so you can lean out hear Gerard's voice.
"Ya I know, they're so stupid. I mean really though, a prank war? We're already at 1-1 so they're just being plain-OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK!!!??? IT REEKS IN HERE!!!! WHAT DID YOU DOOOOO!!!! Oh my god I'm gonna throw up!"
"Holy Jesus that's disgusting!"Matt yells.
"I'm gonna puke."Mikey gets out just before he does actually puke.
"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Make that 2-1 bitches!!!"you scream as you drive past them.
"Have fun cleaning that out suckas!"Kristen yells while flipping them off. You all stare at them with their mouths open, some because they were gagging, as you drive off. You all put your heads back inside the bus and just laugh like mad.
"Oh my God that was so awesome!"you manage to get out after taking a few deep breathes.
"Now the war has begun."Kristen says with a huge grin across her face.
"Oh hells yes! Six-way-high-five-go!"Michelle orders. You all attempt a six-way high five, which didn't really pane out because most of you missed, but that was okay since you were all so happy.
"We're so gonna win."Julia plants herself down on one of the chairs."There's no way we can't!"
"Dude we could beat them if they had no arms or legs."you add sitting back down on the couch.
"Or brains."McKenzie adds as well, also sitting back down.
"They don't have brains anyways."says Kristen as she grabs some Party Mix from a kitchen cabinet.
"Well that's obvious. Oh can you grab us some Jones while you're there?"Michelle asks; sitting in the other chair. Kristen grabs six Jones' and passes them around, eventually sitting beside you on the couch.
"Well what do we do now?"Morgan asks; sitting on the floor as there's no other space.
"DUH!"yells Michelle."As your leader I'm here to tell you that A)We discover your positions in this troop and B)We plan our next strike."
"Why do we have to do part A?"McKenzie asks.
"Because I feel like it and I'm leader!"Michelle whines.
"Oh fine, just stop whining!"
"Yays! OK so I'm the wisest of this group which makes me the Wise Wo-Man, Mckenzie as lead singer you are automatically leader of this group, also you came up with ideas so you are The Thinker."
"Sweet."you reply in turn.
"Ya so anyway, Julia you're kind of good with games and shit so that would make you the Weapons Specialist."Julia just shrugs."Morgan, you really don't want to be involved and yet you're a tough...ish girl so you are the Muscle."
"Hey."Morgan replies.
"McKenzie, you are the Planner."Michelle continues."and lastly Kristen you did the actual deed so you are the Executor like Maes from FMA."
"When he died I cried!"Julia exclaims.
"Really!? Me too! Tre tragique!"
"Okay we all cried when Maes died, except Kristen and McKenzie 'cause they don't read manga, but anyways let's move on to part B."you suggest.
"Well if we're going to do something it should be before the concert..."Morgan says quietly.
"Should we mess with their bus again?"Kristen asks.
"Nah, I think we've fucked with that enough already."you answer as you pick out pretzels and Ringalos from the Party Mix."Plus they might do something to our bus...Rea make sure to lock it up if you leave during the concert."
"I will, don't worry."he answers.
^Why do accents make people hotter?^you wonder.(It's true, they really do)
"Kay thanks."you reply.
"Maybe we should lock their dressing room from the outside while they're in so they have to miss the concert."McKenzie suggests sounding bored as all hell.
"We want to pull pranks on them not be horrible people."snaps Julia."If we did that to them, that'd just be mean."
"True d-hat."Michelle agrees; you roll your eyes at her.
"Well then you guys come up with something!"McKenzie huffs and turns on the TV.
"Whatever."Julia says in return.
"We need something inventive and yet simple because really, we can only use the stuff in the buses."you say sipping your Jones.
"What if instead of doing something before the concert, we do something during the concert."suggests Kristen.
"Hmmm...maybe..."you start thinking.
"I suggest we leave this to The Thinker and we go make microwave pizza."Michelle orders.
"I don't like pizza."Julia says.(I know right?)
"Are you for serious!?"Michelle gasps.
"Ya, we think it's weird too."says Kristen, grabbing frozen pizza out of the freezer.
"It makes her fart."Morgan adds.
"Morgan!"Julia yells while shaking her fist.
"Ew!"laughs Michelle.
^Yes...very ew...^

7:00pm: Half Hour Before the Concert

"Oh my God I have an idea!"you yell as the bus pulls to a stop in the stadium parking lot.
"Ahhh!"Morgan freaks out as it was quiet before you shouted.
"Oh sorry. But I have an epic idea! All we need is an CD player, some black t-shirts and glow in the dark markers. And it'll be awesome because this'll be a two-for-one and then we'll have four points!"
"Sounds good, so whats the idea?"Michelle asks.
"Well for part one we-"you start but then the bus doors open up the reveal Kyle and you shut your mouth just in time.
"Hey girls, we've gotta go!"he demands."Because of your little "prank" we're late!"
^Someones cranky.^you think.
"So what? The boys are going first so who cares."McKenzie says, looking in no way ready to move off of the couch and away from her MTV Cribs.
"I don't care!"Kyles snaps."You guys made our bus smell like something died in there so you owe me! Now get the fuck out!!!"Kyle holds open the door for you girls.
"Whoa. Calm down dude. C'mon McKenzie."you say to him as you get off of the couch.
"Let's go!"You look over at Michelle and she just shrugs which you took to mean 'Just do it and let's get it over with.' so you get off of your ass and get off of the bus.
"Somebody has PMS."Kristen mumbles to you as she gets off and you start to laugh.
"Rawr!"you make the Clawing-Cat sign to Kyle; he just rolls his eyes at you as he tries to rush the rest of your group out.
"Calm down cranky, we're going!"Michelle snaps at him.
"Somebody has PMS."says Frank from where he and the rest of the boys are standing, which is by their bus.
"Kristen just said that like two seconds ago."you say to him.
"So? What's your point?"he sneers.
"Okay Children of the Corn, cut it out and get inside. You can bitch at each other all you want later."Michelle diffuses the situation that was about to occur.
"Fine."you and Frank say in unison. You guys grab your instruments with Michelle helping to carry the drums, as well as a change of clothes for the concert and follow Michelle into the back of the building and to your dressing room. It basically looked the same as the one from your first gig except this time it had mini fridge instead of a kitchen and you weren't sharing it with the boys. You all put your instruments and outfits in a corner of the room and flop down on various couches and chairs. You grab the remote for the TV and start flipping through channels until you found a Gundam Wing movie on.
"Oh my God! Endless Waltz! I looove this movie!" The rest of the girls stare at you like you have four heads."Whhhaaat? It's awesome!"
"Ya that's great. So what's the plan!?"McKenzie whines with her head propped up by her hand.
"Shhh, I'm watching Gundam Wing."
"You shh! Tell us the plan!."
"I'm doing stuff though."
"What stuff!? You're watching TV!!!"
"That's stuff, and it's Endless Waltz."
"You can watch it later, tell us now."
"Tell us!"you hear Morgan demand from inside the mini fridge as she was looking for food.
"Meeehhh. I'm busy."you whine while no taking your eyes off the screen.
"Meeehhh, I wanna beat the boys." McKenzie mocks you. You in return stick your tongue out at her.
"C'mon "Thinker", just tell us what it is."says Julia, also watching the TV.
"Shut up "Special"-est. And not the good special ether. The bad Raditz..." Julia gives you her glare and you glare right back until she starts laughing."Ya exactly."
"Why can't you just ask Rea to tape so we can win this thing?"Kristen suggests while putting on some brown eyeshadow infront of the make-up mirror; you start thinking about it.
"...Oh God damnit..."you whip out your cell phone(they had them back then, the just weren't very popular; we're going to pretend for this moment that they are though) and immediately start texting Rea.

OMG dude u g2 do me a huge favour


You ttly g2 tape Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz 4 me

wth? gundam wing?

yes Gundam Wing! now plz do this 4 me!

wtf is gundam wing?

an awsme anime show that's on right now but I can't watch it so plz tape it!!!

what will u do 4 me if i do? >:)

-_-' ...stfu and just do it plz

fine wtevr ttyl

ty so much! ur the best! luv u g2g bye! :)

bye :)

(Wow I just felt like I wrote My Immortal)As soon as you finished texting you start to tell your plan.
"Okay so the thing is that for this plan to work...we need to sneak back on the bus..."
"What!?"Kristen exclaims.
"It was dangerous enough the first time! Now we gotta do it again!"Morgan shouts jumping up from the fridge.
"I know!"you snap."But it's all part of the plan."
"What plan? You haven't even told us the plan!"
"Thee plan."
"Ugh. Maybe this'll work better if you just tell us what 'thee plan' is."suggests Michelle who is sitting on a big blue bean bag chair.
"Okay well part 1 is that we take their black t-shirts which they wear all the time, write on them in glow-in-the-markers and then while they're performing we turn all the lights down so the writing shows."you explain.
"Hmmm, interesting."Julia contemplates.
"And part two is, when the lights go back on and they start singing again we turn their mics off and start playing Celine Dion's most annoying song ever, My Heart Will Go Om."
"Awesome!"Michelle agrees with your plan. She leaps up off of the bean bag chair and onto the coffee table."We will win this fight in the name of the moon, we shall punish you...boys!" You, Julia and Morgan stare at her since you're the only ones who watch anime in the group.
"...Thank you Sailor Moon."you say sarcastically.
"Hush woman!"Michelle points at you.
"You 'hush' bitch."
"It means you're open to the public."Kristen explains while she laughs.
"Ohhh-hey!"Michelle pouts as you join Kristen in joyous laughter.
"Ha ha Michelle's a skank!"you joke. Michelle gives you a look; you sigh."Oh-tay, I's sowrry."you stand up and walk around the couch to give her a hug. She has other ideas and pushes you off of her.
"No! No hugs for you."she crosses her arms and turns the other way.
"Okay weirdos. We have literally 20 minutes to do this thing so lets go!"McKenzie orders as she start to walk out of the room. Michelle runs over and grabs her arm then pulls her back in.
"Hold up there missy."Michelle says loudly.
^Who says 'missy'?^ you wonder.
"Now I am the boss of this here rodeo and we leave when I says we leave a'ight!?"orders Michelle while sounding like the mix between a country girl and a gangsta.
"But we have to leave now or we'll never get it done!"argues McKenzie while pausing inbetween each word and putting her hands on her hips.
"We leave when I say we do Private Planner."you, Kristen and Julia giggle at how stupid that sounded.(Just like Darren Shan's: Grubs the Magic-Ginger-Werewolf.)McKenzie just rolls her eyes at Michelle as she sits back down with her arms crossed in an act of defiance.
"Stupid bitch."she mumbles.
"Okay wo-men! Ten-hut!"Michelle says like a true general. You all slowly stand up since you're all pretty lazy people."Foreword...sneak!"she turns towards the door and starts tip-toeing out. She sticks her head out and looks both directions before waving for you all to follow her. You and Julia give each other exasperated looks as Morgan asks:
"Michelle?-"Michelle turns to give her a glare."I mean Wise Wo-man...what the hell are you doing?" The "Wise Wo-man" rolls her eyes at the question.
"Dur! If we don't snake around then the boys might catch us! Or worse...Smile Sharks..."she again looks both ways before sneaking out of the room.
"...'Smile Sharks'!?"Julia yells.
" 'snake around'?"Morgan wonders.
"She's literally retarded, isn't she?"you rhetorically ask Kristen. She just shrugs her shoulders.
"Ya, but she does have a point, we need to be sneaky or else the boys will catch us."
"Meh."you groan as you start to tip-toe out of the room and follow Michelle's trail. You sneak up until you're about a hands width apart and the other girls followed suit behind you. Soon you were all "snaking" down the halls in single file, warily watching every corner for the sign of "goffick emo boys". You kept twisting and turning left and right, up and down and before you knew it you were completely lost, however your "Wise Wo-man" seemed to know the way so you just followed her lead and hoped it would eventually lead outside. Suddenly Michelle held her fist up and crouched down beside a corner in the seemingly endless hallway. You knew a little bit of military language, mostly from movies and TV shows such as Pearl Harbor, so you knew the fist thing meant 'stay low and shut up' so you crouched down as well. Soon after you felt someone bump into you and others bump into them, after that there was murmured squabbles about people bumping into each other and stepping on toes until Michelle turns around and holds up her finger to her mouth in the universal 'shh' gesture. You turn to them and signal for them to crouch down as well. You then all inch closer and peek around the corner to see what Michelle had seen and to your un-surprise it was Gerard and Kyle standing there chatting about God knows what.
^Of course it's them! Why wouldn't it be them with my luck!^you think with slightly angry cynicism. You poke Michelle in the shoulder and when she turns around you shrug at her and mouth:
"What do we do!?" She mouths something back that looks like she says 'I don't know.' and then something else that looked like it was said with anger. You narrow your eyes and raise your arms in a 'what?' gesture. Michelle rolls her eyes at you and then turns around while grabbing something from her pocket. You feel someone touch your shoulder and you around to see Morgan mouth the exact same thing you did at first. You're about to answer her back except all of a sudden you hear your cruddy cell phone ring at an extremely loud volume. You give Michelle an open mouth shocked look as that was her ringtone on your phone."Michelle!"you screech outloud.
"How was I supposed to know your phone wasn't on vibrate!?"
"I don't know!? Have brain cells!"
"Guys! Shut up and run!"McKenzie takes off past a stunned looking Gerard and Kyle and the rest of you soon follow suit.You race down the hall and burst through a door which amazingly lead to the outside world; and to the buses. McKenzie leads the charge around the corner of the building before you stop to catch your breath. You lean up against the building and take in a few deep breaths before you can talk.
"Well that was a fun heart attack!"you snap at Michelle.
"Not so wise now, are you Mich?"taunts McKenzie.
"A) Don't call me "Mich", B) Again, how in the hell was I supposed to know your fucking phone was on!?"
"You shouldn't have texted me in the first place! What the hell did you say that was so important anyways!"you take your phone out of your pocket and look through your texts. You finally found the one from Michelle and it reads:

i said: IDK your the fckin Thinker you figure it out!!!! dumbass!

"Really Michelle!? Really!?"
"You asked!"
"And it couldn't wait until later!?"
"Hey guys!"Kristen interrupts.
"What!?"you and Michelle say in unison.
"Um hello?"she gestures to the empty MCR bus.
"Oh...right..."you mutter, feeling dumb.
"Ya, so let's go get their stuff before they come back to actually, you know get their t-shirts."McKenzie says like a smartass.
"Exactly Planner! This is where you and Executor come in, so how do ya wanna do this?"Michelle asks looking like a kid about to get a puppy.
"Uh, I...umm..."she stammers obviously not thinking her part through.
"Well. What's your plan Ms. Hurry-up?"you taunt, leaning close to her.
"Shut up!...Well I guess we should...a...split into two groups and could get the shirts while the other one, I don't know, runs to the Dollarama(idk if there's Dollarama in America...) and gets the markers..."she finishes lamely.
"Okay then, and who will be one these teams?"you continue to taunt.
"I was getting to that!"she snap in your face making you jump back."Uh Team T-Shirt will be...Me...Kristen and Team Dollarama will be Julia and Morgan."
"What about mmmeeeee!"Michelle whines like a five year old.
"You can be fucking look-out!"she yells getting frustrated.
"But I'm lleeaaader."
"Hey! You told me to plan so I planned!"
"Stop using logic against me!"
"You're an idiot!"
"Michelle just do it!"you snap.
"Oh fine."Michelle pouts and goes to stand near the door you all just ran out of.
"Call us if they come out!"Kristen shouts after her, Michelle just turns around and sticks out her tongue.
"Well that was fun."you say with sarcasm.
"Like going into a cougar cage at the zoo."Julia adds. You snort and then push yourself off of the wall and start towards the boy's bus. The Other McKenzie and Kristen follow as Julia and Morgan walk to the Dollarama.

7:33pm:Concerto Time(Coincidentally while I'm writing about hating on the MCR boys, I'm listening to S.I.N.G. lol)

"Who's ready for some M! C! R!"Kyle yells from the lighted up stage. You hear a string of cheers coming from the front of the stage. The first stages of your plan had gone off without a hitch. Team T-Shirt had stolen the shirts with no problem and Team Dollarama had absolutely no trouble. You also all managed to get writing on the shirts and put them back before the boys had noticed; it had almost been too easy. Now your group was all dressed up and just waiting by the sound/light stage backstage.
"Oh my God, this is going to be awesome!"says Kristen excitedly.
"I know!"you squeal in absolute delight. Kyle walks off as MCR walks on and comes towards you.
"Bonjour Kyle."you give a small wave.
"No French!"says Julia, tugging at her Wolverine t-shirt.
"You better not do anything during the concert, concerts are off-limits."Kyle warns with a glare. You give him a sigh and cross your arms over your gray Beatles shirt.
"Kyle, I swear to God we will not do anything during the concert."
"Good."he then walks off to go find Michelle. Your group gives you weird looks.
"Too bad I don't believe in God."you smirk and the group giggles.
"Now we just lead them into a false sense of security."Kristen gives an evil smile. McKenzie came up with the idea to let them get a few songs in before Prank One began.
"Yes, and then we just sit back and enjoy."you give a glare at the back of Gerard's head and then start to sing along."Sing it for the boys! Sing it for the girls! Everytime that you lose it, sing it for the world!"

You all just stood there and got through the rest of Romance as well as Cubicles, Skylines and Turnstiles, Vampires Will Never Hurt You and Drowning Lessons before McKenzie gave the nod that said it was time for the war to truly begin.
"Okay guys, get ready for Demolition Lovers!" Gerard yells into the mic and starts to sing. Kristen turns to the sound guy and gives him $50 to walk away and then fishes out her CD player and cord; she then attaches it to a plug that would connect it to all the speakers.

^Hand in mine, into your icy blues
And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway
With this trunk of ammunition too
I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I'm trying, I'm trying
To let you know just how much you mean to me
And after all the things we put each other through and-Every night in my dreams,
I see you, I feel you.
That is how I know you, go on.^

"Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!"you burst out laughing as the cool, rock lyrics turn into the Queen of Awful Music, Celine Dion.
"!"Morgan breaths out inbetween laughter. The crowd starts to get weirded out and boos the boys as they look around trying to figure out where the music was coming from.

^Near, far, wherever you are!
I believe that the heart does, go on.^

Suddenly Gerard spots you girls by the sound-stage and laughing like hyenas and stomps towards you. You notice and turn to Morgan.
"Part Two Morgie Fleetage."
"Don't call me that!"she replies. She then turns on a single flashlight so atleast you could all see and flips a switch making all the lights go out. There were a few screams and shouts as everyone freaked out before everyone started noticing odd glowing writing on the stage. Writing that said things such as: I'm with Stoopid(whilst pointing towards someones crotch area), I luv Barney the dinosaur, my face is made for radio, ITS NOT RAPE ITS SURPRISE SEX LADIES and the classic My Mom Thinks I'm Hot...TT_TT. All at once everyone, including the Satan Sisters, burst into laughter at the ridiculous slogans. Personally, you had to grab onto Kristen's shoulder to keep from literally rolling on the floor laughing. Then you started to hear things falling over and shrill mic sounds as the boys tried to find their way off of the stage which only made everyone laugh harder.
"Oh my God perfect!" McKenzie laughs while holding onto the lighting system.
"Hahahahaha!!!!"Julia laughs aswell, her face turning purple and tears rolling down her face. You, Kristen and Morgan meanwhile were just trying to gasp in air from lack of the ability to stop laughing.
"Ow fuck!"you hear from the stage as someone bumps into something. This only made you all laugh impossibly harder and you finally couldn't take it anymore and fell on the ground.
"Julia you look like a blueberry!"Kristen points at Julia's completely purple face and laughs some more. Julia starts snorting and a big snot bubble bursts out of her nose.
"Ewwww!!!"you laugh."Julia!"Julia only wipes the snot off on her arm and laughs at herself. Suddenly you all spot a beam of light coming towards you and behind it you can see Kyles illuminated face.
"Oh sh-shit!"McKenzie gets out as Kyle approaches you.
"We're in trouble."Morgan adds wiping the tears from her face with her blue t-shirt. But instead of yelling like you all expected Kyle just gave you a look and flipped the lights back on. You all look towards the stage and all you can see is dazed looking boys strewn over knocked over equipment which made everyone just start laughing again, including the audience.
"I can't believe you guys."Kyle sighs with underlying anger.
"Oh calm down, and take the stick outta your ass."McKenzie snaps in a jokey manner. Kyle just stomps onstage to help out and defuse the situation.
"Attention everyone."he says into a mic."The rest of the concert will unfortunately be canceled."he glances back at you."Due to technical difficulties." There were many awes as people started to leave the stadium. You glanced at everyone in the group with worried eyes, you hadn't expected the whole concert to be canceled.
"What do we do?"Morgan whispers worriedly.
"I don't know!"Julia whispers back while scratching at her neck which was now bright red and looked like she had been attacked by a rabid cat.
"Oh shoot."you say as you run onstage and snatch the mic from Kyle. You take a moment and look around."Attention people!"everyone turns to look back at you."Umm Kyle over here was just kidding around."you give an awkward smile."The concert will most definitely go on. Kyle was confusing the concert time with Gerard's beddy-bye time."everyone laughs a bit and starts coming back in and sitting down.
"Ya! So who's ready for some real music and not that "titanic" bullcrap!?"Kristen shouts into a mic she picks up off of the floor.
"Ya!"the audience shouts back.
^Oh thank Jesus. Also that joke was terrible Kristen.^you sigh in relief.
"Sorry for stealing your thunder boys, but I'm sure your 'mommy still thinks you're hot'."you laugh as the boys get off the stage looking pissed off as all hell."Now get ready for the Sa-Tan Sisters!!!"

8:45pm: After Le Concert
You were now offstage chowing down on some food when the boys decided to walk over and ruin your mood.
"What up cranky."you say to Gerard once seeing his face.
"I cannot even begin to say how pissed off I am, how dare you do that!"he spits in your face.
" A) Ew."you wipe spittle off your face."B) You're just jealous that we are now, what 4-1?"you rhetorically ask your gang; they just smile back at you.
"Look Gerard, go back and play with your little dolls and leave us alone 'kay?"Julia waves him off.
"We will get you back for this, you just wait."Frank threatens, red faced.
"Um that's the point of the war stupid."you retort. The boys stomp off with evil glares.
"I say cheers to victory!"Michelle pops up behind you with bottle Pepsi; she hands one to each of you.
"Cheers to victory!"you all shout and clink your bottles.

♠ ♠ ♠
hey this is almost caught up with my Gundam Seed fan-fic in terms of number of chapters! It's so hard for writing things for back in 2002!!! I was in Grade 2 then, I don't remember much!