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Your Nightmare

#49- Shrink.

Brian was woken up in the morning to Sky closing the door loudly to wake him up from his slumber. He moaned and pulled the covers over his head that was before he smelt bacon. He pulled the covers up and his eyes lit up when he saw Sky standing with a full English breakfast. He sat up rubbing his head as she placed the tray on his lap.

“I have a huge headache.” He groaned ripping into the bacon like an animal.

She chuckled at him while sliding under the covers and sipping on the cappuccino she had made herself, “No wonder, you drank way to much.”

They sat in silence while he ate. Sky tried not to think about last night. She didn't want to become 'friends' with Matt, it seemed to … weird. She cannot trust him for starters, and what's friendship without trust? Plus she didn't even know if she wanted to be his friend, he was still that monster that she'd seen so many times.

“I'm sorry for snapping at you, that was fucked up.” His words sounded rushed and caught Sky off guard.

“I understand, I pissed you off.” She shrugged her shoulders and sipped on the hot cappuccino.

He bit his lip and then looked over at her bandage on her arm, “I-I don't want you hurting yourself Sky, that's stupid.”

She nodded slowly, “I know it is. When is the shrink coming?”

Of course she knew it was stupid, but it was something that comforted her. Sky felt childish and stupid talking about this type of thing with him and he was starting to sound like Matt and it pissed her off. If she wanted to do things to herself, even if it was stupid she would, no one could control her over that.

He shrugged, “In about an hour.”

Sky hated shrinks. She had one at her old school, he was a bastard. He was boring and stupid, he didn't understand anything. He would sit there, ask her pointless questions, eat doughnuts and write things down on a note pad. Sky hadn't told him anything.

She decided to take a quick, hot shower and just leave her hair damp. She went to reach for a razor before realising there wasn't one there. She only wanted to run it over her legs because she wanted to wear shorts today. She growled in annoyance and just decided to get dressed in a pair of jeans and a Led Zeppelin shirt.

When she walked back into the bedroom Syn was stood up in just a pair of basketball shorts. He put something in his hamper and rolled his eyes, “Shrinks here.”

“Already?” She frowned and closed the bathroom door behind her. He nodded and walked out of the door hearing his name being called from downstairs. Sky followed him.

She felt nervous and childish. This was stupid. What the hell was a shrink going to do for her? How the hell could she tell him anything?

The shrink was sat on the single chair, briefcase in hand with a cup of strong coffee. He looked up and Sky and smiled, showing pearly white teeth. He was about forty five, with dark brown hair and wrinkles around his eyes. Shadows was sat on the sofa day dreaming. Syn walked over to the man and shook his hand, he then sat next to Shadows on the sofa.

“Hello Sky, I'm Dr. May but you can call me Kenneth.” He smiled unfolding his legs and setting his briefcase on the floor beside him. He pulled out a small notepad and placed it on his lap. Sky sat on the single chair opposite him and crossed her legs over one another.

“Let's get started, how are you feeling today?”

Sky sighed, “I'm fine.”

He scribbled something down on his notepad. Sky shot Syn a funny look at rubbed her hand across her forehead.

“How have you been feeling this week?”

“Fine, I've been feeling fine.” She shrugged.

“Why do you think I'm here?” He asked arching an eyebrow at her.

She nodded her head towards the two men sat on the sofa, “Because of those ass holes.”

A silence filed the room and Syn let out an awkward laugh before turning to Sky and frowning at her, “Don't be rude.”

“I'm not a child.” She spat.

Dr. May scribbled something else down on his notebook looking at Brian who just sat back down in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. Shadows nudged his knee obviously telling him not to get involved.

“How was your childhood?” He finally asked.

Sky looked down at her lap and then back up at the three men who were staring at them, “Shitty. Not amazing.”

“Can you elaborate?”

She sighed, “My father likes drugs and my mother liked alcohol.”

He wrote it down, “Did they ever shout at you? Hit you?”

She had to keep back a laugh, “Yes.”

He wrote that down to. Shadows shuffled in his seat and it was the only noise in the room. It was scarily quiet.

“How often Sky?”

“Each day.” She shrugged again, letting the doctor know it was actually bothering her, “It wasn't to bad.”

“What do you mean by that?” His expression changed from concentrating to concerned.

She arched an eyebrow, “They bought me loads of things, I was never neglected.”

“Do you think they paid you off because of the bad things they did to you?”

She felt herself tense. She didn't hate her parents, she just didn't like them. They did buy her off, but that wasn't something she wanted to admit, it make her sound stupid and unaware, “Of course they did, I realise that now.”

“Did you parents ever have friends around?”

She nodded and pulled her legs up to her chest before pulling her shirt over her knees, “Yeah, well my father did.”

“Did they ever touch you?”



She hesitated. Sky couldn't remember much of her childhood, she had tried to blank it out. It wasn't something she was proud of, it hurt to think about about it. While most children were taken out for walks on the beach or a trip to the park, Sky was locked in her bedroom with whatever new toy her mother had bought to entertain her. She had been touched when she was about five, that's the main thing she could remember. She was never raped, just forced to do things. It didn't upset it her, it made her feel sick.


Brian and Matt flinched in unison. They both looked at each other and then at Sky who was sat with a straight face staring at the doctor. Kenneth wrote something else down on his notepad after pausing and rubbing his forehead.

“Did they rape you Sky?”

“No, just- No they didn't rape me.”

“They just made you do things?”

Sky found herself staring at the floor, she was embarrassed, “Yeah.”

Her wrote some more things down on his notebook while Brian stared at her. His eyes looked hurt, he needed to go over to her and make everything okay.

“Did your mother ever do anything to you?”

“She hit me, but I hit her back.”

“Do you think that was acceptable?”

She scoffed, “No. What type of question is that? How would that be okay to hit a child?” She didn't mean for her voice to come out as angry as It did, but he was talking to her like a kid.

“I understand.” He nodded writing something else down on his note pad.

"Why is your arm bandaged up?"

She shrugged.

“Have you been touched inappropriately any other time?”

She didn't look at the two men sat on the sofa, “No.”

“Are you sure?”

She didn't blink, “Yes, I'm sure.”

He turned his head and picked up his briefcase, placing his notebook and pen into it. He put it down by his side and crossed his arms over his chest, staring at her. She frowned slightly and then exhaled.

“Did you have any pets as a child?”

Her eyes went wide and her eyebrows dropped, “I- I uh, I had a dog.”

He nodded, “What was it called?”

“Elvis.” She said slowly, not quite understanding what he meant by this, “Why?”

He turned to face Shadows and Syn, “I'd like to speak to you alone if that's alright.”

All three of them turned to Sky and she raised both hands in the air, “Alright, I'll just leave...”

“Thank you Sky, I'm pleased with you, well done.”

She mentally flipped him off and shot him a sweet smile before turning around and cussing under her breath. Well, that went fucking great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god, you guys are the best!
I loved every single comment, you're all amazing (:

Haha, team threesome? Wow, you guys...

So this chapter kind of sucked but that's fine... Haha abuse me if you like but i just love the shrink, he's adorable and reminds me of a cute little fat man.

7 comments and ill update :) I love you all, don't be scared to comment, you guys don't realize how much i love to read them, I'm a nerd.