Ariana Potter

Chapter 1

Albus Dumbledore apperated onto a quiet street somewhere in England. The only sounds that could be on were the sound of the trees rustling in the wind and the occasional dog barking. The houses all looked alike. The only difference between them were the address numbers. Dumbledore took out his deluminator and clicked it causing the street lamps to go out. He walked down the now pitch black street until he found the house he was looking for. Not even 5 minutes later a motorcycle pulled up next to him.
“Ahh, Hagrid! Just in time. You have the children?” Dumbledore asked the large 8 foot tall man. Hagrid stepped off his bike revealing two sleeping 1 year olds in a handmade baby carrier he had made himself. “They weren’t in any trouble were they?” Dumbledore asked.
“No trouble at all sir. Fell asleep halfway through the ride here.” Hagrid said.
“That’s good. Hand me Ariana” Dumbledore said. Hagrid picked up the dark haired girl and handed her to Dumbledore. Dumbledore walked up the pathway and towards the door with Hagrid following behind him.
“I don' understand Professor Dumbledore, Why separate 'em?” Hagrid asked.
“Their aunt and uncle already have a boy of their own. I don’t think they will take to well at having to raise two extra children. So I made other arrangements for little Ariana here.” Dumbledore explained. He looked at Hagrid. “But don’t worry they will be together again soon” He said. Hagrid nodded. He placed Ariana on the doorstep and placed one of the two letters he had in his hand on top of her. He rang the doorbell and him and Hagrid made their way back to the street. “You know where to go I’ll meet you there” He told Hagrid who was getting back on his back. He nodded and started the bike and flew away. Dumbledore turns towards the house. “Until we meet again, Ariana Lily Potter” He said turning and disappearing with a small ‘pop.’
10 years later
Eleven year old Ariana Potter sat in her room doing her sixth grade homework. Her long Black hair tied back with a hair tie and her green eyes were concentrated on the Maths worksheet that had to be turned in that day, she had always put off doing her homework till the last minute. She was almost done when she heard her mother calling her downstairs for breakfast. She quickly wrote down some random answers before putting her stuff her school bag and making her way downstairs.
“Morning mum” She said to her mother who was standing in front of the stove fixing breakfast. “Where’s dad?” She asked when she noticed that her father was nowhere to be seen.
“You’re father had to be at work early today, dear” Her mother said as she placed a plate full of food on the table. Ariana sat at the table and began to eat. “Oh Ariana before I forget, your father and I are working late tonight so you’ll be here by yourself for a few hours” Her mother said Sitting next to her.
“So you’re actually letting me stay by myself?” Ariana asked not believing what she was hearing. Her parents were very overprotective of her. They even didn’t like her walking to school and it was only about a block away.
“Yes but it’s only because we had no choice. But it’s not like you’re going to be completely alone. Mrs. Johnson is right next door if you need anything and the emergency numbers are by the phone. We will be home in time for dinner but there are sandwich ingredients if you want to make you something till then” Her mother explained.
“Okay mum” Ariana said.
“Well I have to go get ready for work so finish up eating and hurry off to school” Her mother said standing up. She gave her daughter a quick kiss on the forehead before heading up to her room. Ariana quickly ate. After she finished she put her plate in the sink before grabbing her school bag and left for school.
School was uneventful for Ariana. She went to school, took some notes, Ate lunch, took some more notes and then school was over. She was walking home when she heard her name being called. She turned around and saw Katherine Valentine and her friends walking up to her. They were the mean girls of the school Ariana went to and Katherine was the leader.
“Yes Katherine?” Ariana asked.
“I have something for you!” Katherine said smiling innocently.
“This!” Katherine said and pushed Ariana hard causing her to fall to the ground. Luckily her bag broke her fall so she didn’t get hurt. Katherine and her friends started laughing pointing at Ariana. Ariana glared at the laughing girls and wished something really bad would happen to them. Just as she wished this an invisible force knocked all the girls down in a puddle of mud getting them all dirty. Ariana’s eyes went huge.
How did that happen?” She thought. She quickly got up and ran the rest of the way home locking the door behind her. She stood there wondering how that could have happened right after she wished something bad would happen to those girls. She shook her head.
“It was just a coincidence” She said to herself. She Took her school bag off her shoulder and put it in the coat closet, till she needed it, and walked over and picked up the mail that had been delivered while she was in school. Most of Them were to her parents but one caught her eye. It was one addressed to her. On the front it said:
Ariana Potter
2nd Room on the right
1223 Millsberry Lane

The things that caught her eye were her name and the room she was in. She knew she was adopted, she found out when she was young. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. She had Black hair and green eyes none of her parents had those traits. They both have brown eyes and her mom had blonde hair while her father had brown. But no one knew except her parents, her and close family members. Everyone else knew her as Ariana Turner. Who could have sent this? How did they know her birth name and even weirder the exact room she was in? She stood there pondering these questions when the phone rang startling her out of her thoughts. She walked over to the phone and pressed it to her ear.
“Hello?” She said into the phone.