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Your Nightmare

#24- Scream.

It was two and a bit months into the tour. Syn nor Shadows had even spoken to Sky let alone try and help her through her pregnancy. It made her spine shiver. She had never been touched by a man, she wanted to save herself for a beautiful marriage and then have beautiful children and live a cute life with a cute little family. That whole dream was flushed down the toilet when both men raped her. Now she was carrying a child that belonged to one of them, and she kept getting horrific shooting pains in her stomach. Where's the justice?

She gingerly tumbled around with a wire she was suppose to be attaching to Zacky's amp. She had given up when the end of the wire was red and there wasn't a red slot in the amp only a blue, green, black, white and yellow one. Everyone had noticed that she was walking around like a ghost but they couldn't punish her or doing anything to her because she was pregnant. It made her feel old and stupid and she hated it.

However she barely left the bus. Zacky had to step up and become a 'master' again to make her leave the tour bus and the bed she had made right at the back of it. He told her it wasn't an option and if she didn't go she would get punished. He hated talking to her like it but he felt as if he had to and that was that. She couldn't/didn't argue.

Syn however was starting to get very frustrated both sexually and emotionally. He hadn't spoken to Sky because he was angry with himself despite what she thinks. If the baby was his it he couldn't watch it grow up and run around like it was meant to be there, it was there because he had raped its mother and the baby was just a painful reminder of all the bad things Syn was in life. He didn't want a … devil child running around the place. Him and Shadows made up and they were talking full time again however they never once discussed the situation … in a way they were trying to avoid it which would only cause more problems.

“What the hell are you doing Sky?! No wonder my guitar wasn't working right.” Zacky interrupted Sky's thoughts and she jumped back into reality, slightly more scared of him after his little threat earlier. He marched towards her and snatched the wire out of her hand, turned the amp around to the back and slotted in a small red hole.

“You need to buck your ideas up because everyone’s getting pissed off with you. Don't forget Sky people can punish you around here.” His tone of voice wasn't exactly caring as he darted off back in the direction he came.

He was right, she was property. But she was property with a baby in her stomach, surely that made some difference? Zacky didn't bring up the baby, so he obviously thought not.

“Why are you snooping around back here?”

Sky turned her head over her shoulder and saw Jason Berry stood with arms crossed over his chest. Sky instantly turned around her right hand finding her stomach. She rubbed the back of her neck with the other hand feeling very awkward and slightly scared.

“You either need to be at the side lines or in the tour bus if you're,” He paused and his face turned to disgust, “Pregnant.” The way he spat it out made her feel like a little bug being squashed. Both of the twins had hated her since they first lay eyes on her, she couldn't understand why but it was the same with Shadows. Maybe she had a aura about her.

“Y-Yes sir I know I was just fixing Zacky's amp for him. I'm sorry.” She tried her best not to let her stutter get the best of her, surprising herself when she only mumbled a couple of words. He took a step closer to her and his eyes scanned Zacky's amp. He gave her an approving nod when she didn't move.

She decided she had better go to the side of the stage and stand as close to Zoe as she could. What else could she do? If she went to the tour bus then Zacky would only .. punish her. That sounded strange in her mind, she didn't think he would ever threaten her like that.

Her stomach growled randomly and he had to shake it slightly to stop. It was hunger pains, but she just couldn't bring herself to eat. It would be no good for the baby but Sky just couldn't do it.

The noise hit her like a punch in the face once she pushed open the heavy sound proof doors. It was one of Syn's guitar solos she guessed in Bat Country, the crowd were going wild. She creeped up the small steps all of the body guards giving her knowing nods as she danced past them as quickly as she could. Zoe's head turned right away as she saw Sky's figure out of the corner of her eye and her eyes went wide followed by a huge grin. She didn't say anything, the noise was far to great to even scream above it. She just reached out and took her hand in her own and pointed out at Syn who was encouraging the crowd way to much.

For some reason she found her eyes wondering around the huge stage to try and find Shadows. He was sat with Jimmy who was laughing and smashing away at the drums. His eyes were wondering around the whole stage for a moment until his eyes came in contact with hers and his smile surely faded in a straight line. He didn't grunt in annoyance, he just looked at her with pure hate. She wouldn't be surprised if he beat her when they had finished the tour, the thought made her muscles tense and she desperately shook the thought away along with her eye contact.

Shadows jumped down from Jimmy's drum set and stood centre stage, “Alright guys how the fuck are you all doing tonight?” He screamed into the microphone. The crowd screamed and roared in excitement. He jumped on, what the band call an 'Ego riser' and roared into the mic.

“I'd like to dedicate this song to a certain girl.” His voice softened in the microphone and his head snapped in Sky's direction ever so quickly Sky was sure she was the only who saw it. He winked at her and leapt backwards off the Ego riser while the music started going off and the crowed roared, “It's called Scream.”

Sky felt her cheeks going bright red with anger and fear as the lyrics he was singing filled her ears.

Relax while you're closing your eyes to me
So warm as I'm setting you free
With your arms by your side there's no struggling
Pleasure's all mine this time

You know I make you wanna scream
You know I make you wanna run from me baby
But know it's too late you've wasted all your time

Her whole body tensed as each lyric escaped from his mouth. How could somebody sing about something as … vile and disgusting. Even if it was about being a vampire it was still plain creepy, and the fact he had looked at her...

The whole thinking this was a bad idea thing turning into knowing this was a bad idea.

Suddenly the worst pain she had experienced yet shot through her stomach and she doubled-over in pain. Zoe yelped and grabbed her shoulder to stop her falling completely over. Sky almost threw up on the spot until she made a signal to Zoe, that was enough to tell her to immediately get her to a toilet or something to throw up in.

Within seconds her head was over a toilet bowl and Zoe was holding her hair back. Once she was done gagging she lifted her head up and wiped her mouth with her sleeve, not really caring that it cost Syn over a hundred bucks.

Zoe's face look like she had seen a ghost, “Sky, look.” She gestured towards the toilet bowl and Sky peered over, only to find a lot of blood in the toilet. Sky looked on the back of her sleeve to see more blood. Her eyes went wide but Zoe just looked mad.

“If those ass holes just took you to the doctors when I told them to this would of never happened!” She practically screamed. “Tomorrow morning if that ass hole Gates doesn't take you to the doctors I will officially chop his fucking balls off.” And with that she helped her up and back to the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOT EDITED AGAIN, same day, I'm still ill.
91 subs!? Cmon guys i expect more comments than that you bunch of slackers x)
Im only kiddin but i do love comments they make me a very happy knife master.