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Your Nightmare

#21- Bus introduction.

“I didn't even know I had all this stuff.” Sky mumbled as she pulled out another hand full of lace panties and suits. She sighed and sat down crossed legged next to the huge suitcase.

Syn appeared from the bathroom wearing only his boxers. He shrugged and peered over at her suitcase. He winked at her and then walked back into the bathroom. She heard him brushing his teeth and singing softly to himself.

Sky opened another dresser to find more T-shirts and zip up hoodies. She grabbed most of them with one hand and placed them neatly in the suitcase. She did the same with the rest of t-shirts.

She pulled the zip around the suitcase and sighed in relief, “I've never had so many clothes in my life.”

Brian came out with his normal white t-shirt on and his dark jeans. He wore a smile, he was clearly happy to be going on tour. “That's a good thing sweetheart.”

She watched every move he made with a smirk. He was just so genuine. He was packing everything he could grab, not even bothering to fold up the clothes. He dropped his cologne on the floor and mumbled a cuss word before picking it up and checking for the damage on the glass.

“Right.” He said finally. He turned around to see her staring at him with a loving smile on her lips. He smiled back and cocked his head sideways, “What?”

“Nothing.” She stood up and tried to lift the suitcase up wit her, only to fail miserably.

“I'll get it.”

They both turned to see Zacky stood in the door frame. He was smiling the same smile as Syn. His green eyes seemed to sparkle again, like she saw the other night. It was cute.

He walked over to her and grabbed the suitcase lifting it up with no problem. She couldn't help but blush as both men walked past her smirking. She danced out behind them, sincerely happy for once. Her eyes scanned the room and she found Brian's cell phone sat on the dresser. Rolling her eyes she walked over to it and put it in her pocket to give to him. She then closed the door and ran to catch up with them.

Zoe was stood in the kitchen. Sky's eyes wondered around the hallway until her eyes finally met Zoe's who was staring back at her. She beaconed her into the kitchen with a small smile.

“Hey Sky” She smiled sweetly as Sky leant on the counter to face her.


“How're you feeling? Good I hope” Sky suddenly realised why Zacky liked her so much. Her aura was so happy, nothing bad was around her.

“I'm okay. Slightly nervous.”

Zoe sighed, “Me too.” She turned around and grabbed a chocolate bar from the counter. “There Zacky's, he loves them. He won't mind if you have one.” She handed her the bar.

Sky took it realising how hungry she was and ate it in two bites. “It's good.”

“C'mon guys let's get going!” Jimmy called from the hallway “Bus is here!”

Zoe took one last smile at Sky and skipped towards the door to catch hold of Zacky's hand. He kissed her forehead and whispered something into her ear. She nodded and laughed.

Brian walked past the kitchen obviously looking for Sky. He looked outside to see if she was stood by the bus but he didn't see her. He turned around and a huge smile spread across his face when he saw her standing in the kitchen, “C'mon sweetheart we're gunna be behind schedule” He rolled his eyes as if he was repeating someone’s words.

Sky hadn't seen Shadows for the whole morning, not that she was bothered by that. None of the guys had brought him up either which just made everything better.

As she walked onto the bus she couldn't believe it was the inside of a vehicle. It was long and like the suite of a hotel. There was a bunch of booths to sit in and loads of TV's and devices. She felt herself being shoved from behind. She turned around to see that it was Shadows with his huge suitcase. His face was angry, he didn't look happy to be going away on tour at all. He shoved her again and she stumbled up the last step catching herself on the drivers cabin.

“Sky come check this out!” Brian called from the back of the bus. She walked down the narrow corridor and joined him.

“This is our bed. I called it. It's the biggest one.” He seemed proud with himself and Zacky was leant against the other beds with a childish expression pressed onto his face.

“Jealous Zacky?” She teased nudging Brian's arm.

He huffed and bit his lip ring, “No, not at all.” He replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Guys listen up.”

They all turned to the front to two guys stood closely to one another. Syn bent down and told her that it was the Berry twins. Sky hated them already, what assholes.

“Tonight we're going to stop in a hotel before we reach Las Vegas.”

“Dude that's not even that far away, it's like four hours.” Johnny yelled as he tried to push his suitcase into a holder.

“We've got to pick up the gear short shit.” One of them yelled back. “Not that you'd be any use.”

He sighed and just let his suitcase fall on the floor in defeat. Shadows walked over to him and picked it up, placing it in the holder with ease. He tapped him on the back and went to sit back down in the booth.

The twins continued talking about the equipment but Sky wasn't listening. She was staring at Shadow's that seemed to have a piece of paper in his hands. He ran his thumb over the edge of it and sighed. He placed it down in front of him to take his head in his hands.

It was a baby scan.

Sky couldn't take her eyes away from it. Those fucking twins at the front of the bus had taken a baby's life. She turned around and faced the complete opposite direction and crossed her arms. If ignoring them and pretending they didn't exist was to be childish, then childish she would be.

She didn't even notice that the bus had started moving, that’s how smooth the ride was. She finally looked out the window to see the buildings and sea rushing past her. She blinked once and leant against the wall feeling slightly spun out. Zacky hadn't moved. Sky could hear Zoe talking to another girl in the bed that Zacky had obviously got. She thought it was River. She had only met her a couple of times, but her voice was very high pitch and easy to recognise.

There was obvious tension in the bus. Shadow's hadn't moved from the seat he was sat in, he was just hopelessly staring out the window. The Berry twins, Brian, Jimmy and Johnny were all sat around another table playing a game of poker.

Shadow's didn't notice Sky staring at him. For some reason she felt like if he didn't rape her … or attack her … or hate her then she would feel sorry for him. He must have been so excited about being a soon to be dad … and it all got ripped away from him. She knew he must feel responsible for it all, that was probably why he was so angry all the time. Sky suddenly felt guilty for shouting those things at him.

“You have so many mixed feelings, don't you?” Zacky finally said in a hushed voice. He looked down and bit at his lip ring and his eyes began to wonder.

“Yeah I guess I do.” She mumbled as she climbed into the small bunk bed and shut the curtain after her. She couldn't be bothered to talk, even if it was Zacky. She had to much on her mind and she felt kind of sick and her stomach was hurting her. She was on a tour bus with a huge rock band. Her mother would not approve.

She drifted off into a sleep eventually.

“I don't know what the hell is wrong with you Johnny, My hand is way better than yours so pipe down.” Jimmy boomed.

Brian brought a hand up and pressed it against his lips, “Shut up the girls are sleeping ass hole.”

Jimmy over-dramatically zipped his lips and Johnny scoffed. The Berry twins just said nothing, they were too busy staring at there hands.

Brian had noticed Shadow's staring out of the window since they left over an hour ago. He barely moved and when he did it was only to swap hands to hold his head up. Brian had never seen his best friend so quiet and it did kind of hurt him.

“Shadow's help up us with Jimmy's kit will you?” Jason piped up as the bus came to a distinct Holt. He nodded out of his daze and shuffled out from the booth wiping away a small tear.
♠ ♠ ♠
SHIT CHAPTER but I need to build up to something and you'll love it, just bare with me for a couple of chapters.
- Not edited so I'm sorry for any errors.
By the way I have nothing against the Berry twins, their amazing ..(Oh shit whats in the bucket)