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Your Nightmare

#20- Tour.

Zacky suggested that they go downstairs and watch some TV together. He made them both a bowl of popcorn and popped them both open a bottle of beer. She felt like she finally had a friend, a nice one. They talked for a while and she found herself asking him a lot of questions about the band. She was surprised when she found out that Shadows was the lead singer, she couldn't imagine him having a good voice.

“Hey, why don't I put some stuff on for you?” He asked with a slight twinkle in his eye. She nodded and laughed as he quickly pulled out his iPhone and closed his eyes with his index finger pointed over the screen,

“Tell me when to stop.”

She giggled as he began to flick down the line of music, there was a lot. She waited for a couple of seconds before finally shouting stop.

The music began right away, it was a slow song. It sounded country, a bit like some artists she had heard back home. Then she heard the most beautiful voice she thought she had ever heard. Her mouth dropped into a huge O and her eyes went extremely wide. Zacky chuckled at her reaction.

“T-That's Shadows? His voice is so beautiful.” She breathed. She hated the guy but she could marry his voice.

Zacky nodded while stopping the music and placed his phone back into his jeans pocket. He explained his whole life and how he had met all of the guys. She felt like she had known him forever by 10pm. He then started to talk about Zoe. Sky was smiling as he spoke about her. His voice was so filled with love, he treated her like she was the only thing that mattered to him. She was a crazed fan and had somehow managed to sneak her way backstage. He was annoyed at first but then when he realised how much trouble she had gone through, he decided to take her. He said he was drunk and when he woke up the next day he didn't know what to do but everything worked out perfectly.

“Sky did you know that we're going on tour soon.” He said suddenly out of the blue. “And you girls are coming with us?”

Sky frowned, “Tour? As in travelling? Don't rock stars travel in a tour bus?”

He nodded slowly, “Yep, they do.”

She couldn't think about being that close to Shadow's all the time, it was like handing her over to him. But then she thought about being that close to Brian all the time and she found herself smiling. He couldn't touch her if Brian was there.

“How is there enough room for all of us?”

“The beds are kind of stacked on top of each other, the girls sleep next to the guys to save room. It's not that bad. But sexual time seems to be a fucking mission...” He frowned and Sky smirked at him.

They sat and watched Wrong Turn 1 and 2. They were Sky's favourite films, she enjoyed gory films weirdly. She felt herself drifting off until she heard the front door go and Syn smiling walking over to them. Her heart felt like it smiled and she lifted her arms up to him. He picked her up and spun her around while she wrapped her legs around him. Sky pressed her lips onto his and he kissed her back softly.

“Get a room.” Jimmy boomed as he walked into the kitchen. Syn smiled showing his glowing white teeth. It soon faded when he noticed the bruised eye she had. He placed her on her feet and turned to Zacky.

“He got her?”

“He hid her. He took her into his room.” Zacky sighed, "I couldn't find them."

"Did he rape you?"

"No. I ... stalled. Zacky saved me." She said softly.

Syn turned around and lifted up his shirt that she had on. He must of seen all the bruises and cuts because he gasped and his face went bright red. He kissed her cheek and whispered that he was sorry. He couldn't wait to take her on tour and get her as close to him as she could be. He wouldn't be going anywhere without her from now on.

He picked her up again and carried her back to their bedroom. He placed her on the bed and then rolled on top of her. He kissed her on her face all over and she giggled trying to make him stop.

“Stop!” She screamed as she couldn't stop laughing.

He placed one last kiss on her lips and stared at her.

“What?” She asked as she ran a hand through his hair and stared into his chocolate eyes.

“I'm pleased with myself.” He smiled.


“For choosing you.”

She blushed and moved around in awkwardness. No guy has ever paid Sky any attention. To go from nothing to a beautiful rock star was a huge step. “Call me crazy but I wouldn't want any one else to have taken me except for you. Even if you are bipolar."

He chuckled and licked over his lips again. He had the cutest button nose and the most smoothest tan skin. The small line of hair that lay on his skin made him so gorgeous. She was memorized by his looks.

“You're way to good for me Mr Gates.” She mumbled.

“Do you want a fight about that?” He asked playfully.

She shook her head and stuck out her tongue. He chuckled again before getting up and changing into something more comfy, she did the same and slid under the covers.

“Where did you go today?” She asked stroking his face like she always did.

“To set up the final touches to the tour.”

“When do we leave?”


“W-What!” It came out as more as a scream than a question.

He wasn't surprised by her reaction but still felt guilty. He didn't want to tell her until last minute so she didn't try to run away, “Tomorrow morning. It's only a short tour.”

“What's a short tour to you?”

“Three months.”

She had so many questions to ask. He was getting any sleep tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can remember when this interview first came out. Aww i don't know why but they both look so adorable in it.
Mmmm not keen on this chapter but comment anyway (: