Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

Some Girl Talk

“Sh.” I could hear someone say. “You’re going to wake them,”

I ignored it trying to stay asleep.

“I don’t care,” another voice came in. “They show too much PDA!”

“No they don’t,”

“Yeah, they do,”

“You know, we’re awake!” John’s voice came into play as he shifted positions underneath me.

“Brian!” I realized it was Jess. “You’re such a douche bag for waking them up!”

“When is he not a douche bag for us?” I asked with a yawn.

“GOOD MORNING!” Josh and Stephen yelled with megaphones.

“Get the hell out of my room!” John sat up, causing me to change positions.

“Guys, leave the two kiddies alone!” Jess was pushing them out then shutting the door for us.

“I apologize for the band’s behavior,” John said scratching the back of his head. “I can’t believe they found us,”

“Well it’s not that hard to find us, since we’re dating and we’re at your house,” I reiterated.

“True, true,” he smiled. “Morning sweetie,”

“Morning,” I smiled back.

John and I got dressed for the day and went downstairs to the kitchen, where Jess was arguing with Brian while Josh and Stephen were playing with the megaphones.

“Where the hell did you get those damn megaphones?” I asked taking a seat next to Stephen.

“We had them for a long time,” Stephen replied.

“We just didn’t know what to use them for,” Josh cut in.

“So you used it to wake us up?” John said.

“Yeah, sorry about these bozos!” Jess smacked Brian from the back of his head.

“THE HELL?” Brian covered his head. He decided to punch her stomach. So Jess slapped him across the face. “Oh, that’s it,” Brian barked tackling Jess to the ground. Soon enough they were wrestling in the living room.

“Why don’t they just kiss and get it over with?” I whispered to John, Stephen, and Josh.

“Because they won’t admit their feelings,” Josh said.

“Plus they don’t even know they like each other,” Stephen added.

“And,” John continued. “They’re better at a hate-hate relationship,”

I all looked at them surprised. Who knew they were good at relationship statuses?

“BRIAN!” We all heard Jess shriek. The three other guys and I ran to the living room and saw Jess soaked with some type of juice.

“Gross, what is that?” I walked to Jess’s side.

“Payback!” Brian cheered.

“You are so dead, Dales!” Jess tried to lunge at him but I grabbed her before she could kill him.

“Jess,” I was trying to calm her down. “Let’s get you cleaned up in John’s room,” I turned towards John. “Is that okay?” he approvingly nodded.

Jess and I walked out to John’s room where she kept mumbling to herself, pacing back and forth.

“I’m so going to kill him for this,” she examined her white tank top which was now drenched with some grape juice. I grabbed my bag and tossed a her my extra shirt.

“Just wear that and we’ll go shopping today,” I suggested. As she started to change, she gave me a small smile.

“Thanks, Sam,” I gave her a smile back.

“It’s not a problem, at all!”


“We’re leaving!” Jess called out from the doorway. We were on our way to the mall to go shopping and spend time together.

“Where’re you guys going?” John popped out wrapping his arms around me.

“To the mall,” I smiled.

“Want me to tag along?” he suggested.

“No, we need some girl time,” Jess said. “No boys, including boyfriends.”

“Fine,” John sighed.

“Hang out with the guys and have guy time,” I pecked him on the lips.

“Alright, but don’t stay out too late,”

“We will!” I called out before closing the door behind Jess and me.


At the mall, Jess and I shopped around Forever 21, Vans, and other shops. While at Hot Topic, I decided to talk to her about the guys.

“So, Jess?”

“Yeah, Sam?” she was checking out the beanies’ section.

“Do you like any guys at the moment?” I asked vaguely. “And when I mean like, I mean like-like,” I felt as if we were in middle school or something.

She started playing with her hoodie strings.

“Wait, no!” I was actually shocked.

“Can we talk about this outside?” she asked. I nodded as we walked out the store, approaching the nearest bench.

“Well, let’s talk,” I said with support.

“Okay, so I think I do like someone in a certain band but I’m not sure,” Jess sighed.

“Whoa, children better grab their textbooks because we’re making history!” I teased.

Jess smiled and lightly pushed me.

“But seriously who is it?” I asked. “Brian?”

“WHAT?” Jess was bewildered. “Gross, no!”

“Wait, you don’t?” I was getting confused.

“No! Brian’s like the annoying brother I never wanted,” Jess explained. “Why would you think that?”

“Just the way you guys act around each other,” I said. “Even Josh, John, and Stephen think so!”

“We’ll they’re idiotic,” she rolled her eyes about them. “The guy isn’t even in our band!”

“Oh really now?” I smirked. “Any band I know?”

“My Girl Friday,” she smiled.

“Who in that band?!” I was getting excited. “Ryan? Tyler? Logan? Or Justin?”

“Maybe Justin,” Jess started to blush.


“Not so loud!” she covered my mouth and waited for me to calm down.

After she let go, she let out a deep sigh.

“I didn’t want to like him,” she confessed. “It just happened,”

“You can’t help who you fall for,” I told her. “But you can choose what you will do with those feelings,”

“I guess you’re right,” Jess smiled. “You might meet him soon, so would you talk to him for me?”

“Wait, what?”

“I mean, just check to see how he feels about me,” she commented.

I looked at her and smiled. “Of course I will, Jess,”

“Thanks so much Sam!” Jess embraced me with a hug, “I love you so much!”

“No problem,” I hugged her back. “I’ll always be here for you,”

We finally let go and got some lunch.

“So, how’s it going with you and John?” Jess asked while we were at Alcove Cafe.

“We’re going good, I guess,” I took a bite out of my lemon square.

“I’m just glad he found someone he really wants to commit to,” Jess said.

“What do mean?”

“I mean,” she explained. “John has never looked at any girl the way he looks at you. This is technically his first actual relationship instead of jumping from girl to girl,”

“Really?” I kept thinking about the way he looks at me. Those amazing deep brown eyes always gets me hypnotized. “I guess I never really noticed how he looks at me,”

“Either way, he really likes you,” Jess said as we got up to leave. “You ready?”

I took another sip of my drink of my Coke before leaving.


Jess and I got back to the house and saw John, Stephen, Josh, and Brian watching a movie.

“We’re home!” Jess announced as we plopped our stuff on the dining room chairs.

John jumped out of his seat an embraced me into a hug.

“I wasn’t gone for that long John!” I laughed as I hugged him back.

“I know,” he sighed. “But I missed you too much!”

“Awh, I missed you too!” I said as I leaned up to kiss his cheek.

We sat back down onto the couch and talked a little, barely paying attention to the movie.

“So what’d you girls do today?” John asked.

“Well,” I began. “We shopped, had some lunch, did some girl talk, and came back here. What about you guys?”

“Well,” he mimicked me. “We ordered pizza, played some video games, talked a little, and now we’re watching The Hangover,”

I looked at the screen and noticed Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper.

“By the way,” John whispered. “I need to talk to you about something later,” I nodded as I placed my head on his chest.

“Same here,” I sighed.

“We’ll talk when I drop you off at home?” he suggested.

“As long as you stay over,” I smiled.

“That’s perfectly fine with me,” John smiled as he kissed the tip of my nose. “But what about Adam’s permission?”

“He’s going to have to deal with it,” I said before turning my attention to the screen.


“ADAM!” I called out as John and I entered the house. “We’re home!”

Adam came from the kitchen with a questioning look on his face. “We?”

“Yes, John and I means ‘we’,” I said with a smile.

“Hey, Adam,” John waved.

“What goes on, John?” Adam smiled as John shrugged.

“Anyways,” I said. “John’s staying over and we’ll be sleeping in the entertainment room,”

“Fine, as long as you two don’t do anything stupid,” Adam said with a smug grin. I quickly covered my ears.

“OH GOD.” I begged. “Please not the talk,”

Adam and John were merely laughing at me. I uncovered my ears and led John up to the entertainment room, which consisted of a plasma TV with surround sound, about 2 love seat couches with recliners, a soda fountain, and a stash of candies, popcorn, and other snacks.

“Make yourself at home,” I smiled to John as I placed a popcorn bag into the microwave.

John sat on the couch and placed his stuff in a corner. When the popcorn was ready, I sat beside him with my legs resting on his lap. He pulled me in closer, though.

“I feel more at home when you’re close to me,” he said with a smile. I giggled. Smooth move.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” I asked while popping some pieces of kettle corn into my mouth.

“Well, it involves a member of our band and another one in a different band,” John whispered.

“That’s what I needed to tell you too!” I exclaimed. “Which two people are you referring to?”

“One is Jess,” John said.

“And the other is Justin Godsey?,” I answered with a victorious smile. John nodded. This is almost like fate. “How’d you know Justin likes her?”

“Well, Stephen told us about a text he got from him saying he likes our drummer,” he said with a smile. “Justin mentioned liking her more than he should, but he can’t help it,”

“YES!” I cheered, almost spilling the popcorn. “Jess feels the exact same way for him!”

“Do you know what this means?” John asked.

“We’re going to play cupid?” I said.

“For sure,” John smiled taking some popcorn from my bowl.


After talking about Jess and Justin, I decided to pop in the movie You’ve Got Mail. (A/N: I’m not a huge fan of watching Romance/Romantic Comedy movies, but this one’s a classic!) I curled up next to John as we sat on the floor, against the couch.

“I love this movie,” John commented.

“Shut up,” I said. “Since when did you watch romantic comedies?”

“Since my mom strapped me down and had me watch them with her,” he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and focused on the screen.

I tried to concentrate on the movie but John kept whispering the lines in my ear, while kissing my temples every now and then.

“John,” I squirmed as he began to tickle my side.

“Yes?” he looked at me with a smug look.

“It’s hard to watch a movie with you tickling me,” I laughed as he began to tickle me more. I looked at the screen and saw my favorite part scene coming up. “Wait! This is my favorite part, John,” I tried stopping his tickling.

“And what are you going to do about it?”

I thought for a second before leaning up to him and kissing him. Right as he pulled me in closer, I decided to tease him and pull back from the kiss.

“That was not fair,” he pouted. I laughed then kissed his cheek.

“Sorry sweetie, but that’s what you get for having me miss my favorite part,” I smirked.

John smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips before turning back to the screen, poking me every once in awhile.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing Adam.

“Can we help you?” I asked teasingly.

“No,” Adam smiled. “Just checking up on my little sister and her boyfriend and to see if they’re doing good,”

“We’re doing fine, Adam,” I giggled as John poked my side.

“Okay, but I’m just saying this,” He gave me a smug look. “You two are only 17 and should not be doing things that you aren’t ready for such as-”

“ADAM!” I threw a pillow towards his way, but he dodged it by using the door as a shield. I heard him laugh before opening the door again.

“I’m kidding, Sammy,” he chuckled again. “I swear, you take things way too seriously at times,”

“Not true!” I teased looking for another pillow to launch at him.

“Sure,” he rolled his eyes out of enjoyment. “Is she like this when she’s with you, John?”

John started to chuckle so I nudged him.

“Don’t answer that,” I smiled, holding in my laughter.

“No, she doesn’t,” John admitted. “She’s more laid back,”

Adam shot me a smug look.

“Shut up,” I smiled. “Don’t even try,”

“Oh, but I will,” he came closer towards me.

I curled up next to John as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m serious, Adam, if you’ll do it, you’ll be dead by the morning,”

“I’ll take my chances,” he looked over at John. “May I take your girlfriend for a second or two,”

“John, don’t do it,” I looked at him, then back at Adam. “Do it tomorrow!” I begged. “I’m with someone right now!”

“Fine,” Adam sighed. “Just watch out in the morning,” With another smug look, he left the room.

I started to relax and sit up again without leaving John’s hold of me.

“What was that about?” he asked confused.

“He’s going to do something tomorrow to piss me off,” I told him. “Whenever someone says I’m the opposite of how he describes me, he’s going to try and squeeze that quality out of my system by doing something,”

“What’ll it be?” John was still lost.

“It changes every time,” I sighed. “But you’re still staying with me tomorrow, right?”

“Well, we’re suspended so yes!” John exclaimed. “Let’s hang with the band tomorrow,”

“Sounds fun!” I said as I lied down on the blankets.

John decided to lie down as well, and wrapped his arms around me.

“We still haven’t gotten payback from when Josh sprayed us,” he told me.

“I almost forgot about that,” I admitted. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well, the next time the band sleeps over we can hide alarm clocks in the room and set them off at the middle of the night,” he suggested.

“Not bad,” I commented. “Maybe we can also put some temporary hair dye in their shampoos and conditioners,”

“Brilliant,” John said. “But before that, we have got to make a bathtub full of Jell-O,”

I nodded in agreement. “We should also do the accordion folder whipped cream prank,”

“YES,” John excitedly agreed. “That gives them a reason to take a shower in the morning,”

“We’re definitely doing all this next time,” I told him.

John nodded and kissed my head.

“Good night, Sam,” he whispered.

“Night, John,” I said as I drifted into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lawl. Thanks so much for reading and commenting :)
More to come soon!