Status: Fin.

Opposites Distract

Too Much Head, Too Little Heart.

"Dude, you were such a fucking idiot. If she comes here, she obviously is way too smart for you!" Alex laughed, punching my shoulder, but he still followed me while I followed her. I didn't get her name, but I wanted it. I wanted her to know who she was. I wanted to know why she didn't know me! Or at least why she didn't know Alex! Rian, lucky bastard, was the most unrecognized out of all of us. Everyone knew Alex, or me, and occasionally Zack. That's why we needed to hide by the trees and shit - that girl was giving a tour of Notre Dame to a big group of high school students.

But she was really, really hot, no joke. I couldn't quite tell her ethnicity from just looking at her, though. "No one can resist my charm!"

"Jack, I'm the charming one, you're the childish one."

"Ok, you know what, Alex..."

"Oh, shit! Did you see which way they went?" Alex asked, and he was right - that girl and her group of students were gone. We were still by the footbal stadium and another group was quickly approaching. " Jack, I think it's a sign. Just give up on that girl. Let's find our car and go back to the hotel. We can find the church when Zack or Rian fly in, since I can't read maps to save my life."

"Alright," I sighed, but we raced each other to the car. We both inevitably got lost several times along the way, though.

Zack was still in Huntington with his girlfriend, Bailey. Rian and Cassadee were still in Florida. They would fly over soon. We drove around looking for something to do for a while, but then May called me and so we had to go back to the hotel. "Jack-a-roo!" May squealed when she saw me, geting out of the chair and running to hug me.

"Maybelline!" I yelled back, returning the hug. I hadn't seen her in over a year. I always thought sissy was pretty, but I kind of had to, she was my sissy!

"Only you and Alex are here?" May said disappointedly, frowning at us although she hugged Alex as well. "Where's Rian and Zack? I wanted you all to get fitted for your tuxedos!"

"Tuxedos?!" I repeated, wrinkling my nose. "What the hell is this, senior prom? It's your wedding, May!"

"Well, my wedding will be a little unique," May said proudly.

And unique was such an understatement. May didn't have many girlfriends, so she was picking her fiancé's groom's men, and he was picking her bridesmaids since he didn't have that many guy friends. It was all just really fucking weird, but it was her wedding. Mom and dad didn't bitch about it or anything. She was still having a hard time picking colors, but knowing my sissy, I knew I could expect her to choose between blue, green, and purple.

"So you're not even picking your own maid of honor?" Our brother Joe asked incredulously. He was lounging on the couch.

"Warren and I would have picked the same girl anyways," May laughed. "Do you guys wanna meet Taylor? I'm pretty sure she's done working her day job, and she's got a few hours before she starts her other job..."

"Nah," I answered for all of us. I wanted to get to know this Warren better first. I wanted to know why he had more girl friends than guy friends. I wanted to see if he was good enough for my sissy. "Wait, May - since we're what's-his-face's groom's men, we get to go to his bachelor party, right?"

May rolled her eyes, but I fist pumped when she nodded. "Joe, don't take this the wrong way, but I want Jack to be Warren's best man."

The fist pumping instantly stopped. Me, the best man? Doesn't the best man have to give some nice speech at the wedding reception? I can't do speeches! Well, I can, but I can't give speeches without curse words in them! "Seriously, May? Me?"

"Sure, go for it, Jack," Joe said with a grin, and he looked so happy to have avoided that responsibility.

"If you need help thinking of things to say, you've got Alex," May pointed out, but Alex looked about as lost as I was. Just because he was good at writing songs didn't mean he was good at writing...this sort of thing."Now, you three go be useless somewhere else! Warren's coming with his parents and we're all going to talk some things over. We don't need you here yet."

"Love you too, Maybelline!" I yelled as she kicked us out of the room. "Joe, I love you more than May."

Alex threw his arm around my neck. "But he loves me more than you, sorry, bro!"

We had dinner at some Italian place and then hit a bar afterwards to loosen up and get a few drinks. I needed it most of all. I didn't like responsibilty. I didn't like super serious situations. Best man? I'd probably be too tipsy off the champagne beforehand to give the damn speech! "Hey, who wants the bar tender? Or can I call dibs?" Joe chuckled, his empty beer bottle thudding onto the counter. "Hey, pretty lady, can I get another beer?"

Just my luck. The girl at Notre Dame earlier today was the bartender.

She wordlessly popped the cap off a beer with ease and brought it over to Joe, taking away his empty bottle. I decided not to make an even bigger fool of myself, though. Joe tried to flirt with her whenever she walked by or had to bring him another beer, but she always walked around like she was in a hurry. She seemed to have this permanent scowl on her face, too, or she just didn't like her job.

I wanted to talk to her, but Joe wasn't looking so good after five or so beers, so Alex brought him to our car. I ordered one last drink, though. "Long Island Iced Tea, please?" I asked in a loud voice.

She made the drink fairly quickly, but when she saw who I was, her scowl only deepened. "Your drink, sir," she said stiffly, placing the glass in front of me before turning away swiftly and exiting to an employee break room. She didn't come back out again.

Hard to get, huh? Fine. I don't like them easy, anyways.
♠ ♠ ♠
school is kicking my ass right now. and it's barely started.
but writing this relieves some stress.
i just need to work on getting these to a good length, i know.
seeing readers/subscribers/comments
brightens my day considerably! ;]