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Your Nightmare

#53- Plans.

“You know, you're beautiful when you're hot.”

Brian brushed her sticky hair away from her forehead and smiled at her. They both lay under the covers staring at each other for some while.

“That's called sweat. And you're a creep.” She smirked flicking his nose.

He chuckled and looked down, his expression changing from happy to slightly pissed off. She frowned and him and lifted up his chin only to find him looking away again, “I just wish that was our first time.”

Sky smiled up at him, “In my eyes it was.”

He weakly smiled and pressed his lips against her forehead, “I hate myself for that, I'll never forgive myself-”

“Shh, you're acting stupid. I don't care. Let's drop it. Don't ruin the moment.”

He nodded and pulled away, staring at her beautiful face, finding himself smiling. She said that she loved him and it made his insides turn, “It's dropped.”

“Good.” She turned onto her back and bit her nails, something she did when she was nervous, he noticed and pulled her hand away causing her to look up at him.

“Why are you nervous?”

She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest like a child, “Because these walls are about as thick as paper and I'm just going to get abuse when we go downstairs.”

He chuckled and shot her a huge grin, “Ill protect you.” He smiled and jumped up pulling his boxers on and then his pants. He walked over to the mirror and gasped when he saw his reflection.

“You fucked my hair up.”

She bit her lip, “Sorry.” She watched him turn around and his lips curl up into a smile watching her cheeks flood a deep red colour. He loved embarrassing her because she just looked so damn adorable when she blushed, she reminded him of a china doll.

“Wanta' go down? I really want to watch a match before it's all over.” He asked tossing her one of his long, white v-necks and running a hand in his hair. She nodded and pulled the shirt over her head before jogging over to grab a pair of underwear and nodded to him.

As Sky walked down the stairs she prayed that no one would say anything to her, it was just embarrassing. Brian jogged in the room and ran over to a seat that was occupied by Zacky until he got up to get his beer and Brian stole it. He shot Brian a death glare and just settled for the floor.

Sky stood awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck with Jimmy and Matt staring at her. Jimmy winked at her before turning back to the TV smirking to himself. She caught Matt's eyes and he looked away staring at the floor biting his lip. She walked over to the floor and sat on the side of the sofa, not wanting to make eye-contact with anyone. The fighting on the TV continued until the commercials came on and Brian and Johnny disappeared into the kitchen to grab everyone a beer and Jimmy, River, Zoe and Zacky went to order food, leaving just Matt and Sky in the room. Awkward.

Luckily Cisco came running into the room and jumped onto Sky's lap. She tickled the yapping dog making him squirm on the floor tossing around his legs and paws. Matt was watching her, a unreadable expression pressed onto his face as he folded his arms around his huge chest and let out a sigh.

Cisco jumped from Sky and then up onto Matt's lap causing him to grunt. He smiled down at the puppy and ticked under his chin making him bark and rub himself against him lovingly. Sky watched as he looked over at her still smiling from playing with the dog, his smile dropped as his eyes caught hers and they both stared at each other for a moment.

“Right who wants pizza?” Brian walked in the room tossing Matt a beer and lifting Sky up onto his lap as he sat down on the sofa. He kissed her nose and then her chin, planting small, sweet, playful kisses wherever he could reach receiving uncontrollable giggles from Sky her fingers trying to push him away by his forehead. He snapped at her fingers with his teeth making her quickly pull her hand away and her mouth fall into a O.

“If you got me then my finger would have been chopped off.” She said almost childishly causing him to smirk.

“I suggest you choose a pizza while I go and feed our little Mr,” He said grabbing Cisco from Matt's lap who was almost asleep. Sky nodded and jumped off his lap sitting back in place when he left. She was now even more closer to Matt, she didn't feel scared just uncomfortable.

“I suggest the double pepperoni and cheese, it's good.” Matt shrugged switching channels, not even looking at her. She nodded slowly and continued to analyse the menu.

“I think I might just have some fries or something.” She replied almost in a kind tone. She watched as his eyes turned from the TV and then to her. He smiled and took another sip of his beer before turning back and settling for a music channel. She hated small talk, but at least he was trying to be nice to her. It was hard for her to look at him in the face, she could have been pregnant with his child. Her stomach tightened when she thought about the whole situation, the baby, the hospital- she just didn't even want to think.

She was thankful when Syn re-appeared with a grin across his face. Her arms reached out for him and he picked her up and swung her around in one swift movement placing her on his lap as he sat down. Matt watched them out of the corner of his eye, making out right in front of him. His fist clenched into a tight ball and his eyes widened. They had just had sex and now they're making out right in front of him. He could rage around the room.

“Let's put a good movie on.” Johnny suggested walking back into the room with a bunch of DVD's in his hand, “Horror, action or sloppy rom-com?”

“Horror.” Sky suggested right away causing Syn to look at her funnily, “Rom-com's are stupid.”

Brian nodded in agreement, “That's my girl.”

Johnny settled for 'A Haunting In Connecticut' playing play and waiting for the title menu to come up so he could press play. Zacky returned into the room and began to take everyone's order mentally writing it down in his mind before turning back and screaming the order in the kitchen.

“I'm sorry we didn't get to go out for anything fancy.” Brian whispered making her turn her head and look at him.

She smiled and looked down before looking back up into his eyes again. “I think you made up for it.”

Sky didn't know that Matt could hear everything they both were saying. He placed his head against his fist and leant against the sofa, causing it to rock slightly and then sighed deeply. The movie began to play and Johnny got up to sit in the single sofa and rubbed his hands together, “You guys will shit yourselves.”

Sky didn't flinch when Johnny did. Matt wasn't paying attention, he was on his cell texting when something on the screen screamed, so he jumped pretty far. Syn turned over and laughed over-dramatically at him punching his arm before he got pushed off by Matt who rolled his eyes.

Jimmy and the girls had to go out and get the food, they said they never had anything delivered in-case people could track them down. Sky shuffled awkwardly in Syn's lap and he groaned loudly making everyone turn to him with raised eyebrows, Zacky with a huge smirk across his face. Sky looked down and blushed mumbling out an apology making sure she stayed still. But all the guys laughed, including Syn. It was obvious they had all had quite a lot to drink already.

“Sit on my lap and do that Sky!” Johnny yelled, chuckling like a little girl to himself. Brian and Matt both shot him the same look, as if to tell him to fuck off. Zacky just laughed at him, en-encouraging him even more. They shut up when a huge scream came from the TV causing Johnny to spill part of his beer.

Sky rolled her eyes, “You guys can't watch scary movies can you?”

Jimmy shook his head his eyes wide at he stared at the TV in horror causing Sky to let out a really loud chuckle and Zacky turn to her to tell her to shut up. It was hard for Sky to believe they were rock-stars, they all seemed to .. childish and naïve.

Suddenly the door swung open with a loud bang causing everyone to flinch and Sky to scream. Jimmy stood in the doorway looking into everyone with shock on his face. Sky felt Syn relax and shoot Jimmy a look.

“You scared the fucking shit out of me.” Matt exclaimed, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Jimmy shrugged and gave everyone a bag of food, kissing River as he ran past her to grab a beer. Zoe walked over to Zacky sitting on his lap and kissing his cheek while he stuffed the fries in his mouth.

Someone's phone began to ring and Matt dug his hand into his pocket and answered it with a mouth full of food, “Yeah?”

“No. fucking. Way.” He exclaimed dropping his burger onto the sofa and leaving the ketchup leak all over the arm. Everyone's head turned to him and Johnny muted the DVD. Matt's eyebrows raised and then a devil-like grin spread across his face.

“What time? Where? We are there.” He shot Zacky a knowing look and Zacky just nodded making a gun sign with his hand. Sky turned around and frowned at Syn who just gave her a 'I'll tell you later' look. Sky turned back to Matt and he was nodding, obviously remembering things in his head.

“Tomorrow, nine, board-walk.” He nodded and placed his cell on his knee looking around to the guys smiling.

“We've got them.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this chapter, it's just like one big family! I know you guys probably hate it because there's no action but you just wait for the next chapter haha.

10 comments and I'll update :)

BTW I didn't think the last chapter would have so many good comments, thanks guys, I really tried :)

(Un-edited, lazy) xoxo