Status: comments are the thing that helps me keep going.

My Protector.

chapter seven

Chapter 7
George Weasley. A son. A brother. A friend. No longer a twin. That was the thought that kept going in and out of his mind as he sat next to his girlfriend that had been in a coma for a month. Half of his being had been ripped out of him and thrown away. Evelyn was the other half that was keeping him from completely losing it.
The war was over. Harry survived and killed Voldemort, leaving the world in peace. But some how, George wasn’t at peace. He didn’t go anywhere. The shop was ran by Harry and Ron for the time being. He just stayed by Evelyn’s sleeping body all day. The only time he got up was to use the bathroom and, if he was forced, to take a shower.
“How is she today?” Ron asked from the doorway.
George shrugged but didn’t look away from her face, “The same as yesterday.”
Ron nodded as he watched his brother stroke Evelyn’s face. He sighed softly, knowing that his brother needed some fresh air.
“Hey, how about you come with me and Harry to the shop if you want…” Ron trailed off.
“No. I don’t want to.”
“I said no!” George yelled as his eyes closed tightly.
Ron let out a breath. He backed away towards the door. He stayed silent for a moment, watching his brother.
“Fine,” He said, “but if you change your mind, don’t hesitate to stop by.”
Ron left, knowing that George would never leave that chair until Evelyn woke up.
A few more weeks went by, and George was starting to lose hope. Evelyn didn’t seem like she would ever come out of the coma any time soon. He felt as if it were his fault too. If he had stayed with her, Fred wouldn’t have had to push her out of the way of the falling wall. She wouldn’t have been in a coma, and Fred would be alive.
“George,” Molly called from the door, “Have you tried talking to her?”
George shook his head, his hand folding tightly around hers.
“How can I talk to her?” He asked his mother his voice raspy, “My brother, my best friend, is gone. She’s in a coma and we lost our child. I can’t do it.”
Molly sighed sadly as she watched her son. She started to turn away and head back down stairs, but she stopped and said, “Just give it a try.”
George watched his mother go done the stairs. As soon as she was gone, he looked back at Evelyn. Even though she had been lying in that bed for almost two months, she still looked beautiful to him. Her flawless face had turned a bit pale and there was a big bruise on her forehead and as well as her arm where the iv was. Since she couldn’t eat, they had an iv in her arm to feed her.
George sat at the edge of his seat and reached to stroke back some of her hair. He didn’t know why, but he decided to take his mum’s advice and talk to her.
“Hey, Eevee,” He said, “I’m not sure if you can hear me, but…”
He watched her for a moment, trying to see if there was any reaction what so ever. There wasn’t. But he continued.
“Freddy’s gone. He died when he pushed you out of the way. That’s the reason you’re in a coma right now. I don’t know what to do or where to go with my life without Fred. He was my best friend.
“I just need you to come back. I can’t stand seeing you like this. It hurts. I just need to see your eyes again, your smile. I need to hear your voice, to know that you love me and tell me everything’s gonna be alright. I need you. I need you so much right now. Just please, come back to me.”
As George cried to his girlfriend, he didn’t expect anything to happen. In fact, he was almost certain that nothing would happen. But he was wrong, and he found this out when he grabbed her hand, and she grabbed it back.
At first, he just stared at her hand. Then, he looked at her face calling her name a few times. Her eyes moved behind her eye lids, and her eyebrows twitched a few times. A small groan was even heard.
George’s heart began to beat fast, hoping that he wasn’t imagining this. But he knew it was all true when she finally opened her eyes. And he got to see those blue eyes again.
“Evelyn…” George breathed.
Evelyn opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was George. He looked terrible. There were bags under his eyes, his whole face was pale white, and he looked as if he wasn’t eating.
“What…” She stopped for a second, “What happened?”
That question wasn’t answered right off. First, Evelyn was tackled with a giant hug. She was confused; she didn’t understand what was happening at all. But she knew something wasn’t right, when his body was shaking against hers. She didn’t say anything as she held on to him, not sure of what was going on. Then, she suddenly remembered the baby.
“The baby…” She trailed off.
George sat back down, but still had his hand resting on her thigh, and prepared for what he was going to say. His eyes started watering, knowing that would give it away.
“Well,” his voice was raspy. “The baby didn’t make it.”
Evelyn felt her heart drop.
“There’s more,” He said as he gripped the sheets with his free hand. “Fred saved you from a falling wall. But…”
“But what?” She said through her tears. When he didn’t answer her, she screamed, “What?!”
George let a tear fall from his eye, “Fred nor Tonks made it either.”
A new wave of depression hit Evelyn right in the face. She looked at George, like she was expecting him to say that he was joking or something. But he didn’t, and that made her burst into tears. She held her head in her hands and sobbed. George sat on the bed with her and held her. He knew that she was blaming herself, even though she shouldn’t.
“I’m gonna go get Mum, okay?” He said, standing up.
She nodded, her eyes red from crying. As he left the room, she felt as if this whole thing was her fault. She was the reason that Fred died. As she thought this, she saw Fred’s face pop up in her mind. Then she realized that even though she could tell between Fred and George, she still had to face George everyday.
“Oh, my dear…”
She looked up to see Molly, which made her sob even more. Evelyn clung to her, when she put her arms around her.
“I’m so sorry…” She sobbed, “I’m sorry.”
After a while, Evelyn had calmed down a bit. Molly had reassured her, that she didn’t blame her what so ever. George told her this too. No one blamed her but herself.
Soon, Ron and Harry were back from the shop and got to spend some time with Evelyn. Harry told her all about what happened to him and how the battle ended. Evelyn sat quietly throughout the whole thing.
“Were you scared?” She asked suddenly.
Harry thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I was terrified.”
This made her feel a little bit better.
“Alright, you lot get out of here. I’m sure George wants to spend some quality time with her.” Molly said smiling at the two then going out the door with Ron and Harry.
“You doing okay?” George asked her. He smoothed back some of her hair from her face. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying, but it was slowly clearing up.
Evelyn looked at George. He was smiling at her. His eyes were gaining back their glow. She knew that he was upset that Fred was gone, but she also knew that they would be alright. Just fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
New chaptaaaaa.