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Your Nightmare

#27- Zacky and Shadows

Brian practically ran through the door, grabbed a beer, handed a smug looking Shadow's who was sat on the sofa a file and ran up the stairs. He got to his room and took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Sky was under the covers staring at him. She had a huge purple black eye and her face was all dis-coloured.

“Jesus Christ.” He made his way towards the bed and watched as Sky stuck her right arm out and then her left towards him and made a small moaning sound. He grabbed her softly under her arms, pulled her out from under the covers and placed her across his lap. She had one of his shirts on, it came down to his knees. There was a large amount of blood spread across the bottom of the shirt and he sighed and closed his eyes while leaning his head against hers.

“I- Sky look at me please.”

Sky's eyes kept rolling in the back of her head, she felt like nothing was real. She looked up at him and brought a hand to his face stroking his stubbly chin softly. He held his hand onto hers and stared down at her un-able to take his eyes away from her eye.

“Zacky!” Syn yelled, “Zacky come here!”

In a millisecond Zacky appeared in the doorway, his eyes moved from Sky to Syn and then back to Sky again. His eyes widened as he seen her eye and he walked over to them.

“Dude can you get an icepack please.” Syn's voice broke half way through the sentence and Zacky nodded running off shouting to Jimmy.

“I-It H-hate him so much..” She moaned as she sneezed and her whole body ached.

Zacky returned with an ice pack for her and his face full off anger, “Here you go.” He pressed it against her eye and shot Gates a worried look. Both men knew there was nothing they could do to save her and it killed them.

“What do I do man?” Syn whispered as Sky started falling asleep in his arms, “I can't do this much longer, Shadow's is out of control.”

“I'll talk to him.” Zacky sniffed, took a breath and stomped off to Shadow's office. Zacky wasn't one to argue with people but he had always been the one who would settle down Shadows with his truth. He was strong to, he laid out Johnny with one punch. Not that Johnny is actually strong...

He knocked on the door and heard Shadow's mumble a 'come in'. He opened the door to see Shadows sat at his desk typing away at his computer with an annoyed expression. He took a seat in front of his desk and crossed his legs.

“Shadows you shouldn't of hit Sky, she's battered.”

His head turned from the computer screen to Zacky and he pushed his keyboard away. He folded his huge arms across his chest and shrugged heavily, “She's mine, they all are.” He said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

Zacky felt his blood boil, Zoe was not Shadows, Zoe was his, “I understand that dude but she can barely breathe in there. Syn's taking all his might to calm her down.”

Shadows gave Zacky a weird look, “You want a go don't you?”

Zacky's eyebrows raised and his eyes shuffled awkwardly, “No.”

“You do Zacky, I know you, you're getting annoyed because you want to be the one fucking her.” Shadows big lips curled into a smirk and he twisted around on his computer chair so he was completely facing him.

His breathing slowed down and he stared at Shadow's with big green eyes, “I don't want to.”

“She's open, and tell the guys that because it's starting to annoy me how she's settled in with you guys so quickly.” Shadows flicked his hand in the direction to the door and Zacky stood up.

“I'm not passing that on.” He said his eyes narrowing.

Shadows looked at him with a raised brow, “You will Zacky, now go.”

Zacky mentally flipped him off and slammed his door shut behind him, wishing he never actually went in there in the first place. He needed to start thinking before doing things, now he's dropped Sky in the shit even more and even worse ... What Shadows says goes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh dear poor Zacky.
And feel free if any of you want to make a banner (: