Status: Fin.

Opposites Distract

Struggling With Such Great Expectations.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Uh, no, I’m still waiting for someone,” I told the waitress with a polite smile. She looked like she didn’t want to leave, but she did because I was paying more attention to my phone than I was to her. I checked my messages again. Still no response from Taylor.

I didn’t want to seem needy, but I wanted her to be here already. Taylor was never late for our dates, but then again, this was the first date that she decided to meet me somewhere instead of me picking her up and taking her. I swirled my straw in my glass of water, feeling my leg bounce up and down in my impatience. I probably looked like a total loser, sitting in The Original Cheesecake Factory by myself. Everyone here was either with friends, family, significant others, or a combination of those.

Where the fuck was she?

I gave in and actually called her this time. It rang about seven times, then… “Hello?”

“Taylor, babe!” I whined.

“What’s up?”

I rolled my eyes at how cheerful she sounded. “Taylor, would you just-“

“This is Taylor’s phone. Leave a message, and Taylor will get back to you!

I groaned and face palmed when I heard the tell tale beeeeep of her voicemail. “Good one, Tay, your voicemail really got me…well, it’s Jack, so you should answer your phone, or get your pretty self over here right now!” I hung up and pocketed my phone.

Ten minutes turned into twenty, and thirty, and forty… “Are you still waiting for someone?” the waitress asked hesitantly when she saw my blank stare. I didn’t answer. “Um, sir?”

I couldn’t believe Taylor stood me up.

“I’ll have the Chicken Bellagio, a Long Island Iced Tea, and a slice of that Red Velvet Cheesecake.”

The waitress looked like she didn’t expect a response, because she went wide eyed and began fumbling for a pen and paper. “I’m so sorry, could you repeat that?” I sighed, but repeated my order for her. “Is…your date late?” she asked, seeing how I still stared vacantly at the open seat across from me.

No, I’ve been sitting here by myself for more than an hour not ordering any food because I felt like it. “You wrote down my order, right?” I asked sharply. I was not happy with Allegra Taylor right now.

The waitress was taken aback by my attitude. “Yes, I’ll bring you your drink right away,” she mumbled, scuttling off to the bar.

I didn’t mean to chew her out, I just needed a scape goat, and she happened to be there… I know, it’s like, “Jack, when the fuck did you learn a word like that?” Well, ever since I’ve been going out with Taylor, I guess. It’s only been a few weeks, and I know we’re in Indiana for May’s wedding, but Taylor’s been the only thing on my mind ever since we met…

The waitress brought me my drink, knowing better than to talk to me anymore. I chugged that shit, and so she went to bring me another one. I played Angry Birds and blasted some New Found Glory while I waited for my food, and when it arrived, I scarfed it down, not even really enjoying it. I paid for my food and got out of the restaurant to sit on a bench, cradling my head in my hands.

How could Taylor do this? I mean, couldn’t she at least have said something to me? I stared at my shoes for a while, and then I heard heels clacking on the sidewalk as the acrid smell of smoke filled my nostrils. Wow, she had the nerve to show up this late? I lifted my head and looked in the direction of her footsteps, ready to chew her out for this, when I realized it wasn’t even her. It was just some slutty looking chick smoking as she walked over to the restaurant right next to The Original Cheesecake Factory. She met up with some guy waiting for her outside who was smoking as well. They tossed their cigarettes out and kissed at the doorway for a few minutes before going inside.

That was what was supposed to happen with me and Taylor tonight, dammit. Well, except for the smoking. I noticed she had been smoking less and less with me around, and she never had a pack of cigarettes in her purse when we went out on our dates. I sighed and got to my feet, heading back to the car and driving myself back to the hotel.

“Ooh, Jack, why are you back so early?” Alex asked when I trudged into our hotel room, wiggling his eyebrows at me. Rian, Zack, Bailey, and Cassadee had decided to go out on a double date tonight, and Alex didn’t want to be a fifth wheel, so he stayed in the hotel room. I kicked off my shoes and hopped onto my bed facedown. Alex was silent, but I felt him sit down on the bed, too. “Jack?”

I turned so my face wasn’t in my pillow. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“…Ok,” Alex said softly, and he got onto the other bed, turning the TV down a little and channel surfing.

I wasn’t about to cry over a stupid girl. Girls are supposed to cry over me. I’m Jack Bassam Barakat!

…and Allegra Motherfucking Taylor is not a “stupid girl” to me.

I felt and heard my phone ring from my back pocket. I ripped it out and turned it off. “Jack?” Alex said my name. “Bro, seriously, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re freaking me the fuck out, man.”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it,” I repeated firmly.

“Alright…” Alex trailed off hesitantly, but he knew better than to pry. It was quiet again for a good fifteen minutes, but then his phone rang. “What up, May?” Oh…it must’ve been May that called my phone. But, still, I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. “Wait, wait, wait, slow down, May! What happened to Taylor?” I flipped over and sat up, staring at Alex as he talked to May. He looked at me with panic in his eyes, and that made my heart hurt. I was mad that Taylor stood me up, but if it was because something had happened to her…! “Jack is actually right here, He just hasn’t had his phone on and – ok, never mind, where do we meet you?” Alex asked urgently. “…ok. Ok. We’re on our way.” Alex pocketed his phone.

“They're at St.Joseph Regional Medical Center.”

Oh, god, not Taylor!
♠ ♠ ♠
the last time i saw this story, it had 3 stars, and now it has 5?
dskfjbhvdafkhglibsdf WOW. thanks for reading! hope you liked it!
i order exactly that when i go to the cheesecake factory. juice, not long island iced tea, lol.
so i noticed that i write about hospitals a lot... -___-
sorry, my dad's a doctor, what can i say?
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