Status: comments are the thing that helps me keep going.

My Protector.

chapter three

Chapter 3
Evelyn had dreams of weird creatures that wanted to hurt and eat her all that month. She woke up many times in the middle of night, sweating and crying, causing George to wake up as well. Working all day was really hard on her, but she was getting paid for it. She was becoming great friends with all of the Weasley's, Hermione, Harry, and the Order. Ginny, Tonks, and Hermione were her best friends. They all got along and when they got together, they acted like such girls.
One night, one of the times that she woke up, she was so close to the wall, that her nose was brushing up against it. It was cool on her hot skin. She was breathing hard and quickly. She couldn't take it any more. She crawled over George's sleeping body and slipped out of the door.
The room was dark, except for the light of the silver moon floating in through the window. She tip toed to the window and looked out side of it. It looked peaceful outside. Nothing moved, nothing stirred; everything was calm and still.
Evelyn sat down at the window seat. Her foot brushing up against the wooden floor. Her hands lay in her lap, feeling a sense of calmness take over her. She closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. Images of the terrifying Veela attacking her came popping up like a horror film. A small tear drew down her cheek, twinkling in the moonlight.
Then, she suddenly felt something trace the tear, like it was scaring it away. Her eyes snapped open to see one of the twins sitting next to her in the window seat. George's door was open, telling her it was him. She let out a breath of relief.
"You scared me," She whispered, closing her eyes again, tilting her head back, hitting the wall softly.
George chuckled softly, watching her. She looked so scared. He rested his hand on her knee, causing her to open her eyes and looked at him.
"I'm here for you," He said kindly.
She smiled then placed her arms around him, pulling him in a hug. It surprised him a little, but he returned the hug. Evelyn felt safe in his arms. It was weird. A feeling swam around in the pit of her stomach, growing more and more, until it was ready to explode. It was the kind of feeling that made you want to giggle like a little girl or sing at the top of your lungs. It was the kind that made you feel welcomed and loved. It was the kind that made you want to skip down the street and say hello to everyone you see. It was a happy feeling. It was hope.
A loud bang came from the window, making the two to jump apart. At the window was a grey owl with a letter tied to his foot. It looked like it was an old, worn out owl. George opened the window muttering, "Errol."
"Errol?" Evelyn asked.
He nodded, taking the letter from the owl's foot. "Family owl."
George's whole face seemed to drop when he read that letter. When he was done, he raced into Fred's room. Evelyn stood, slightly taking a step towards the room. The twins came busting through the door and going into George's room. She quickly followed them into the small room. They were throwing clothes into a bag.
"What's going on?" She asked from the doorway.
"We're packing," George said, taking a bunch of her clothes and stuffing it in the bag. "Me and you are going away for a while. Fred's gotta stay here and manage the shop."
She slowly nodded then helped stuff random clothing in the bag. When they were all packed, Evelyn and George took the bag and went into the living room where the letter still was.
"Thank you, Fred, for everything," She said hugging him.
"No problem. Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."
She nodded with a smile. The two brothers hugged each other tightly. They probably had never been apart for a long time before. They said goodbye, then George walked over to Evelyn, took her hand then apperated.
The spot they were in was dark and damp looking; it was an alley way. George smiled softly then pulled her forward out of the alley. The street that they appeared on, was empty and dark. A noisy pub and a bright inn were the only two things opened. They walked over to the inn and strolled in. It was a beautiful inn. The walls, floors, and counters were made of oak.
"Stay here, I'll get us a room," George said walking to a very tired looking woman.
Evelyn looked around a bit, seeing only a couple of people still up. A few men came in, laughing and hiccuping. They were obviously drunk. They stumbled into the large, tall room, earning a stern look from the woman behind the counter.
"Aye, look what we got here!" One bellowed, walking over to Evelyn.
She took a breath in sharply, looking at the ground. Her grip on the bag became tighter.
"What a beauty!"
"My bed's big enough for you and me!"
"Is she ignoring us?"
"Can I help you?"
Evelyn looked up at the last voice. George snaked his arm around her small body and pulled her closer with an angry look on his face.
"We was just trying to have a little fun with your girlfriend here," One laughed, reaching out to touch her cheek, but George smacked it away.
George growled softly, "You mean wife."
He pulled Evelyn over to the stairs and climbed then, not giving the drunk men a chance to respond. When they reached their room, Evelyn still hadn't said anything.
"You okay?" He asked, unlocking the door.
She shrugged walking in and putting her stuff on the floor. "Just shaken up, I guess."
After a few minutes of silence she spoke up, "My friend Alice pointed out something to me."
"What's that?" He asked from the bathroom.
"We haven't kissed yet."
A thud was heard.
"We haven't kissed yet. What if someone gets some suspensions?"
George's face appeared in the doorway, his face red. He walked into the room, looking as if he were thinking about it. He bit his lip as he turned towards her. Her face was neutral, but her eyes were filled with pain and despair. If he agreed, would he be taking advantage of her? She did ask him to. He sighed softly and stepped closer to her.
"Fine. But just once then we go to bed," He said, pulling her up off of the bed. His left arm went around her waist, while his right hand found its way in the crook of her neck. "Ready?"
She nodded, "Ready."
George slowly lowered his lips to her hers. When they touched, their lips were still for a moment, then started moving against each other. Evelyn's mind was spinning around, making her slightly light headed. As she shifted her weight to her other feet, she tripped over one of the bags and was sent falling onto the bed. But her hand grabbed George's shirt, causing him to fall on her. Their kiss was finally broken, but they were in a very awkward position.
"Uh, sorry," She mumbled, her face red.
He rolled off of her saying, "No, it's fine."
As they lay there, looking at the ceiling, their minds were only on one thing. And it wasn't Voldemort, or having to go into hiding. It wasn't running to safety. It was each other. And it was then on that they were falling for one another.
Weeks went by. George and Evelyn went from inn to inn, from forest to forest. They hadn't talked about the kiss or how they were starting to feel. George had received a letter from his mother that said that they could come home sometime soon, but not back to the shop. They were more than likely to come searching for her again at the shop.
"So, when should we go back?" Evelyn asked as they walked through a forest.
It was starting to get dark, but some light poked out through the trees' canopy above their heads.
George shrugged. He was missing his brother and family so badly. "When I get a letter I guess." He paused to set his things down, "This spot will be fine."
She nodded leaning against a fallen tree. She looked around; there was a small lake nearby that they could bathe in and wash clothes. She looked back to George who was gathering logs and starting a fire.
As the flames grew, so did the night. Evelyn was ready to pass out, but she wanted to talk to George. She just wanted to know what he thought about the kiss, because there was no doubt that she had felt something in the kiss and for him. Her heart were swelling with feelings that she had never felt before. So she picked herself up and forced herself to sit next to him. He smiled softly at the small bodied girl gently.
"I want to talk to you," She said bluntly. Her hands held her attention, afraid to look up at him.
He nodded, pointing at the fire with a stick, "Alright, talk."
She pushed aside the questions of the kiss and decided to ask about his family.
"You miss your family don't you?" She asked glancing upwards at him.
He studied her position. She look almost scared to look at him. Something told him that that wasn't what she wanted to talk about. With his long, slender index finger, her pushed her face up by her chin. They locked eyes. Brown to blue.
"What do you really want to talk about?" He asked, a smirk playing at his lips.
Evelyn bit her lip, "Um, the kiss."
He nodded slowly for her to go on.
"Did you, I mean." She groaned in frustrated, throwing her head in her hands. She gathered her words and courage then looked at him again. "I felt something in that kiss. Something I haven't felt in a kiss before. I don't know if you feel the same, and I might be stupid for rambling on and on like this, but-"
Evelyn never got to finish her sentence. Two hands had grasped her upper arms tightly, and pulled her into the person. And a pair of lips were attached to hers. She was surprised to say the least. She was surprised that he actually kissed her. When he pulled away, he left his forehead resting against hers. His eyes stayed closed, and his breath hit her cheeks.
"Yea, I felt something too," He chuckled slightly.
His hands slid up to her cheeks, opening his eyes. His eyes danced around, looking at all her features on her face. Her hands slowly lifted and place them over his hands. A smile crept up on her face, causing a smile to appear on his. He pecked her lips, then nose, then forehead, then back to her lips. She softly giggled against his lips. He pulled away and pulled her in a hug.
It was weird. He was assigned to be her protector not knowing what was in store. Without knowing that they would fall for each other. But they did and it was okay with them.
The next day, an owl came swooping down, crashing into Evelyn making her fall on the forest floor.
"Ouch." She groaned, pushing herself up.
George untied the letter that he spotted on the owl's leg. The parchment was un-scrolled and the two read it. All it had was a few words.
"Come home!"
The couple smiled at each other and hugged tightly. Then they found themselves in the middle of the Weasley's living room. Evelyn looked around was instantly engulfed with a hug from Tonks.
"Oh, I've missed you!" She giggled.
Then she was attacked by Ginny, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley. They were all speaking to her, asking questions at such a fast speed that she really couldn't comprehend what they were saying at all. All she could say was, "I missed you too."
Harry wasn't there anymore; he was back at his house, but the order was planning on going to get him that next week. So, Evelyn and George had some time to themselves before all hell broke loose.
The next day, Evelyn woke up from the palette on the floor in Ginny's room. It killed her back. She walked from the room to the bathroom, which was passed the twins' room. They were still passed out in their beds. She smiled softly at the sight, but she kept on walking to the bathroom. She washed her tired face, then put on some makeup. She went back to Ginny's room, seeing her bed being empty. She quickly changed her clothes and brushed out her hair. Then she walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
"Ah, good morning, Evelyn," Mrs. Weasley smiled. "Sleep well?"
Evelyn shrugged, "My back hurts a bit."
"Oh, well that wont do. We'll have to figure out where you'll sleep tonight."
"Oh, thank you."
Evelyn ate breakfast with Ginny and Hermione. Her plate was filled with bacon and eggs. She missed home cooked meals.
"So, how was staying with George?" Ginny asked, amusement playing in her voice.
Evelyn blushed softly, "Uh, it was, nice."
The two girls laughed at Evelyn's face that had gone completely red. Before they could say anything else, the twins came down the old stairs with their hair sticking up at each and every ends. Even though they were identical, George stood out to Evelyn. His eyes were half way closed and his mouth hung lazily open. She knew that he was tired, and she felt 100% responsible for it.
When George's eyes laid upon his new girlfriend, his eyes widened, and his mouth formed a smile. She watched him smooth down his famous Weasley hair. He quickly picked his seat next to her, but before sitting down, he pecked her temple softly, sending Hermione and Ginny into girly giggle fits. Evelyn gave them a look, as well as sticking out her tongue at the two.
"How'd you sleep?" He asked, shoveling food in his mouth.
Evelyn smiled, just finishing her bacon, "Not so well. Hardwood floor kills my back." She chewed her bacon, then swallowed.
"Aw, well that's no good!" He proclaimed.
"Yea, your mum said that she'll find me another place for me to sleep."
After breakfast, the twins and Evelyn went to the shop to work for a couple of hours. Kids came and went, all buying something before they left. Evelyn was great at the job. As Evelyn was busy with a customer, Fred and George were in the back, talking about her.
"We should hire her after all of this is done with," George said, watching the girl from across the room.
Fred nodded, then added, "What if she wants to go back home after all this is done with? What if she wants to forget about all of this? What if she wants to forget about all of us?"
George looked down, a stern look on his face. She would want to stay with him, right? She would still want to be with him. He looked back up, watching her laugh with a little girl who was trying on one of the hats that turns your skin different colors. A smile rose on his face and decided to put aside the thought of her leaving and thought about the time he had with her. Because they were living in the present, that is surely a gift.
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Yay, another chapter. I love the new layout and banner. :)