Ariana Potter

Chapter 3

Over the remaining days of the month of August, Professor McGonagall and many different staff of Hogwarts came around to explain more things about the magical community that Professor McGonagall did not get to tell Ariana and her parents on her first visit. They also assisted them in buying Ariana’s wand, which was made out of Holly with a dragon heartstring core and it was 9 inches long, and the rest of her school supplies. It was finally September 1st, and Ariana and her parents were standing on platform 9 ¾. It was 10:45 in the morning and the train would be leaving soon. Ariana hugged her parents.
“Make sure you write every chance you get and tell us how you’re school year is going okay?” Mrs. Turner asked Ariana as she pulled away.
“Okay I will” She said. Mrs. Turner spent the next 10 minutes making sure Ariana had everything. Finally the train blew its horn signaling that it was about to leave. Ariana hugged her parents once last time before boarding the train. Most of the compartments were full but she finally found an empty one. She dragged her trunk inside and sat down. Just as she sat down there was a knock on the compartment door. Ariana looked up and saw a girl about her age with bushy brown hair.
“Mind if I sit in here?” The girl asked. Ariana shook her head. The girl smiled and sat down across from her. “I’m Hermione Granger. What’s your name?” She asked.
“Ariana Turner” Ariana replied.
“This you’re first year at Hogwarts?” Hermione asked. Ariana opened her mouth to answer but Hermione started talking again before she could. “Mine too! I’m so excited! Nobody in my family is magic so I was quite surprised when I found out I was a witch. I’ve already read and memorized all our course books…..” Hermione went on and on about all the books she read and the few spells she tried and Ariana found Hermione quite annoying and was pleased when she left to go help some boy find his toad. Hermione did no return to the carparment for the rest of the train ride. It was getting dark so Ariana decided to change into her robes. She reached into her trunk and pulled out her robes and changed into them. Right as she changed into her robes and voice echoed though the train telling the students that they will be arriving at Hogwarts in 5 minutes and to leave their luggage on the train. She sat down and waited for the train to stop and then followed the crowd out to the dark platform. Ariana stood in one place not knowing where to go when she heard a booming voice calling for first years. Ariana and bunch of others walked up to the owner of the voice. It was an 8 foot tall man carrying lamp.
“Is this all the firs' years? Alright then follow me.” The man said and started leading the group of 11 year olds down a dark narrow path. It was silent the only noise that could be heard was the toad less boy’s sniffling. The first years stared in wonder as the Hogwarts castle finally came into view. The path stopped in front of a lake where a bunch of boats were waiting for them.
“No more'n four in a boat” Ariana found herself in a boat with three other people she did not know. “FORWARD!” All of the boats set off at once heading towards the castle. The boats carried them under the castle to what looked like a underground harbor. Everyone got out of the boats. “Is this yer toad?” The tall man asked as he was checking the boat.
“Trevor!” The toad less boy yelled as he ran forward and took the toad from the man. Everyone scrambled up a passageway. The passage way came out to a patch of green grass in shadow of the castle. The man led the first years up a flight of stone steps up to a huge oak door. The looked behind him to make sure all the first years were behind him and raised a gigantic fist and knocked on the door.
The door opened to a tall black-haired witch wearing green robes. Ariana knew at once who it was. Professor McGonagall nodded at Ariana to acknowledge her presence.
“Thank you Hagrid. I’ll take it from here”
Professor McGonagall opened the doors wider. The entrance hall was huge. Instead of lights the entrance hall was lit by Flaming torches along the walls, the ceiling was so high you could barely see it and there were marble staircases, much like the ones you see in mansions, the led up to the upper floors. Ariana and the rest of the first years were amazed.
“This way please” Professor McGonagall said loudly to get the attention of the first years. The followed her past a doorway where they could hear hundreds of voices and into a small chamber just off the hall. It was so small the first years squeezed inside standing closer to eachother then they normally would have. Once everyone was inside the chamber Professor McGonagall began to speak.
“Welcome to Hogwarts! The Start-of-term feast will began soon but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. While you’re here your house will be somewhat like your family. The four houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. During your time here at Hogwarts, Your Triumphs will earn you House points while any rule breaking will cause you to lose house points. By the end of the school year the house with the most points will be awarded the house cup. The sorting ceremony will began momentarily in front of the whole school so I suggest you smarten yourselves up while you’re waiting” Professor McGonagall said her eyes lingering on a few students. “I will return shortly. Please wait quietly.” She said before leaving the chamber. Once she left people starting talking quietly.
“Hi! I’m Skye!” A girl beside Ariana said. She had Shoulder length Dark Brown Hair and she was a little bit taller than Ariana was and she didn’t seem nervous at all.
“Ariana” Ariana said.
“Nervous huh?” She asked. Ariana nodded.
“Aren’t you?”
“Nah! I’ll be happy with whatever house I’ll get sorted into” She said. Professor McGonagall returned a few minutes later.
“We’re ready for you now. Form a line and follow me” She said. Ariana got in line behind Skye and a boy she did not know was behind her. Professor McGonagall led them out of the chamber, back into the hall and to the door they had passed which opened to the great hall. In the great hall there were 4 tables filled with older kids and at the end the hall there was another table where the teachers sat. There were millions of candles floating above everybody and the ceiling was black with stars.
“It’s Not real, the ceiling, It’s just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History” Ariana heard Hermione’s voice say somewhere ahead of her. Professor McGonagall led the children passed the 4 long tables up to where the teachers table was. Sitting there was a wooden stool with a old hat sitting on top of it.
“It’s the sorting hat. It talks you know” Skye said from behind her. The great hall fell silent as the hat began to sing. After the hat finished singing the song Ariana grew even more nervous. None of the houses the hat described felt right for her.
“Now When I call your name please come up here and sit on the stool so you can be sorted” Professor McGonagall said holding a scroll.
“Skye Jones?” She said after a few students had been sorted. Skye walked up to the stool and sat down and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head. It wasn’t even on good before the hat yelled….
Skye hopped off the stool and sat at one of tables next to Hermione who was sorted there just before she was. Neville Longbottom, Who was the boy with the toad, got sorted into Gryffindor as well.
“Draco Malfoy?” A pale boy with really blonde hair stepped up. Just like what happened with Skye, the hat wasn’t even on his head good before calling out….
He seemed pleased with this cause he smirked and went to sit at a table at the far right. It felt like Ariana was standing there forever. The group of first years grew smaller and smaller.
“Ariana Potter?”
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Finally here's chapter 3! I left out some stuff like them meeting the ghost but I didn't feel it was really important to I didn't add it :) hope you enjoyed this chapter.