Whatever It Takes

Chapter Three

"Riley!" Anya opened the door and reached to hug her friend. He stepped back, shaking his head.

"I got jumped walking home from The Dot..." he motioned to his bruised cheek.

Anya made a sympathetic face and opened the door more widely, "Before you go to the kitchen...Please forgive me."

Riley raised an eyebrow, "For what?" he asked, peeking around the corner.

Anya walked with him, "I kind of...invited someone over..but it was before you called me, in my defense!"

"Who-" Riley was cut off when he saw a slim, tall Asian boy leaning against the counter. He stared at Riley, his mouth opened slightly. "Oh..." Riley finished his sentence and stopped, awkwardly, in the doorway.

Anya glanced at both of them, "Well? Someone say something!" she checked her buzzing phone, "Oh. It's Owen. Be right back."

Zane took a deep breath, pressing his lips together, "You came out to your dad?" he asked, softly, looking at his feet.

"Yeah..." Riley nodded, examining Zane. Damn. He was so perfect. "I'm glad I did."

Zane moved slowly to stand beside Riley. "We've broken up twice now...I don't want to play these little games anymore, Riley...but the only reason we've had to break up is because you didn't come out...but now you have...and..." he looked to the ground. "I miss you."

Riley hesitated but then wrapped his arms tightly around Zane's waist, ignoring the ache in his ribs. Then he pressed his forehead against his and exhaled softly. "I've missed you too."

Zane lifted his head up and kissed Riley, once, "Come stay with me tonight. Anya's mom wasn't too happy when Anya told her you needed a place to stay. My mom won't care."

"So this means you've forgiven me for acting like such an ass at The Dot?" Riley asked, self-consciously. Of course he knew he had been an idiot. Zane nodded.

"Come on," he put his hand on Riley's back, "I'll drive."


Riley sat down on Zane's bed, looking around at his bedroom. The walls were dark blue, black furniture decorated the space and next to his bed was a large cork board, where a picture strip from a photo booth was pinned to the exact middle. Five pictures of Zane and Riley that were very familiar because Riley had a copy of the same one, but his was tucked away in a drawer in his dresser.

"Ready for some TLC?" Zane said, coming back down the stairs. His room was also the basement. In his hands he held a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water.

Riley started to stand up but Zane sat down beside him, "I can't believe they just jumped you like that." he sighed, giving Riley the glass and then started to read the back of the medicine bottle. He counted out three tablets and then put them in Riley's hand. "And no one called the cops?"

"Not that I know of." Riley knocked back the pills and put the glass on Zane's bedside table. "Thanks." he added. Zane smiled slightly and kissed Riley's cheek, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Riley asked.

Zane turned around, "I'm sleeping on the couch."

Riley's eyebrows knitted together, "Why?" he asked. He glanced at the clock, it was getting kind of late, but he had still been hoping to spend some time with Zane. No, not doing anything like...that...but enjoy his company anyway.

"Isn't that the gentlemanly thing to do?" Zane asked, pulling off his shoes and putting them beside the closet. Riley's were already off, at the foot of the bed.

"Well, sure...but..."

Zane sat back down on the bed, "I guess I can stay down here for a little while."

"Good." Riley smiled, satisfactorily. Zane crawled to the other side of the bed and laid down, beckoning Riley to do the same. He leaned back on the pillows and slipped an arm behind Zane.

Needless to say, as soon as they agreed on watching the fifth Harry Potter movie and got settled in and comfortable, Zane ended up falling asleep with his head on Riley's shoulder. Ri kissed his temple and turned off the television, sinking into the bed and closing his eyes.

"Hey, Ri?" Zane mumbled, stirring.

"Huh?" Riley replied, half-opening his eyes and turning to him.

Zane leaned over and kissed Riley softly, "I love you."
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i love this story (: