Status: Daily. (:

Young and Reckless

3. Tour.


I woke up and got in the shower. When I got out and started looking for my clothes I saw,
my closets and dressers where empty. So many thoughts ran threw my head. Are they kicking me out? Are they sending my to rehab? I was shaking in fear, hanging onto the towel as best as I could.

"Craig!" I screamed, walking out into the hallway. Max walked out of his room and looked
at me. Noticing I was only in a towel he blushed a little bit and shook his hair into his eyes before walking downstairs.

"Craig!" I screamed again. I was starting to get pissed off. He didnt need to hide all my
clothes from me. Its freezing in this house and here I am standing in a towel with soaking
wet hair.

"God damn what!" He yelled walking out of his room with sex hair. Gab followed. Her make
up was smeared everywhere. She looked like a raccoon from hell.
"Wheres all my clothes?" I whinned, shivering.
"Oh shit sorry. I forgot to tell you. I packed them up." He said smiling a little.
My eyes went as wide as they possible be.

"W-why?" I said trying to hide how scared I was of being kicked out.
" Sit down sisa." He said. Ok at this point I was terrified. I didnt wanna leave Max or the rest of the band.

"Me and the band think it would be best if.." I interuped "Your kicking me out?" I said my voice cracking at the end.
" No! Where would you get that idea from?!" He said with a confused look.
"Because of the drugs..."

Max walked in, well more like stomped.
"Your kicking her out?! That wasnt the plan Mabbitt!" He growled. He looked like he was
getting ready to kill Craig.

"No! She thought we were..I didnt get to tell her! God Green dont get your damn panties in a bunch." Craig said, adding a laugh on at the end. I just sat there in a towel, in a room full of guys. This couldnt be any more akward could it?
"Will someone please tell me where my clothes are before I get frostbite or some shit!"

"Hallway" Craig said still flinching from the death glares Max was giving him. I walked
into the hallway and got out some clothes and quickly got dressed. I walked back into my room. Monte and Robert where playing Black-ops on my TV.

"Nooo! I will win this time! Fuck you I dont look like slash!" Robert yelled throwing
chips at Monte.
"Dude! You totally look like Slash!" Max said inbetween laughter.
"Fuck you guys! I bet Val doesnt think I look like him. Right val?" He asked with a look in his eye.

"Sorry bro, but you look like his fucking twin from hell" I said laughing. With that all guys doubled over in laughter. Even Robert laughed a little.
"Now will someone pleaseeeee tell me why my clothes are all packed up and shit?" I asked.

Craig sat down on my bed and looked at me. "We all think it would be better if you came on tour with us so we can keep you away from drugs for awhile."

I stared at him. "Your acting like I'm addicted Craig."

"You are..." He looked at me like I was stupid.
I wouldnt call it an 'Addiction', it was more like a little bitty 'problem' nothing big.
"No im not. Its just a little problem. It'll pass." I replied smiling a little.

"Valary...Its a full blown addiction. We've all seen how you are when you come home from
where ever your getting your drugs. We can all see it in your eyes. You act like a whole
different person." Max said. "I've been where you are right now..Its not easy." He
frowned, like he was remembering all the memories of his addiction.

"Ugh! Fine I'll go one tour with you guys." I layed back down on my couch stealing the controller from Robert and playing against Monte.

"Good cuz you were gonna have to go anyways." Max laughed.

" What now bitch!" I jumped up from the couch doing my victory dance. "I winnn! I winn!"
Max, Craig, and Robert all jumped up from where they where sitting. Robert looked like he
was getting ready to shit bricks.

"Fuck you!" Monte yelled, pouting.
"In your dreams lover boy" I laughed, walking downstairs with the rest of the guys.

"Bus is here!" Craig yelled running out the door and onto the bus. goes nothing. Who knows maybe I'll find a friend or two on tour. I walked onto the bus with a smile on my face. I felt accually..happy.
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