Without You.

Hayley lives in a happy safe nurturing home, she is 17, gets good grades at school and her parents always support her. Just like any other day, Hayley sets off to school but when she gets home she can see that things are missing in the house. She can’t put her finger on it. She goes in search of her parents who are usually out the back doing something with the garden but on the way to the backyard she spies her mother sitting in the kitchen. Her mother; Tracey patiently waits with an envelope in her hand and a plate of brownies on the table. “What are they?” Hayley asks Tracey. Tracey smiles and tells her they are brownies and it is a reward for all her hard work. As Hayley takes a brownie, Tracey smiles with what seems to be an evil grin. Brownie after brownie, Hayley gets a bit dopey, and her pupils change from small, to enlarged with a hint of red. Soon after a sense of frustration replaces any form of happiness from Tracey. Hayley realises and asks what was wrong; Tracey then explains that Jason her father has left them. Tracey goes on to explain that he won’t be returning. Hayley jumps up off her chair stumbles into her room crying, she screams, throws things around and questions why her dad would do this.

A few weeks later Hayley falls into deep depression, her dad hasn’t contacted her to say sorry or tell her where he is. She starts skipping school grades are decreasing and she begins to fall into the wrong crowd and gets into the drugs. Walking through the empty school grounds when she runs into this mysterious boy; Sam. They start talking and Hayley shows him around the school. A few weeks later Sam and Hayley form a friendship and even though she is still hitting the drugs and failing at school, Sam promises to help her.

The next day Hayley arrives home to find Tracey is getting dressed up. Tracey tells Hayley that she is going out for a job and she doesn’t know when she will be home. Hayley smiles and nods and takes some of her mothers stash from her bag and heads outside. Later that night a storm hits and knocks out the power, bored, Hayley lights some candles and goes in search of more drugs. Whilst searching for the drugs she comes across an old fashion box. Curious she opens it and finds envelopes with her name and address on them; unopened. Slowly one by one she opens them up and finds out that they are from Jason her dad. She comes to a realisation that her mother had lied to her and that her dad did try to contact her more than once. Yet, Hayley still asks why he never showed up. Frustrated with her mother and the newly found information, she starts to throw furniture around, soon after she backs a bag up and tells her self that she wants to be in a home where she can feel safe and where she isn’t lied to. With her mind set she starts to head for the door when she hears a knock at the door. Hesitating a moment she finally decides to open the door. As she opens the door she preys that it isn’t her mother and is relieved when she finds it is Sam. She breaks down in tears and tells Sam that she can’t handle this drug filled life that she lives in and that she wants to find her dad. Sam takes Hayley to the lounge and sits her down. He tells her that he knows her dad, and that he wasn’t really going to school to learn he was going to her school to check on her. Hayley asks why her dad can’t come himself. He replies by telling her that it is not his place to say and that he can take her to Jason so he can explain. After a few moments of silence Hayley nods and agrees to go with him to Jason.

The leave straight away and head towards Jason’s new life. Sam warns her that Jason has got a new girl in his life, but Hayley doesn’t respond. After a few long days and nights on the road with Sam, Hayley starts to feel new found respect for Sam. On the final day of travelling Hayley asks a question that has been on her mind a lot; why her dad just upped and left. Sam sighs and tells her that that is something she needs to talk to Jason about. On the day that they arrive at Jason’s new house, he welcomes her with open arms. He hugs her and tells her that he is sorry. Elizabeth, Jason’s new girlfriend, takes Hayley to the spare bedroom while Sam has a chat with Jason. Sam explains to Jason that Hayley has had a rough few months and that she has been taking drugs that Tracey had given her. Jason leaves the room in a furious state and calls Tracey. He abuses her and tells her that she is not welcome near Hayley again.

Hayley settled in quickly and wants to talk to her father about what happened. Jason explains to Hayley that they only stayed together for her sake and they didn’t want to upset her, but in the long run it wasn’t working out and they were fighting more than ever. Accepting this as an answer, Hayley asks why Jason never came back for her or even waited for her. Jason looks down at his hands and sighs. He tells her that her mother had corrupted a friend of hers that was in the police force. Jason continues to tell Hayley that they had written a statement that he had beaten Tracey and threatened to hand it in if he came anywhere near Tracey or Hayley. Hayley nods and understands that if that statement had been handed in it could have related to complete custody of Hayley for Tracey, imprisonment or a restraining order.

Hayley was in complete routine at her new life with her dad. She had stopped taking drugs and was seeing a doctor about it. Her grades were picking up at her new school and she had a newly developed love for Sam. Hayley thought that finally things were right in the world and that nothing could kill it. That day, Elizabeth went off to work and Jason and Sam went off to go play golf. Hayley insisted that she didn’t want to go play golf and that she was fine at home by herself. A few hours later there was a knock at the door. Hayley got up straight away and answered it. Her mouth dropped and she froze in time, her mother faced her at the door. Quickly jumping to herself she tried to slam the door shut but Tracey just barged in.

Clearly Tracey was intoxicated and all Hayley could do was wait to see what was going to happen. Tracey started abusing Hayley and telling her that her dad didn’t want her anymore and that it was some sick joke that he was playing her for a fool. Hayley doesn’t like what she hears and starts to cry, she screams at the top of her lungs that it’s not true and that he did love her. Tracey smiles to herself, knowing that she was breaking her daughter down to get her to go back with her. Hayley takes a deep breathe and finds her courage. She starts to fight back and tells her mother that she found the hidden letters and that she was the one that didn’t care about her. Furious by this outcome of the fight, Tracey turns and hits Hayley in the face. A few minutes later Jason walks in having a laugh with Sam. When Jason sees the sight of Tracey he grows furious and tells her to get out. She refuses to leave and makes herself at home by lighting up a smoke. Jason searches around the room to find Hayley where he finally spots her in the distant corner, cowering and crying. Jason orders Sam to get Hayley out of the lounge and to take her to her bedroom. Sam does as he is told.

Jason and Tracey fight it out until Jason throws her out of the house and says to Tracey that if she ever comes near Hayley again, he will go to the police for the abuse that she had done to Hayley. Tracey just looks at Jason and stumbles away. Jason shuts the door and walks to Hayley’s bedroom, he asks if she is okay, she smiles and nods trying to put a brave face on. Jason sits down next to her and puts his arm around her. He tells her that everything will be fine and that today was the start of a new beginning.