Status: comments are the thing that helps me keep going.

My Protector.

chapter six

Chapter 6
Everyone comes to a point in there life when they realize that they're not a child anymore. They're not just a small kid that can get away with everything that they did.
When Evelyn was a child, she used to watch her pet owl fly across the sky in the early morning. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen. Every time she felt scared or alone, she would think of that owl. And till the day that she dies, she will remember. When Molly told her that she was pregnant, that is what she thought of. Not herself, not George, but that black owl soaring in the air.
"Evelyn?" A voice called, "Evelyn, dear."
As the bird finally faded away, Evelyn opened her eyes. "Y-Yeah”
The whole room seemed to spin before her. She clutched the chair that was near her, and lowered herself into it. Pregnant? How could she be pregnant? She and George were so careful, at least, that’s what she thought. As the kettle on the stove whistled loudly, she studied Molly’s face for some time, trying to find any rage hiding in it at all. But, she didn’t see any at all. Only concern and a little fear.
“You’re not,” she paused, “mad are you?”
Molly sighed and stood to take the kettle off of the stove, “Well, I’m not mad at all. Any other time I would be thrilled with this information, but…”
A cup filled with tea was placed in front of Evelyn; she gladly accepted it.
“But?” Evelyn squeaked.
“But the war is soon to come. And I’m afraid that George won’t even think of helping us when his girlfriend is pregnant. We need all the help we can get.”
Molly looked outside as laughter was heard.
“Great, they’re back.”
Molly was right. If George knew about her baring his child, he wouldn’t want to help, let alone let her help. She sighed softly then spoke softly, “Then we don’t tell him.”
“What?” Molly whispered as the twins got nearer to the house.
“Just until all of this is over. Then I’ll tell him. But he doesn’t need to the stress right now.”
“Hey, we’re home!” Fred’s voice boomed through the empty house.
The two red heads came into view, looking quite depressed and worried. Apparently, Diagon Alley had gotten worse than they had thought. They said that the stores were completely abandoned and they also had gotten attacked by some Death Eaters. But it was nothing to sweat about obviously. The whole time they were talking, Evelyn would glance at Molly, to see if she was going to say anything, but she never did. She never once spoke about Evelyn at all.
“Oh, Mum,” George spoke, his arm was hung loosely around Evelyn’s neck, “What was wrong with Eevee?”
Evelyn’s stomach did flips.
“Oh, she just has the flu.” Molly lied to her son, “She should get better soon.”
She smiled at Evelyn, and then stalked out of the kitchen without saying another word.
Evelyn did her best to hide any symptoms of the pregnancy, but it was difficult. Especially the morning sickness. George was worried about her and was starting to believe that maybe the flu just wasn’t what she had.
A few days went by and George was fid up.
“Can I talk to you?” He asked Evelyn one morning after she threw up.
She nodded, knowing this wasn’t good, “Yeah, sure.”
George led her to their room, where he closed the door and stared at her. It was almost glare. She didn’t feel comfortable under his gaze. She fidgeted with the blanket that lay on the bed with her.
“What’s wrong?” He asked her, “And tell me the truth.”
Evelyn pretended to look confused. She titled her head to the side, not wanting to seem obvious.
“What do you mean? I have the fl-”
“Don’t lie to me.”
His voice was cold, it stung, and it cut down deep into her heart. She could feel it breaking in two. She should tell him everything right then and there, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She was doing this for Molly after all. But she just couldn’t take the pain anymore.
Just then, Fred barged into the room. A look of relief and fear crossed over his face. “Harry’s at Hogwarts.”
Running, screaming, spells flying. It was almost too much for everyone. When they arrived at Hogwarts, the battle hadn’t started yet. The Death Eaters weren’t even at the castle. It wasn’t until Harry and the Order came into view, did a man, with a long, slender face, vanished to call for them.
After some time, Death Eaters were every where in the castle. Every where. George wouldn’t let Evelyn out of his sight. As they ran to the top of the tower with Fred and Remus, George pulled his girlfriend over to the side where they were hidden.
Evelyn started to speak, “George we gotta…”
But she was cut off with a pair of lips that were attached to hers. That kiss, changed both of them, and they didn’t even know it. That kiss would be their last kiss for a long time. But of course, they knew nothing of this.
As they flicked their wands and cast spells at people, time went one. Everyone was tired and just wanted to go home. But it wasn’t that easy. Voldemort wasn’t going to let them just go home to rest for a while.
Some how, Evelyn and the twins had managed to move down from the tower to the front entrance.
“Eevee, this way!” Fred called, as he followed his brother.
Evelyn followed, dodging a spell, that was aimed at her. She fell to her knees, covering her head. She looked up, not seeing either one of the twins, causing all the color in her face to dissolve. She looked around franticly, desperate to see a patch of red hair anywhere.
“Eevee!” Shouted a voice, “Look out!”
Evelyn’s body was thrown to the floor, face first. She hit her head on a large chuck of wall that had fallen and her stomach. Thinking the worse, she grabbed her stomach, knowing that at that moment, she was going to lose the baby. Her vision started to blur. Was she losing consciousness? She tried to roll her body over to her back, but she couldn’t. She didn’t have enough strength.
“Evelyn, don’t move,” George’s voice cooed in her ear.
George moved her on to her back, as his face turned scared at how lifeless she looked.
“George, I…”
“No,” He cut her off, “don’t talk.”
Evelyn groaned softly, “I need to tell you something.”
George didn’t say anything. He waited for her to continue. Although, he was worried for Fred. He hadn’t seen him since he saved Evelyn from a falling wall. He glanced around. He didn’t see him at all.
Evelyn was starting to pass out.
“I’m pregnant.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, sorry for the loooong ass delay.