Status: active (:

Let's Get Carried Away.

I just needed some time


That night after my huge fight with John I sat on the bus during their set. I couldn't bring myself to go inside and watch them. I wasn't really sure why but decided not to leave. I sat on the couch in the front lounge and wait for Kennedy or Garrett to come back after there set.
I must have not been paying attention because all the sudden Garrett appeared on the bus out of nowhere. "John asked if you left."
I wasn't shocked John asked if I left or not. "Really? Did you tell him I haven't left?" I said as I crossed my legs Indian style.
"Yeah I told him you didn't plan on leaving." Garrett said as he sat down next to me. He ran his fingers through his hands nervously. I could tell he felt torn between me and John. "Lennox I'm not saying I want you to leave by any means, but I'm surprised you didn't leave."
"I don't want to run away this time I want to try to talk this one out if even if he doesn't." I ran my fingers through my brown hair. "I mean this time I need to think about more then myself."
"That's very true." He said looking down at his phone. "Do you ever regret marrying John?" He asked me a question I was sure all the other guys had always wanted to ask me, but were never brave enough. It was a question I had asked myself before.
"I mean I guess I regret that that we never dated, but I don't regret for one second that we got married."
"Are going to try to talk to John tonight?" He asked staring into my eyes.
"If he lets me." I said as Kennedy walked on to the bus. He had a worried look on his.
"So John is not talking to me." He said sitting down next to me on the couch.
"Ken are you really shocked?" Garrett asked.
"No not really. Would rather have him be mad at me rather then Lennox." He said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Also Lenn I would avoid him tonight."
"Why?" I asked concerned.
"He's really drunk."
"Okay." I knew when John got drunk he wasn't fun to be around. Before I could even say anything else John stumbled on to the bus. He walked over to the couch. He didn't sit down he just glared at me. I couldn't even look at him I just looked at the ground.
"I'm surprised you're still here." He slurred. I could feel him glaring at me as I looked at the ground.
"I'm not going anywhere." I said finally looking up at him.
"What if I don't want you here?" As he said it I felt my heart break at the fact he didn't want me there. I looked at Garrett and Kennedy to find them staring at John.
"You're drunk John." I bit my bottom lip as I tried not to cry.
"You have no right to lecture me." He said leaning against the wall. I could tell he was having a hard time standing up straight.
"I'm not lecturing you I'm just saying you're drunk and you don't know what you want."
"I do know what I want and what I want right now is to not be looking at you." He said seethed before walking towards the bunks. The second he was out of my eye sight I broke down crying. John wanted nothing to do with me and he pretty much saw me as nothing but a whore.
"Lenn he didn't mean any of it." Kennedy said sitting down next to me. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his chest.
"He did, and he sees me as nothing but a whore."
"You are the furthest thing from a whore." I heard Garrett say as he sat down next to me.
"So maybe I should go home." I said realizing it was probably for the best. If I stayed here it was going to cause nothing but trouble.
"Hold out till morning and talk to John when he's sober." Kennedy said. I was honestly shocked that he was telling me I should stay and talk to John. I really thought he would push me to end things with John.
"I guess I'll stay and talk to him in the morning." I said standing up. It had been a long night and I need some sleep. This night had lasted long enough.
"Okay good night Lenn." Garrett said standing up and pulling me into a hug. "Don't worry everything is going to work out." He said before pressing his lips to the top of my messy hair.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of John walking into the front lounge.
"Morning." I said lightly trying to judge how mad he was.
"Morning." He said simply with no emotion as he poured himself a bowl of cereal. "Do you want a bowl?" He asked not even looking at me.
"Yes please."
He quickly made me a bowl before walking over to the table and sitting down. I walked behind him and sat down across from him. "Are we the only ones up?" I asked.
I sighed to myself and ate my cereal in silence. I knew it was going to be a task working this out with John.
"Do you want me to go home?" I finally asked. I was sick of walking on eggshells around him.
He was silent for what felt like forever when he finally looked up at me and sighed. "I think it might be best if you go home and we work this out when I get home."
"Okay I'll catch the first flight home."
"I'm not saying I want to end this marriage by any means." He said looking at the table.
"I know we need a break." I said as tears started welling up in my eyes. I hated the fact that are marriage had come to the point where we were taking a break.
I stood up and quickly cleaned my bowl before walking over and grabbing my laptop. I pulled up the American airlines website and booked a flight that would departing in six hours.
I went to the back lounge and started packing when I turned around to find Garrett watching me with a sadden look on his face. "What does this mean?"
"It means me and John are taking a break. We are going to work things out when he gets home from tour." I said zipping up my suit case.
"I'll keep him in line."
"Thank you Gare." I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Can you call me a taxi?"
"Of course."
The flight home seemed too long. The consisted of me trying my hardest not to cry. I didn’t want to be that crying girl on the plane.
When I arrived at the airport I found Quinn waiting for me. I assumed Garrett called her because I didn’t even bother. I assumed I would just get a taxi to take me home. I tired my hardest to smile as she walked towards me. I really didn’t want her to know how sad I was, and how heart broken I was.
“Hey Lenn.” She said pulling me into a hug. “I missed you.” She said grabbing my hand and leading me towards baggage claim area. I remained silent. I really didn’t know what to say to her. I didn’t really want to explain what had happened either. I really hoped that Garrett told her everything so I wouldn’t have to.
“Lenn I know you’re sad and everything, but could you at least talk to me please.” She said grabbing my suitcase.
“Yeah I’m sorry I just got a lot of stuff going on in my head.”
“I know you do, and I’m sorry.” She said grabbing my hand again and leading us outside towards her car.
“How long till John comes home?” Quinn asked as she put my suitcase in the back of her car.
“Two weeks.” I simply said getting into the car.
“Then take these two weeks to hang out with me and stuff.”
“I guess that’s what I’m gonna do.” I said sighing. It was going to be a long two. I felt like I was going to be a nervous wreck the whole time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title from Time.
You can say I've been lagging it on this story majorly. It's just so hard to write this and a few other of my stories. I'm working on finishing this one I promise. There are just a few more chapters left.
I want to thank RoRo15 and xoxo_aj_xoxo for commenting.
I would love if you checked out my John one shot called Be Calm.