Status: Work In Progress.

Destroyer Of The World.

The One & Only Chapter...

I was pacing back and fourth in my office, thinking about how to start off my new short story. How do I do this? I thought to myself, tapping a pen on my forehead. Perhaps it should be in third person? No, first. Dammit, Daniel, think. I stopped pacing and sat at my desk. My laptop was open, with wordpad up. I stared at the blank page, with the curser blinking. mocking me. I slammed down my fist. A walk. I need a walk. I need the fresh air to help me think stright. Yes. Daniel, go for a walk. I stood up quickly and ran out the door. I walked down the path in my backyard, through the woods. I walked for a good five minutes, then went back home.

But for some odd reason, I decided, I didn't want to go back through the back door. I wanted to go through the front door. I walked around the stone path leading to my house. There was a man at the door, who looked like he was about to ring the doorbell. "Can I help you?" I asked the man. He turned to me. He was in a long black leather coat, with a black winter hat. He was wearing dark sunglasses, so I couldn't make out his face.

"Mister Daniel Padfut?" Asked the man. I nodded my head. He ran down the steps of my house frantically. He pulled a brown box out of his jacket. "Protect this. With your entire life. Do not tamper with it, make sure nothing happens to it. No matter what situation is going on, make sure it's okay." He gave me the box, and ran off.

What just happened? I asked myself. I shrugged and went back inside. I went back into my office and set the box on my desk. I cracked my knuckled and started writing my short story. I wrote the opening sentence when the box started to rumble. Puzzled, I opened the box. A bright white light shone from the box. I sat back in my chair and stared at the light. What is this? I thought. All of a sudden, a large floating green emerald shot out of the box. I gasped, I've never seen a gemstone so beautiful. I looked in the box to see if there was a note or anything. Nothing, just an empty box.

I touched the emerald, and it moved out of the way. "Whoa." I whipsered, "It can move on its own..." I can also speak. It said. Well, it didn't really say it but I could hear it. I bet you're wondering why I'm here. What I mean. Am I correct? it asked me. I nodded my head, "Very much so," I said. I was part of a project that the government was working on, called project emerald. Now what I was designed for was to destroy the world. They decided I was too powerful and tried to rid me. But see, I'm supposed to represent the world, whatever happens to me, happens to the world, so obviously they couldn't destroy me... Instead they set me free.

Holy shit. Was this thing for real? Yes, I am for real. Also, another thing you must know about me, is that if I feel like I'm being attacked by a person, I will destroy them. So please, don't move too fast, and no sudden and loud noises. "Destory... Like, how destroy?" I asked it. More than likely blow you up. It replied.

So I went on with my day, talking to the emerald. "Do you have a name?" I asked it, eventually. I do, he said, The gouvernment called me Aliquam, which means Green in Latain. He explained to me. I nodded. "You know, Alquam? You're the first person... Uh, thing... to talk to me in about six months. My family thinks I'm going insane, because I'm alone all the time, just writing short stories. But I really enjoy talking to you. You actually carry on conversations, but I guess you would have to be smart, since you're part of the gouvernment."
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So remember its not done, but i would like some feed back. :3