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Your Nightmare

#32- Victoria's secret.

“Are you going to talk to me now?”

Sky had freaked out after she was told she was property 'officially' and sat in the car sulking. Syn was claiming he didn't know that Shadows was going to do that, he expected her to be placed somewhere lower down the family. Zoe had only just turned to part of the Family and she was taken two years ago.

Sky just turned her body away from him even more, crossed her legs and arms and stared out the window. She heard Syn sigh and saw his reflection in the mirror shake his head. Sky knew it wasn't Syn's fault but she was annoyed that she didn't even have a warning or anything, she was just property. Shadows officially owned her.

“I'm sad, angry, annoyed and hungry.” She moaned in response to his question, “And I have period pains.”

Syn looked at her then back at the road then back at her again, “You-re....”

“Soon enough.” She shrugged. Then it clicked in her head that Shadows little plan to get her pregnant had failed, “Oh!” She exclaimed as she understood.

“Good, that's good, that's great news.” Syn smiled as he kept his eyes on the road. Sky felt good to, "No babies for him."

They arrived at the mall and Sky seemed to brush everything that Shadows had to said to them both before they left out of her mind. Syn said he was in a shopping mood and his card was burning a hole in his pocket. They walked into the mall and Syn put on his Fedora and sunglasses although it really wasn't much of a disguise he was known for wearing his Fedora.

Sky knew this wasn't the last mall she went to with Shadows and Layla, this one was ten times as big. It was huge and you could look up and see all the people and all the different shops. It must have been ten stories high.

Syn guided her to a shop. He held her hand loosely and she blushed slightly when he looked down at her and smiled. He licked over his lips and tried to say out of sight as much as he could that was until he bumped into a couple of girls coming out from Hot Topic.

“Oh my fucking god.” A chubby girl round about Sky's age stopped right in front of them and grabbed her friends attention with a small scream. Sky's grip tightened on Syn's hand and he squeezed hers back, “It's Synyster Gates.”

All five girls were staring at him as if he were a god, “Hi girls.” He smiled.

“Can you sign this?”

“Can we have a photo?”

“Can you sign my face?”

The girls pushed Sky out of the way and continued to take photographs and pretend like they actually knew him. Syn was good with the fans, he always spoke about them and Sky knew that he liked it when they showed him attention. But today he wanted to get in and out of the mall as quickly as he could to try and get Sky looking absolutely gorgeous for the formal dinner tonight.

“Thanks girls, I gotta run. Bye.” He waved to them before grabbing Sky's hand and pulling her around the corner into a small shop. He pulled his sunglasses from him head and placed them in his jeans pocket before walking up to the cashier.

“Oh! Brian! How are you?” She pushed her newspaper a side and sent Sky a small smile before walking around the desk.

“I'm good thanks Sue. What can you recommend for Sky here?”

Sue walked over to Sky and analysed her body for a second before sticking her finger in the air and disappearing out of sight. She returned with a beautiful short black dress that had a bow tied around the front. She told Sky to go and try it on in the dressing room while her and Syn talked outside. Sky heard Syn address Sky as his girlfriend and that they were going out tonight for a meal with all his friends. Sky blushed and smiled inside, she was falling for him.

She opened the door and spun around for the two to look at her.

“Oh yes, that's the one.” Syn smirked as he watched he prance around the dressing room in delight. She loved the dress it was absolutely beautiful. She felt … attractive for once. They way he was looking at her made her feel like something, she'd never felt like that before.

She walked over to him and kissed him. She couldn't stop herself, he was just gorgeous. He pulled away and brought his head down to her ear.

“Don't get me to excited in here, wait until later.”

It sent chills down her spine and she danced back into the dressing room to get dressed. She wondered what he meant by that, he knew that she couldn't go to far with him yet... she would freak out every time his hands trailed to far and she knew it started to annoy him, she couldn't blame him either.

He paid the lady and she waved him off. He wrapped his arm around Sky's waist and carried the bag in the other hand. They walked past Victorias Secret and Syn slowed down to stare at the underwear on display in the window.

Sky sighed and tried to pull him along but he was having none of it and completely stopped in front of the door. Sky let him stare the models printed onto the walls up and down before he turned around and winked at her.

“No.” Sky stated folding her arms and stomping her foot like a child. She was not going to be taken for a slut.

“Please!” He begged drawing out the 'ease'. He looked down at her and folded his arms while raising a brow.

She huffed in frustration, “Fine!” Her arms flew into the air and she stomped inside of the shop, Syn followed her with a huge smile across his face.

“Can I help you Ma'am?” A tall, beautiful blonde lady greeted from the door as they both walked in. Sky was in front of Syn and was walking over to the panties section, to look for the most decent pair of underwear there that covered as much skin as possible.

Sky turned around and looked at her with a surprised look, “No.” She huffed and waited for Syn to catch up with her. The blonde lady looked at Syn who just nodded. She walked past Sky with a smug expression. What a cow, why did she think he was in control.

The blonde lady lead them over to a rack full of skimpy g-strings and lacy bras. Sky felt her cheeks burn red and she looked at the floor and then back up to the lady, “Pft, you wish lady.”

Syn shot Sky a warning look at then started looking through the rack himself pulling out pair after pair and shoving them under his arm. Sky couldn't believe he was being so .. so … manly.

“I am not putting that piece of lace on my body.” Sky sighed as Syn turned to her with about six pairs in his arms.

“Oh yes you are. Compromise with me baby.” He shot her a puppy dog look and ran a hand through his hair, he knew that killed her.

“No! I will not wear that!” She snapped. The blonde lady looked at her as if she was crazy for not dressing up for such a gorgeous man. If only she knew.

“Oh come on Sky,” He walked over to her and kissed her biting her lip while running a finger down her spine. She shivered and could feel herself starting to get turned on. Sky grabbed the underwear from him and gingerly made her way over to the dressing room. She walked in and placed her underwear on the small chair before going to shut the door. She leapt backwards when she saw Brian standing there closing the door for her.

“Oh no, this is not happening.”

“I need to aprove.”

“Says who!?”


She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him, her eyes in slits, “I hate you Brian Haner.”

“Just put the underwear on baby.” He winked and turned around so he had his back to her, at least he was considerate and respected her privacy a tiny bit, "You can hate me later."

Sky had never rushed so fast to put underwear on. Sky picked up a purple pair that weren’t as revealing as the rest but still showed way to much skin and by the looks of them, they would not be comfortable for sitting around in. If she had to wear these tonight she expected him to love her much more than he already did.

Sky sighed as she tapped him on the back and he turned around. His eyes went wide and his lips moved into a smirk.

“Oh yes we will be having that pair.” He placed his large hands on her waist and ducked his head to kiss her until she chuckled and moved away from him.

“Oh no Mr Gates, that's not part of the deal.”

He groaned and pulled his hands away slowly. Sky twirled her finger around in a circle and he laughed and turned around like he was told. She was actually enjoying this. She was the one in charge for once.

She changed the underwear to the post revealing pair of the bunch. It was a matching pair of leopard print, and she felt sick looking at it. But if it teased Syn why shouldn't she.

After trying on all of the underwear she just wanted to get home and by the looks of things so did he. The blonde lady gave them both a funny look as they walked out of the shop and Sky winked at her as she wrapped her arm around Syn's waist still keeping eye contact with her.

“Don't make the lady jealous Sky that's not very nice.” Syn chuckled without even looking at her.

“Well, she was a bitch.”

He just shrugged and continued walking. On the way back to the house Syn seemed awkward and nervous. Sky didn't want to ask what was wrong with him but he was just starting to annoy her, “What's wrong?”

“Nothing.” He replied quickly, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

She turned her head to watch the passing scenery and ignored him for the rest of the way home, but she couldn't help but know something was wrong with him. And it did unsettle her.
♠ ♠ ♠
GOD wouldn't you LOVE to be Sky?!
Comment and stuff guys, I'm so pleased this is having such a good response (: