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Your Nightmare

#10- Bipolar sweetie pie.

Sky woke up in the morning being shook fast. Her eyes shot open to a panicked Brian leaning over her, mumbling something to himself.

He began to walk back and forth in the bed room, “Get up, I forgot we're meant to be going out for Shadow's birthday tonight because tomorrow we have tour practise. Shit, Fuck!”

She rubbed her head as she watched him tumble around the room with one sock on, one off, his shirt undone and his jeans still open randomly cursing at everything he dropped in his path. On the end of the bed was a dress he had obviously picked out for her. Trying not to piss him off she quickly grabbed the dress and pulled it over herself, she then began running around just like Brian. She put on a tiny bit of make-up and she carefully chose a nice pair of shoes that would go with the beautiful red dress that he had picked out for her to wear. She had never seen it before so she guessed it was one of the girls.

They both got ready in record time, Sky ready before her owner. He was bent over into the mirror trying to spike his hair up, growling in annoyance when it went wrong. She slowly walked over to him, her arms out in the air.

“Here, let me do it.” She spun him around and began fixing his hair on her tippy-toes. He smiled at how cute she was to him, and that same wave of guilt washed over him again as he stared at her innocent face.

“There,” She sighed “I like it like that” She smiled at him sweetly and began to do up the buttons on his white shirt, leaving the top three undone. He brushed a small strand of hair out from her eyes and took her hand. He grabbed his phone and wallet before they both made their way down the stairs.

Zacky volunteered to drive to the bar, he said he had way to much to drink the other night and he needed a rest. Brian couldn't stop staring at his beautiful little girl, her face beautiful as she spoke to Jimmy, her body that looked so perfect in the dress he had picked out for her. He hated to fact he'd raped that beautiful girl, snatched her innocence away from her during a fit of rage. He hated himself for doing that.

“Stop staring dude, your eyes will fall out.” Jimmy sang as he reached over and punched Brian in the chest, he just laughed awkwardly as Sky blushed and looked down at her feet again, something she did when she was nervous or embarrassed.

Walking back into the same bar where they had eaten Sky felt a little safer knowing that she had been there once before, she felt like she at least knew her surroundings a little. Shadow's decided that the guys would pay separately tonight, so everyone went up to the bar.

“I'll have a Vodka and coke please” Sky stated as soon as they reached the bar. Syn looked down at her as he crossed his arms on the bar and she hoped on the seat next to him, smiling a cute smile.

“Oh of course”

He ordered the drinks in and made Sky's drink extra strong just for his sake. Everyone was taking and Sky went off with the girls too dance on the dance floor while all the guys stood by the bar admiring their own. All of them smiling like idiots at their own girl, the girl they all had chosen themselves, the girl they were all madly in love with.

“She can be really sweet you know.” Syn smiled as he watched her dance.

“She seems so scared all the time” Zacky commented after drinking some coke, “I mean, tonight she seems okay.”

“The girls like her anyway.” Shadows chirped in, “And I'm guessing you do to Syn...” He hinted.

Of course. It was that time to decided whether he wanted to keep her or not. Of course he did. Zacky didn't keep his girl once, Shadows took care of her. Obviously the girl isn't just to be handed back. She had to be killed, to keep the bands reputation the same.

“Yeah I do.” He said bluntly as he turned around to order another Jack Daniels.

“You might want to think again...” Johnny said tapping his friend on the shoulder nervously.

He looked over to see his sky talking to some other guy. He slammed his JD on the bar and began to make his way over, but Shadows grabbed his arm and pulled him back, “Wait. See what she does.”

All five of them watched Sky get left alone with the guy as the other girls disappeared from the dance floor and into the opposite direction. Sky stopped dancing and pushed a piece of hair behind her hair as the guy got dangerously close to her and she shuffled back awkwardly trying to push his chest away with one arm, her drink spilling slightly over her as he pushed himself closer.

Syn screamed in annoyance and he charged. He pushed the guy back with force, making him drop his beer all over the place. The whole bar went silent and only the music was heard. Sky stood in shock behind Brian.

“Who the fuck are you?” The guy spat squaring up to Brian. Brian’s fists clenched at his sides so tight that they went red, then bright white, his jaw tight.

“I'm her fucking boyfriend. She said no. So. Fuck. Off.” He spat and pushed the guy away again. That’s when Shadow's leapt in and, being the size he is, making both of the men back off. The random guy walked off and joined his friends at a table still cursing Syn out. Syn wrapped his arm around Sky's shoulder and walked her to the bar. His chest was beating so hard that his top was going in and out like a horses. Sky looked up at him as he gulped back the rest of his JD.
“S-Sorry.” She finally said as she analysed his face, terrified. “I told him to go away.”

He looked down at her, “I know you did. That's why I got fucked off.” He pulled her closer to him and she rested her head against her side.

“Why is it that everywhere I go I cause so much trouble?” She sighed playing with a small ring on her index finger. He began fiddling with her hair, running his fingers through feeling it silky smooth.

“I'm sorry.”

“What for?” She asked pulling away from him.

He huffed and looked up, then down at his feet. “I shouldn't of done that the other night, and I'm sorry.” Even though he was thinking about it, it was turning him on slightly. He shuffled awkwardly as he felt himself becoming aroused.

Her mind flashed back, her body tensing. Syn noticed, making him feel even more guilty, “I know.”

“Please don't do it again.” Sky knew he didn't really care so she couldn't turn around and tell him that it was okay, it had put her off having sex for life.

He nodded and turned around to order more alcohol. It was starting to get to Sky now and she was starting to feel slightly drunk. She didn't want Syn to know though, so she kept it quiet. The last thing he needed to know was that she was drunk and vulnerable. She didn't want to look at him in the eye. For some reason she felt guilty.

He told her that he needed to go outside and smoke, he didn't really want her coming with him because he didn't want her to feel the need to smoke, but she insisted. Syn guessed it was because of the guy that kept staring at her that he got into a fight with so he took her hand and lead her around the smoking area of the bar.

She noticed how tense his arms appeared, obviously from almost punching the shit out of a guy for hitting on her. Sky must admit though, she did enjoy someone standing up for her for a change. It meant that he must really care about her, or he wouldn't of risked himself getting hurt.

He sat down on a two-seat table furthest away from the table, gesturing her to sit on the seat opposite him. She did so, adjusting her dress as she sat on the wicker chair, the pieces stuck into her legs making her feel uncomfortable so she decided to stand up and lean against the metal railings.

Her eyes wondered around the sky. In London where she lived, she couldn't see any of the stars due to the huge towering buildings and the disgusting fog that covered the roof of London. But here, they were all visible, small but beautiful, “I've never seem the stars before.”

“That’s nothing, you should see them on a night like this at the park.” He took another drag of his cigarette, “It's amazing. Lit up like a Christmas tree.”

She imagined it in her head like something out of a film she had watched, “C-Can we go there?”

“Yeah, okay.” He nodded as he sat forwards trying to brush the smoke away from blowing into her face. He put the rest out as soon as he seen her slightly cough and clear her throat. Standing up he held out his hand and helped her over the railings of the bar before casually leaping over himself.

The road next to them was loud, busy but beautiful. Everything seemed to go in slight slow motion for Sky, she knew it was the alcohol so she didn't tell Syn. He walked with his hands in his pocket, not wanting to pressure her into anything.

He lead her into a park, about the size of a football field. The outside was covered in knee-length railings and the middle had a beautiful water fountain, covered with amazing flowers and huge tall trees.

“Wow, it's just like the movies” She giggled slightly jogging into the park, embracing her surroundings. She looked up and Brian was right, the sky shone brightly above them, making the sky illuminate. She lay down at stared up at the sky, pulling Brian down with her. She was sober enough to know that she wanted to kiss him. He fell next to her and rested himself on his elbows. Sky leaned on his shoulder and they sat in silence for a second staring up at the stars.

“Thank you for taking me here.” She smiled as she looked up at him, her head cocking slightly to the side.

“Don't mention it.” He smiled before leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. Her hand found the back of his head and he turned her onto her back before leaning on top of her. Kissing her deeply he felt her smiling through the kiss, it sent his insides buzzing. She pulled back and touched his chest, breaking the kiss.

“Your heart is beating like a bitch” She smirked up at him, her hand on his chest.

He shrugged and grabbed her hand, his fingers intertwined with his as he kissed her again. She just prayed her wouldn't ruin it by going to far, but the butterflies in her stomach felt amazing. She couldn't be falling for the Bi-Polar sweetie pie .. Could she?
♠ ♠ ♠
AWWWW. Sorry. I really am. I didn't want this to happen this quickly but omg im just in a Brian mood and can't stop listening to Dear God.
Guys i need your opinion on what you like, nasty Brian or nice Brian? Whatever one ill fix in x)
I'll update at 5 comments about the opinions!
(I wrote this on my phone again, I'm sorry! I'll be less slack the next Chapter and write it on my laptop so there's no errors!)