Ariana Potter

Chapter 2

“Hello?” Ariana said into the phone.
“Hey Sweetie. Just checking to see if you got home okay” Her mother’s voice said from the other end.
“Yea I made it home fine” She said.
“Okay well remember, Mrs. Johnson is right next door if her need her and-“Ariana stopped her mother from talking.
“And the Emergency Numbers are by the phone I know mum you told me this morning” She said to her mother.
“Just reminding you, that’s all. Anyway I have to go but your father and I will be home by 6”
“Okay mum! Bye” Ariana said and hung up the phone. After putting the phone back she went into the living room and turned on the TV forgetting all about the letter. It wasn’t till her mother asked about the mail was she reminded of it. She got up from the dinner table and got the letter and brought it back to the table and showed it to her parents. They too had the same questions in their head as Ariana did when she saw the letter. Of Course they knew of one other person who knew her real name other than close family members, the person who left Ariana on their doorstep ten years ago. But they never saw that mystery person so they were as clueless as to who had sent the letter as Ariana was.
“Who sent that letter?” Mrs. Turner asked her daughter.
“I don’t know I haven’t opened it yet.” Ariana replied.
“Well you should open it. Maybe the person signed it” Mrs. Turner said handing the letter back to Ariana. Ariana took it and carefully opened it taking out two sheets of some sort of old looking paper. One of the sheets looked to be some sort of list. The other was the actual letter. She gave it to her mother.
“Well It seems like Ariana has been accepted into a school called Hogwarts.” Mrs. Turner said after reading the letter. Mr. Turner looked at it over his wife’s shoulder. “Have you heard of this school?” Mrs. Turner asked her Husband. He shook his head. “Well It says that someone from the school will be coming here tomorrow around 3 to tell us about the school so I guess we’ll learn more about then” She continued. Any other people would have thrown the letter away convinced that the school was fake but Mr. and Mrs. Turner were open minded people and decided to hear what this person had to say about the school before making up their minds.
The Next day went by pretty quickly and before anyone knew it , it was almost 3 o’clock. Right when the clock struck 3 there was a knock at the door. Mrs. Turner opened the door to a woman who looked about in her 70s. She wore a grey Skirt that came to a little past her knee, a white button-up blouse and a jacket that matched the skirt. Her hair, which was black but was grey in places, was pulled up in a bun. The Woman introduced herself as Minerva McGonagall and that she was a teacher at Hogwarts and also the deputy headmistress of the school. Mrs. Turner didn’t view the woman as threatening and let her in leading her to the living room where Mr. Turner and Ariana were already sitting. Minerva smiled when she saw Ariana but said no words to her. She waited till Mrs. Turner was seated before beginning to speak.
“Let’s See Where I do Begin…I’m sure you’ve noticed that Ariana could do things, Things that couldn’t be explained…Things that seem kind of strange?” Minerva asked. Mrs. Turner looked at her husband than back to Minerva.
“Not really I mean she goes to school and does her homework. She does procrastinate a lot but that’s not strange that’s normal for a kid her age” She stated.
“Well Sometimes parents don’t notice these things. Sometimes it happens when the child is at school or when the parents aren’t around. Mind if I ask her?” Minerva asked. Mrs. Turner shook her head telling Minerva that it was okay. Minerva turned towards Ariana.
“Ariana Dear, Has anything happened that you couldn’t explain or you thought was kind of strange?” She asked the 11 year old girl. Ariana was about to say no but then she remembered yesterday and how Katherine and her friends were thrown backwards into a puddle of mud just seconds after she wished it so. She told Minerva what happened yesterday leaving out the part about Katherine pushing her. Her parents don’t know anything about her bullying Ariana and she would like to keep it that way. “Well what happened is called Magic.”
“Magic?” Ariana asked. She had heard about magic in stories her mother had told her when she was younger but she never knew it was real. Minerva nodded her head.
“You’re a witch, Ariana”
“I’m a what?”
“A witch.” Minerva repeated.
“So what happened yesterday with those girls….I did that?” Minerva nodded her head once more. “I could have hurt them….I don’t want to do it again. I don’t want to be a witch” Ariana said.
“It’s not really a choice Ariana. It’s something you’re born as. Besides if you attend Hogwarts you can learn to control your magic” Minerva explained. She then went on to telling Ariana and her adopted Parents about Hogwarts, the classes Ariana will be attending and briefly about the jobs Ariana could do after Hogwarts. She didn’t go into detail about those since Ariana will be learning more about them when she gets older.
“So you say Hogwarts is a boarding school…..Would we have to pay anything?” Mr. Turner asked after Minerva finished speaking.
“Oh No! Hogwarts is free. Teaching young witches and Wizards learn to control their magic and seeing them go on to successful jobs is payment enough for us” Mrs. Turner opened her mouth to ask a question but Minerva already knew what she was going to ask. It’s a question all Muggle parents ask. “And don’t worry about never seeing Ariana because you will. If she wants she can come home on winter and Easter breaks and she’ll also be home for the summer” She explained.
“Does she have to attend this school?” Mrs. Tuner asked.
“No it’s not required but if you want Ariana to learn to control her magic then its best that she does” Minerva answered. Mr. and Mrs. Turner started to think. Of Course they thought this whole thing was crazy but they didn’t know who Ariana’s real parents were and for all they knew her parents could be Magical as well and if they were they couldn’t keep Ariana from a world that she really belongs too. Besides Ariana never fit in at the current school she attended. Maybe if she attended this school maybe she’ll finally make friends. Ariana watched her parents she knew they were thinking on whether to let her go or not. Secretly she wanted to go to this school it sounded amazing.
“Can I go?” Ariana asked breaking the silence.
“Yes but on one condition.” Mrs. Turner said.
“You come home on every break you have” Mrs. Turner said smiling. Ariana smiled and hugged her parents. Minerva reached into the briefcase she was carrying and pulled out a piece of paper and a quill and some ink. She didn’t really need the briefcase since the permission form will appear with just a wave of her wand, but she brought it anyway to go along with her outfit. Plus she didn’t want to use her magic in front of them. Besides the secrecy law she didn’t want to scare the muggles. Finding out their daughter is a witch is shocking enough actually seeing magic would probably be too much for them. She placed the paper and the ink on the table in front of Mr. and Mrs. Turner and handed the quill to Mr. Turner who took it reluctantly. He heard of quills before but didn’t know people still used them.
“Ariana will need to sign this before Ariana is truly enrolled in Hogwarts.” Minerva said. Mr. Turner nodded and signed the paper in all the places needed.
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yay this chapter is finally done! This was hard to write because I didn't know who'd tell Ariana about her being a witch and How'd she be told so yea. Also I'm not sure if hogwarts is free or if some payment in needed but this is my story and it is a AU story so in this its free! Hope You Enjoyed it! Next chapter coming soon!