Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

Cleaning Up The Prank

“So everyone gets the plan?” Josh asked.

“I think so,” Jess smirked. “This will be fun,”

We split up to get the supplies. Brian grabbed markers, Stephen took a bucket of ice, Josh got some cold pizza, Jess took out her make up, and I brought out my camera.

After an hour or so of filming and preparing, we finally placed the pizza carefully on John’s face.

“Now, let’s wake him up,” Josh mumbled to Stephen.

Stephen nodded in reply and took a handful of ice cubes and dumped it down his shirt.

“WHAT THE-?” John yelped. I had my camera focused on his pizza-covered face. “Gross, is this…pizza?” He grabbed it off and saw the blush and extracts make-up that smudged onto the slice. Brian started to laugh.

“What’d you guys do to my face? And what’s with the camera, Sam? I thought you only filmed funny moments!” I bit my lip trying to hold in my laughter.

“Babe,” I said. “You might want to look in the mirror,”

John ran inside the bathroom mirror and started screaming. Jess, Stephen, and Josh started to laugh on the floor.

I ran inside the bathroom and saw John staring at the make-up plastered onto his face, the numerous artworks going up and down his arms, and the mustache that Brian and Jess worked on.

“Oh, dear Lord!” Brian was gasping for air by now.

“This will take me DAYS to take off!” John complained. “I can’t believe you were all in on this!”

“That’s what you get for falling asleep first, dude!” Josh interjected.

“Come on,” I said while turning off my camera, “I’ll help you clean up,” I closed the door and placed myself onto the sink as John handed me a towel.

“Okay, before I start anything,” I began, “you’re going to have to take off your shirt since I sort of drew on your abs,” I smiled sheepishly while soaking the towel with water.

John instantly obeyed and tossed his shirt onto the ground, walking closer to me. On his stomach revealed a message:


I began to extend my hand to rub it off when John took my wrist.

“I like it there,” he smiled.

“Well do you want to get ink poisoning?” I asked.

“Yes, you’re worth it,” I immediately blushed.

I moved to his arms trying to remove the marker graffiti. It was a good thing that we didn’t use Sharpie since it’s already difficult to remove the markers we used. So much for “washable”.


About an hour later, I was only finished with his arms.

“Crap,” I muttered. “I’m going to need help taking off all that make-up that’s on your face,”

“Why?” John asked.

“Because Jess put on like 10 layers, and I’m too lazy to do it all by myself,” I jumped off of the sink and went outside the bathroom, “Wait here,” I told John.

I walked into the living room, revealing Jess, Josh, Brian, and Stephen playing video games.

“What time is it?” I yawned.

“About 12,” Stephen answered.

“Are you done cleaning up your boyfriend?” Josh asked.

“No,” I turned to face Jess, “I need your help,”

“Can’t get off the make-up?” she said. I nodded. Jess let go of the controller and walked towards me. “Fine, where’s the patient?” We walked to the bathroom and went inside, and found John leaning against the wall.

“I would like for this make-up to be removed, please?” John told us.

“Get me some make-up removal wipes under the sink,” Jess commanded me. I found some and handed to her before placing myself onto the sink, like the first time.

“This is going to take a while,” I heard Jess mumble. “John! Put on your shirt! I don’t like nor would I want looking at you shirtless!”

“But Sam does!” He protested, giving me a small smirk, making me blush.

“Well,” Jess sighed. “If you want me to take off the make-up, you’re going to have to put on your shirt since it’s awkward for me to stare at my best friend’s shirtless boyfriend,”

“Awh,” I cooed. “I’m your best friend?” Jess smiled at me. I take that as a yes.

“Fine,” John huffed as he put back on his shirt. “Just get this stuff off of my face,”


“Okay, I think I got all of it off,” Jess sighed after 30 minutes. John turned to look in the mirror.

“My face is still red!” he complained.

“It’s called irritation,” I said. “I think,”

“At least it’s off!” Jess pointed out. “Now what’s my payment?”

“A hug?” I offered. Before she could respond, I instantly wrapped my arms around her, embracing a hug. She finally gave in and hugged me back.

“GROUP HUG!” John yelled as he hugged us.

We finally let go and went to the living room, where Josh, Brian, and Stephen were playing video games.

“Finally,” Brian spoke up. “You’re all back and we can actually do something fun!”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Let’s play Resident Evil 5!” Josh exclaimed. (A/N: If you’ve never had played this game before, you must. If you don’t, you suck! Jaykay….kinda)

“That’s a two-player game,” Jess said. “And there’s obviously more than 2 of us,”

Josh looked around and started counting.

“Oh,” he said.

“NECK!” Stephen chanted, then slapped the back of Josh’s neck.

“Shut up, Stephen!” Josh started to defend himself, “I seriously am tired, and brain fried from these video games,”

“Fine,” John sighed. “Let’s just get ready to sleep?” he suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

We pulled out our sleeping bags and spread out on the floor. John and I placed our stuff next to each other and lied down close together, John wrapping his arm around my body.

“Good night, guys,” I heard Jess say. We all said goodnight and turned off the lights. The only source of brightness was the little plugged-in nightlight.

“Sam,” John whispered into my ear. “I want to show you something,” I looked up and saw his brown eyes staring into my green eyes.

“What is it?” I asked. John got up, keeping his blanket wrapped around himself and extended his hand.

“Just trust me,” he was still whispering hoping to not wake the others.

I took his hand and got up. John led me upstairs, to a door on the left.

“What’s here?” I asked tiredly. I was still sleeping in my head.

“My room,” John replied, “but there’s something I want to show you inside,” He opened the door to his room and led me inside.

His room was actually like any other guy’s room. Except for his music equipment in the corner but still. It had a bed, some beanbags, and a desk with some clothes kind of scattered on the floor.

“Sorry for the mess,” John said. “But what I really want to show you is over here,” John led me to a random pair of double doors.

“So,” I rubbed my eyes. “What is it?”

John tugged a smile from his lips and opened the doors, revealing a balcony with twinkling lights wrapped around the exterior. On the balcony was a bench and a small coffee table.

“Wow,” I sighed. “This place looks amazing,”

“Well, care to sit?” I just realized John was already on the bench. I walked over and sat beside him as a breeze came along. “Crap, it’s cold,” I was only wearing shorts and a tank top.

“Here,” John carefully lifted me onto his lap and wrapped the blanket around the both of us. “Better?” he asked.

“Much,” I said with a smile as I laid my head on his chest. “I really like this place,” I gawked.

“Yeah, me too,” John kissed the top of my head. “Hey Sam?”

“Hm?” I was slowly drifting into a sleep.

“I’m glad you bumped into me,” he sighed.

“I’m glad you were in my way,” I smiled. John kissed my cheek.

“My pleasure,” he chuckled as he stroked my hair. Then my heavy eyelids won me over into my dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠
I personally love this chapter.
And thank you so much for reading my stories :)