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Your Nightmare

#47- Cuts.

(14 days later.)

“Grab that! Not that you fucking idiot, the pen!”

A hand grabbed her hand and she stared at the green eyes questioningly. Something long was placed into her hand and she was told to write her signature, so she did. Everything was blurry and strange. Noises sounded far away and every time she touched something it felt soft and fluffy.

Green eyes were re-placed by brown eyes as her body got turned around. She brought her hand up and touched around the brown eyes felling a nose and a mouth. She stroked across the bottom lip and then the top one before rubbing the nose and then feeling the chin which had a small amount of hair on it.

“Stop fucking around and get her into the fucking car!”

She was lifted. She wanted to scream but nothing came out. She could see brown eyes again staring down at her. She turned her head to the side to see her being pulled away from her mother. She screamed loudly and tried to talk, nothing but a moan would come out. She started to feel her legs again so she kicked them. Someone grabbed them and stuck them together.

Her mother went to shout something to her but someone hit her and she fell onto the floor. She screamed loudly before blacking out.


Her eyes sprung open and she panted for breath. She had never had a nightmare before, that wasn't a nightmare is was a memory. She stared up at Brian who had a panicked look across his face and the palm of his hand rested on her forehead. She closed her eyes for a second and took a huge breath in.

“I-I can remember it.” She stuttered looking up at the roof blank in the face.

Syn looked down at her, “What? What can you remember?”

“When you took me.”

He felt himself twitch and he held his breath. How the fuck could she remember, she was sedated? He brushed the sticky hair from her face and kissed her hot forehead. He didn't know what to do, this should not have happened. Unless Shadows gave her the wrong drug...

“It's okay.” He cooed not knowing really what to do, his eyes filed with guilt.

She slowly turned to look at his eyes. The big brown orbs staring back at her. She was almost lost in them, like she was when they took her, “The main thing I can remember.” She pointed to his face, “Your eyes.”

“Baby you're safe.”

She was safe. She was safe? Sky didn't know what to believe. She felt strange, she felt like she didn't give a shit about anything any more. All she cared about was him, as must as it killed her. She shouldn't like someone who snatched her from her safety zone and whisk her away to a castle and lock her up. Everything was surreal, it was messing with her mind.

“Am I crazy Brian?” She asked stroking his smooth face.

He shook his head, “No, Sky you're not crazy.” He bent down and kissed her, “You're perfect. Don't doubt it.”

She nodded and her head sunk into his chest. She let the tears drip onto his bare torso. He pulled her closer to him and stroked a large hand up and down her spine. She wasn't meant to remember anything, he felt disgusted with himself. He'd made her cry. That thought made his heart thump.

She had been silent for a couple of days. She hadn't been feeling herself after she had thought about the worry her parents were going through. Her friends faces kept appearing in her head, screaming for her telling her to come home. Sky wanted to run to them and hug them and tell them she was okay. But she couldn't. She was stuck in this place as a harlot who got taken to strip clubs every night.

That's something else that she had gotten used to, the clubs. She would be taken every night to a different club to collect money or to sell or buy guns. What a life. She would have to strut in like a slut and strut out like a whore, like nothing.

She thought a lot about her past. She wanted to tell him, but Syn wouldn't understand, people who haven't been through it never understand. He hadn't noticed the scars on her wrist although she thought Johnny did the other day, but he said nothing to her. Her past wasn't really something she had thought about since she was here, but lately because she was left a lot with her thoughts it was all flooding back to her. Her father, her mother, her depression. She was afraid again.

“Sky what's wrong? You've been quiet all morning.” Syn nudged her side and she just shook her head and looked down at her feet. She didn't want to talk right now.

“Nothing. I'm fine.” She lied, smiling. Could she even let him in? She hadn't done before.

“You're obviously not fine Sky, lets face it. You've been like this for weeks, so tell me what’s wrong dammit you're acting like a ghost!” He growled.

She looked up at him and her eyes met his, “I'm sorry.” She mumbled, her hands linking together.

He sighed in frustration and switched the TV on mute. Jimmy took that as his queue to leave and shuffled out awkwardly. Syn turned his body around on the sofa so that he was facing her. She didn't look at him, she was scared she'd cry. Instead she reached out for the television remote only for her wrists to be snatched away from her.

“What the fuck is this?!” Brian practically screamed pulling up the sleeves of her jacket. She cringed, and tensed up trying to snatch her arms away from him.

“Get off me!”

He growled and pulled her closer to him, “What. The. Fuck. Is. This.”

Her knees shook. It was scary how much he was like her father when he was angry, she wanted to slap him, “Just get off me please, I can't deal with this right now-”

“Why are you doing that to yourself!? Don't I make you happy?” He asked sounded slightly hurt. She didn't respond she just tried to pull herself away from him, but he wasn't letting go.

She brought her legs up and tried to kick him away, “Why do you care!” She spat, tears rolling down her face.

“Why are you hurting yourself! Fucking answer me you fucking idiot!” He screamed in her ear. She couldn't move away from him and he crushed the bones together in her wrists. She yelped out in agony as his grip just got tighter and tighter.

Shadows stuck his head around the corner and sprinted over to them once he realised what was happening. He grabbed Brian and pulled him away from Sky. As soon as his grip loosened she fell off the sofa and crawled away from him, hiding behind the sofa.

“Go out and get some fucking fresh air, what the fuck is wrong with you.” Shadows demanded pointing to the door. Syn's jaw tightened but he knew better than to argue with him so he walked out and slammed the door hard behind him.

Sky was crying hard when Shadows walked over to her. It annoyed him seeing her like that. He bent down beside her and was expecting her to freak out on him, but she didn't. He felt his heart break when she looked up at him, eye-liner down her face and her eyes blood shot.

“C'mon lets get you cleaned up.” He picked her up effortlessly and carried her to her bedroom. He didn't want to take her to his room because he knew that she would freak out, their room was the best option. Sky didn't take her eyes away from his face and he knew it was because she expected him to do something to her.

He placed her down on the edge of the bed and walked into the bathroom, returning with a medical kit. She cringed and looked away feeling completely embarrassed, he must of heard the whole thing that happened. He began taking out cotton buds and alcohol.

“It's fine, really I don't need that stuff.” She said softly bringing her legs up and crossing her arms pulling them to her chest.

He shot her a look, “Really Sky? If they get infected you'll be fucked, so just pass me your wrist or ill just force you to.”

She sighed and closed her eyes pushing her right arm out in front of her. She felt something soft touch one of the biggest slices and winced in pain, “Ow, fuck.” She muttered trying her best not to snatch her wrist away.

“God, that's deep. What did you use to do that with?” He bit his lip as he pressed it against another cut, he knew how much that stuff hurt from when he was a teenager.

She shrugged and looked down, not wanting to answer him. He took the hint, “I don't want you hurting yourself Sky.” He said while bandaging up her whole arm.

She looked up at him questioningly, “I can't help it.”

“You can. I'm removing everything sharp out of this house and I'm keeping a close eye on you.” He smiled at her, showing her his dimples, “I'm also bringing in a shrink.”

She gasped , “No please, I don't want a shrink.”

He shook his head and finished wrapping tape around her arm before getting up from his knees and sitting next to her on the bed, she felt awkward with him this close to her again. He rested a hand on her shoulder and she almost ran for the door until he coughed.

“Me and Syn will be with you, we need to get you fixed.” He nodded before walking out the room and closing the door behind him.

His plan had worked. Make Sky depressed, tick. Make her fall in love with him, not quite there yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dramatic chapter = Dramatic theme song.

You'll know more about Shadows 'Plan' in the next chapter.

I like Sky crazy, she suits it, heh.

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