Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

Too Much PDA

I came out of office, surprisingly calm. I took it quite well, unlike Becky who cried.

After receiving my consequences, McClatchy made me go to the nurse because of my nose. I had a broken nose, which meant it needed to be bandaged. After an hour, John was still waiting outside for me.

“So, what are the consequences?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. “Suspended for three days,”

“Whoa,” John whistled. “How do you feel?”

“Rebellious,” I shrugged.

John laughed. “Well aren’t you a badass?”

“I guess,” I laughed with him.

“How’s your nose?” He lightly tapped it.

“Fine, just hurts,” I replied.

“So what are you going to do for the next few days?” he asked.

“Most likely rot from boredom,” I sighed.

Then John walked over to the wall and stood next to the fire alarm.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Just watch,” John pulled the alarm.

Sprinklers went off, the siren rang, and students started filing out. I stared in disbelief as John smiled at me.

Principal McClatchy stormed out of his office, furious. “Who pulled the alarm?” he said through his teeth.

“I did, sir,” John said.

“Three days worth of suspension!” McClatchy said before running back into his office.

I was still staring in disbelief.

“Why’d you do that?” I didn’t know whether to laugh or to be furious.

“So that you don’t have to spend the next three days alone,” John smiled.

“Thanks,” I smiled back.

“You’re welcome,” he wrapped his wet arm around my drenched shoulders as we walked out the doors of school. “So my place or yours?”

“Both,” we reached his car. “Mine first, yours next. I need to tell Adam; he should be home by now,”


“Adam, you home?” I called when I opened the door.

“In the kitchen!” I heard him reply.

I walked to the kitchen and John followed.

“You two are home early,” Adam observed. “What happened to your nose?”

“Yeah, about that,” I sat down on the chair beside me. “We got suspended for three days.”

Adam didn’t look mad. Surprised, but not mad.

“What’d you do?” he asked.

“I got into a fight with this slut,” I plainly told him.

“How’d you know she was a slut?” Adam may be interested in hearing this.

“She was the one who Danny cheated with,” I got up to get some chip bags. I passed one to John and Adam as well.

“We got into a fight,” I further explained. “Becky punched my nose and apparently it’s broken,” I shrugged.

“Way to stick it to the man!” Adam cheered and high-fived me.

“So, I’m not in trouble?” I asked.

“No, what could I do about it?” he’s got a point there. “But that doesn’t explain why John’s suspended. Was he your back-up?” I shook my head.

“Nah,” John spoke up. “Sam can handle herself,”

“So what’d you do?” Adam got confused.

“I pulled the fire alarm so Sam wouldn’t rot of boredom like she said she would,” John explained.

“Ah, the fire alarm,” Adam beamed. “Classic trick,”

“Okay, so can we go?” I asked.

“Sure, just don’t get into too much trouble, rebels,” Adam joked.

“Shut up, Mr. Perfect,” John and I left the kitchen and went back outside to his car.

“So that went surprisingly well,” John said.

“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged as we got into the car.

“So how are you going to tell Stephen and them?” I asked.

“Same way you did, straightforward.” He started the car and drove towards his house.


“Stephen! I’m home!” John yelled. Stephen came out looking surprised.

“Why are you two here?” he asked.

“We got suspended for three days,” John replied.

“OoOoh! What’d you guys do?” Stephen said in a singsong voice.

“Well, Sam got into a fight with this slut,” he gestured at me.

“Hi Stephen!” I waved casually hyper.

“Hey Sam,” he waved back. “Nice nose,” I laughed.

“While, I pulled the fire alarm,” John finished.

Stephen looked at me then John. “Everyone’s in the garage, and I’m going to go pick up some pizza for lunch. Okay?” he plainly said.

“What kind of pizza?” I asked smiling.

“The three P’s,” John and Stephen said simultaneously. Then Stephen grabbed his jacket, keys, and went through the door.

“The three P’s?” I repeated, confused. We went into the kitchen.

“Portobello Mushrooms, Peppers, and Pineapple!” John said in his “duh” tone.

“Well, silly me for not knowing!” I giggled. “So are we going to the garage and meet up with everyone?”

“Nah,” he wrapped his arms around my waist as I reflexively wrapped mine around his neck. “I kind of just want to hang here,” Then he leaned in and kissed me. Soft, tender, and filled with passion. I entwined my fingers with his hair as his hand trailed up and down my back.

“GROSS. Get a room!” We broke apart and saw Josh standing by the fridge with a drink. I slightly blushed. “What the hell happened to your nose, Sam?”

“Just wait until you get a girlfriend, Montgomery!” John shot at him, moving one of his arms to point at Josh. Then Josh burped as a comeback. “Which will be highly unlikely,” John muttered.

“Shut up, John!” Josh was getting a little embarrassed.

“He’s right though,” I said. “You should get a girlfriend and see why John and I are like this,”

“I can get a girlfriend, I just haven’t met a nice girl,” Josh sat down on the chair by the counter.

I secretly smiled to myself, but John noticed.

“What are you thinking, Sam?”

I ignored him.

“Josh?” I said innocently. “Remember the concert when I met John?”

“What are you-?” John tried to keep up.

“Yeah. Why?” Josh interrupted.

“Well, don’t you remember talking to a girl named Mal?” I started to smile wider.

“How did you-?” Josh looked at me and smiled. “You’re friends with her, aren’t you?”

I nodded.

“Well, what’d you think of her?”

“She was cute and sweet,” he answered. “But I doubt she’s into me,”

“You’re kidding, right?” I took the seat across from him. “She’s crazy about you!”

“She is?” Damn this guy’s slow.

“Yeah!” I cheered. “You should ask her out!” I took out my phone and called Mal.

“Mal? Hey! Someone wants to talk to you,” I tossed Josh the phone.

“Hold on,” Josh said. He covered the speaker and lowered it to his side. “Now?” he looked at me with surprise. I nodded.

“You can do it!” I whispered. Josh lifted the phone back to his ear.

“Hey, Mal?” he greeted and stalked off into the next room.

I turned to John, who was looking a little surprised.

“Wow,” he said.

“They are going to be so cute together!” I cooed.

“I guess, but I’m a guy so how would I know?” John took the seat next to mine, and I climbed onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck as one of his arms wrapped around my waist. The other rested on my lap.

“Then we can double date,” I pointed out.

“But I like being alone with you,” John pouted.

I leaned in and kissed him for a few seconds, then pulled away.

“Have I mentioned how cute you are?” I asked.

“Maybe just a couple of times,” John replied. We leaned in and kissed, more passionately this time.

“Aw, come on guys! Gross!” we pulled away. This time it was Jess, and behind her was Brian.

“We need a ‘No PDA’ rule in this house,” Brian complained. Then he looked at me, “Dude, what happened to your nose?”

“I don’t suppose you have any other friends we can set them up with?” John whispered into my ear.

“Sorry, I don’t,” I replied.

“We don’t mean to break your little love fest, or maybe we do,” Jess spoke up, “but where’s Josh?” she asked.

“In the other room, asking my friend out,” I explained.

“Josh? Asking a girl out?” Brian was flabbergasted. “And she’s a friend of yours? Which means she’s most likely to be hot?”

I nodded. “Yes, yes, yes, and we don’t like the term ‘hot’,”

“Awh! How cute!” Jess exclaimed.

“Wait, our Josh Montgomery?” Brian sat down across from us.

“Don’t be surprised,” Jess said. “I’m glad Josh is getting himself a date,”

“I’m not surprised,” Brian defended himself. “I’m just so proud of him,” he mockingly wiped away an imaginary teardrop.

As if on cue, Josh walks in.

“Okay, so Friday?” Josh was smiling. “Alright, I’ll pick you up at 7? Bye Mal!” Then he hung up and set my phone onto the counter. All eyes were on him.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“Way to go Josh!” Brian cheered.

“Uh, thanks?” Then Josh set his eyes on John and I. “Ugh, not again!”

“No need to be rude, Romeo!” I shot at him.

Suddenly my phone rang.

“Pass me my phone, Josh?” I asked.

“It’s too out of my reach,” he retorted.

“Please? I’ll be your best friend!” I pleaded.

“Can’t you get it yourself?” he asked.

“She’s kind of busy,” John said with a smirk.

“Fine!” Josh sighed and handed me my phone.

“Thanks, best friend!” I teased.

“Yeah, yeah,” Josh took the seat next to us.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Sam? I need a favor,” It was Mal.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Can we double date?” she asked. That surprisingly did not take me off guard.

“Hold on, let me ask Josh,” I looked at him.

“Double date?” I mouthed. Josh simply nodded with a smile.

I went back to the phone.

“Sure!” I replied.

“OMG. Really? Yes! Thanks so much!” I laughed at her.

“No problem,”

“Okay, so I’ll come over Friday after school?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I smiled.

“Okay, see you Friday! Bye,” she hung up.

I set my phone next me and placed my head onto John’s chest.

“Not that we don’t love you guys here,” Jess said, “but, why are you guys home early?”

“Suspended for three days,” we replied.

“What?” Josh exclaimed. “Story, now!”

“I got into a fight with this slut,” I told them.

“That explains the nose,” Brian added.

“And I pulled the fire alarm,” John continued.

“Classic trick,” Jess said.

Then we heard the front door open.

“PIZZA!” Stephen yelled from the other room. “We’re eating in the living room!” Brian, Josh, and Jess bolted out the door, leaving John and me alone.

“Want some pizza?” I asked.

“Maybe later?” he suggested. Once again, his soft lips collided with mine and melted together.

“Stephen! Brian! Jess! They’re at it again!” We broke apart and saw Josh by the sink. Will we ever get a break? Then Stephen, Brian, and Jess came back into the kitchen.

“You guys are cute and all, but knock it off!” Jess teased.

“Sorry,” I smiled.

“No you’re not,” Brian half grunted.

“I know,” I said using my singsong voice.

“No more PDA around us, okay?” Stephen warned.

“Or else what?” John tested.

“This,” and on cue, Josh turned on the faucet and sprayed us with the water squirt.

“Damn it, Josh!” I yelled.

“Dude, seriously?” Josh complained. We got off of our chair and glared at the others, who were hysterically laughing.

“Well, let’s go eat before our pizza gets cold!” Stephen concluded. They all left leaving John and I alone, again.

“Do you know what this calls for?” I turned to John.

“Payback?” John suggested.

“When and how?” I asked.

“We’ll think of something,” John said. Then we went to the living room to get some lunch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys so much for reading my stories! I'll probably post my Stephen Gomez story here too. Tell me if you would enjoy that!