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Your Nightmare

#37- Jacob's ladder.

As soon as she said it she regretted it. But yet again she did feel something for him. Everything was confusing her so much lately, her mind was always racing with stupid thoughts. Ever since she had said yes to Syn's forced question he wouldn't leave her side. He was smiling and laughing all the time. He brought her presents, make her breakfast in bed and always took her out to fancy restaurants. Sky loved it. Shadows was ignoring her and she liked it that way and Zacky and Johnny would take her to there weekly shopping trips. Jimmy would always sneak into Syn's bedroom at night and grab Sky to come and watch a movie with him.

“We have to be quiet tonight because last night apparently we were to loud.” Jimmy rolled his eyes as he placed the DVD into the slot in the machine.

“Well you chased me around the kitchen with squeezey cheese, Jimmy.” Sky chuckled holding her hand in front of her mouth to stop the laugh from escaping.

He laughed loudly and then slammed his hand in front of his mouth. There was a bang from upstairs indicating them to shut up. Jimmy just shrugged and as soon as Sky realised that Jimmy had put on Jacobs Ladder she freaked out.

“No! I told you I'm not watching this!” She moaned and pulled a pillow over her eyes to stop seeing the freaky title and the options menu.

“Aw c'mon Sky don't be such a baby, you got Jimmy protecting you.” He laughed as he pulled the pillow away from her face. She sighed and rested her head on her elbow.

“Sides' it's not even that scary.” He shrugged.

They were about fifteen minutes into the film when it was already becoming scary and weird. Sky found herself reunited with the pillow. She was cringing waiting for the scary part to come. She could Jimmy was loving every second of it, just sipping on his beer every now and then.


Jimmy leapt up from the sofa and Sky jumped behind him screaming. Zacky was stood in the archway chuckling to himself rubbing his temples. He continued laughing until Jimmy hit him with his empty beer can.

“What are you trying to do kill us?!” Jimmy snapped as he fell back into the sofa.

Sky stood in place. She was so freaked out her knees were shaking and her face had turned white. Zacky frowned at her and walked over to her.

“Aw I'm sorry Sky I didn't mean to freak you out that much.”

She just nodded and sat down on the sofa, blinking once and rubbing her eyes. Zacky sat next to her and yawned stretching his arms above him.

“How comes you're up?” Jimmy asked him.

“I couldn't sleep, Shadows snoring could be heard a mile away. I'm surprised Zoe hasn't woken up.”

“Probably to wore out.” Jimmy shrugged not moving his eyes away from the screen.

Zacky chuckled to himself, “I'll bet.”

Sky's head snapped up at him and she slapped his knee lightly, “That's enough Zacky you'll embarrass her.”

Jimmy chuckled and high fived Zacky over Sky's head. She just huffed and crossed her legs and her arms, men are pigs.

“Where's Syn?” Zacky asked.

“Asleep.” Sky replied pulling the pillow back up to her face, she could tell there was going to be a jumpy part.

They sat and watched the film in silence. By the end of the film they were all huddled together holding a pillow each. Zacky had tried to go back upstairs but Jimmy wouldn't let him, he had to stay and finish the end of the film. Sky wished she never watched it, she was completely freaked out and couldn't even look in the dark places of the room in case a face appeared out of no where.

“Sky do you know what day it is tomorrow?” Zacky asked as the title credits rolled.

“Nope.” She said popping the P and looking up at him.

“Oh. Well it's up to Syn to tell you.”

“You can't just do that and then not tell me Zacky!”

He shrugged and got up making his way back upstairs, Jimmy following him.

“Jimmy come back and tell me now!” She screamed.

Jimmy popped his head around the corner and winked at her before running back upstairs. Sky was left with the TV still on and about fifteen beer bottles to clean up, typical.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay. Before you guys start hating on how shit the chapter is just let me tell you what happened to me. Me and my cousin almost physically fought today about Mr.Sullivan. He was blabbing on about Avenged Sevenfold because he knows it annoys me, I mean I don't thrash his bands so why does he constantly bitch about A7X! Argh. Anyway he said Jimmy was a shit drummer and it very much annoyed me.
SO! I wrote a chapter with Jimmy in it because I miss him :( RIP Jimmy we all still love you.