Letters to Josh

Letter 1

Letter 1
Dear Josh,
I am glad that you are chasing your dreams, why you want to joining the military is still beyond me! But I support you. In everything you do I will support you. One year Josh, that is a long time to be away from someone that you love. Let us start the countdown, 365 days until Josh returns!! Wow...me writing this makes it reality. Well...If you followed directions like a good boy you waited until take off to read this, so there's no turning back now. Since you can't come back I might as well say what I have been holding back since we met with your recruiter. I'm afraid Josh, afraid that you won't come back to me, afraid that I won't be strong. But you taught me to be strong Josh, it is because of you that I can fly.
I love you Josh, that is why you needed to go. I don't want you to wonder what could have been. I don't want to hold you back. You've been my best friend for four years now, I know how badly you wanted this. You are my world Joshy, so come back to me safely...please!
Remember how before you left we watched Dear John? & they looked at the moon every night? Well Josh wherever you are, weather there's a moon or not, you can see the stars or all you can see is clouds, know that I am under that same sky. I will think of you when I see the sky Josh, I will think of you all the time. I will never take the dog tag you gave me with our initials engraved on it off, I will look at your picture every night while I fall asleep. i will drink Arizona iced teas because they're your favorite, I will keep you updated on the Mets, on your family, and on my life Josh.
Well...this is the end to your first letter, I need to go get ready now, You have to be at the airport in two hours. In this envelope are some pictures for you...well I guess you would have figured that out...I love you Josh, have a good flight!
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OK SO this is just a crazy idea I had...I'm not sure where this is gonna lead to or anything SO Def comment & let me know what you think so far