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Your Nightmare

#36- Skylar.

The van stopped in front of her. Sky had so many thoughts running through her mind, should she jump into a bush? She sure as hell felt like it. She pivoted on her foot and began to power walk back into the house.

“Don't even think about it Skylar.”

She was surprised to hear Brian using her full name, how did he know her full name? But she was even more surprised to see him standing right behind her with Shadows, both of them stood exactly the same hands on hips.

“I-I...” She didn't even know what to say. Nothing could get her out of this one. They looked mad but looking at them once was enough for Sky, she had to look down at her feet. She went bright red and continued to stare down, waiting for one of them to say something.

But they didn't, instead she felt herself being lifted over someone's shoulder. It wasn't Brian's, it was to big. Her body tensed. She was on Shadows shoulder. She lifted her head to see Syn getting into the diver seat of the Van and drive it in behind them, but her vision was getting blurry from the tears that were now freely falling down her face. Why had she been so stupid.

He didn't talk. He just carried her up the spiral stairs, sighing once or twice in annoyance. Shadows kicked the door open and placed her onto Syn's bed. He stepped back from her and crossed his arms, he was pissed.

“Why did you try running away Sky? I thought we told you what would happen if you did that again.” His voice was cold but not as scary as he could be. Sky thought he was playing mind games.

“I-I'm sorry.” Was all she managed to blurt out, even though he looked calmed he was still terrifying.

He took a step closer to her, “I asked why.”

“Because I-I miss my home.”

“This is your fucking home.” He snapped closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

She just nodded fast and looked down at her hands. He was angry, he was going to hurt her and she was already aching all over. She waited to hear the door go and watch Syn walk into the room.

“I've kept my distance from you for the past week since Syn told me you were terrified of me.” He leant against the wall with one foot pressed against it, “So why did you run if things were improving for you here?”

“I-It's – I miss my friends.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, it was to hard to force anything else out.

“Zacky's your friend. Deal with him. Do you even know what you're putting Syn through? He's probably downstairs beating the shit out of the walls because he doesn't want to take it out on you. Every morning he tries his best not to go out and pick up some hooker because he's to true to you and you repay him by trying to run away? I think you're selfish.”

She was so taken back his words she looked up and frowned at him.

“If I were him I'd make sure you got punished, but I need to remember my promises and I can't touch you for now.” He sent her one more glare before walking over to the door and slamming it shut behind him.

What Shadows had said really got to Sky. Even as a kid she never liked to disappoint or hurt people it just wasn't in her nature. She was sure he was mentally torturing her instead now. Soon her and Syn would be a perfect match, they'd both be crazy.

She leant back on the bed full on pillows and buried herself in them, her hands searched the bed until she found the teddy and just pulled it to her chest and squeezed it tight. Nothing had ever felt like this before. Everything was so surreal to her. They had kidnapped her and taken her to another country. They had raped her and physically abused her until she couldn't move. But they had also made her feel like a princess.

If Brian loved her why wouldn't he take her home?

She heard the door open and close quietly and then the bed go down slightly. The pillows got moved from her face and then she had full view of Zacky sitting with a frown on his face. He smiled at her and then awkwardly shuffled his eyes around the room while she pulled herself up into a sitting position.

“Didn't you hear me shouting to you Sky? I told you they were coming.” He mumbled softly as he stared at her eyes.

She shrugged calmly and looked up at him. She hadn't realised how piercing and memorizing his eyes were. She knew they were bright but she never thought they were that beautiful.

“No, I'm sorry I didn't hear you.” She looked down and then back up at him, “Where's Syn?”

Zacky chuckled and then bit his lip ring, “He's downstairs punching the shit out of everything. Shadows had to calm him down.”

Sky tensed up and her eyes widened, “Don't let him get to angry.”

“I won't, but he's freaking out away from you on purpose, so he doesn't hurt you.” He shrugged and moved his way up to bed so he was next to Sky, lying on her side of the bed. Whenever Sky was upset she always sat on Syn's side because it smelt so much like him.

“Oh.” She turned to face him, “I feel bad now.” She pouted her lip and Zacky ruffled her hair.

“Don't. Just don't try to run. They will find you Sky. The best thing you can do is accept it now.”
She nodded and watched him walk away and close the door lightly behind him. She felt like shit.

She got up and pulled the door open. Johnny was walking up the stairs so she ran over to him, she was about his ask him where Syn was until she heard a huge roar come from the living room. Johnny just sent her a worried expression and carried on walking. Her heart was beating so fast but she needed to go down and see him.

“Calm the fuck down Gates!” She heard Jimmy's voice bellow as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She tip-toed towards the arch of the living room and stopped when she heard the scream again. She held her breath and just continued to listen.

“I give her everything! Everything!” He screamed and something else shattered, “Why doesn't she fucking love me!?”

There was a moments silence until she barely heard someone whisper something. The whole room was filled with hushing sounds and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

“Got-cha!” Jimmy leapt out from the living room and jumped right in front of Sky. She jumped backwards and screamed loudly before grabbing her chest and checking if her heart was still beating. He chuckled and grabbed her wrist pulling her into the living room.

Shadows gave her a horrible glare, Zacky put his head into his hands and Syn just stared at her wide eyed. She had never felt so awkward and embarrassed in her life.

“Eavesdropping huh?” Shadows asked as he stood up from the sofa. She took a step back but Jimmy was stood with his arms folded and she bumped into him. He nudged her forwards and she crashed into Shadows chest. Sky tried to get away but he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around to face Synyster. She looked down and a tear fell from her eye, she hated to see him so broken.

He looked down at her and the blackness in his eyes disappeared but then he blinked and turned away. She felt Shadows push her forwards and she fell onto her knees.

“See what you've done to him! You little-” He was stopped by Syn's arm in front of his chest. Shadows looked at him and frowned before Syn walked over to Sky and looked down. She cowered away from him afraid of what he was going to do, pushing a hand out in front of her and dipping her head down.

He bent down and scooped her up like a puppy before turning around and nodding at Shadows who had his mouth hung open. Just a second ago he was screaming and breaking things and now he was turned into a Romeo.

“I'm sorry.” She sobbed cringing at how scratchy her voice sounded. He didn't say anything but she felt something hot and wet hit her forehead, she didn't even have to guess that it was one of his tears.

That's when she realised she had never felt so close to him before, she felt sorry for him.

“Do you love me Sky? A little bit?”

She hesitated.

Say yes,just say it! Make him feel good!

♠ ♠ ♠
Just a build up (: What do you guys think is gunna happen?
Thanks to all of you subs and commenters :) Your all so sweet.
Sorry this chapter is slightly dark I was listening to Snow Patrol - Run hah.