Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

Reagan High School


My phone started buzzing and spazzing to wake me up. I stretched my hand out to reach it on my nightstand. Great, it's 6:00 A.M. I gathered my strength to sit up on my bed. I looked through my phone and saw a text from John.

Morning, babe. Wanna walk to school together?

How cute and sweet is he? My morning grump mood lightened up. I replied back in a snap.

Morning. Sure, I'd love to walk with you. :)

I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up. Once it did, I peeled off my pajamas and got in.

About 15 minutes later, I was in my room looking through my closet, trying to find my owl sweater. I found it and put it over my baggy, purple shirt.

I examined myself in the mirror to make sure there were no stains on my clothes. There was something about me that seemed different? Did it have to do with me having an awesome boyfriend?

I shrugged it off and went downstairs and found my brother with a bowl of cereal for me.

"Morning Sammy," Adam greeted.

"Morning Adam," I smiled. He looked at me weirdly. Knowing what he was thinking I replied, "John and I are walking to school together."

"OH," he understood. "Well you better hurry, it's almost 7 o'clock." I nodded, sat down in my chair, and dug into my breakfast. After I finished, I went back upstairs to brush my teeth.

On my way back downstairs my phone started playing "Young" by The Summer Set. It was John's ringtone.

"Hey John!" I greeted.

"Hey Sam, I'm already outside," he informed

"Cool, I'll be right out," I stated. We hung up and I called out to Adam, "I'M LEAVINGG!"

"BYEEE!" he yelled.

I grabbed my backpack, walked outside and saw John. He greeted me with a hug.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied. We took each other's hand and started walking.


John and I arrived onto campus, picked up our new schedules and John got his locker number/combinations. John was 241, I was 240. Coincidence much?

I showed him where our lockers were and we just hung out until the First Bell rings.

"What class do you have, first?" I asked John. He scanned through the piece of paper.

"Uh, I have Algebra 2." he replied. "You?"

"Honors English," I said."Second?"


"Same," he smiled at my response.

"Looks like I found a lab partner," John said. I laughed. It's a good thing we get to pick our partners. Suddenly a girl from my Trigonometry class, from last semester, came up to us.

"You're John Gomez from The Summer Set!" she exclaimed. Fan girl.

"Nah, I'm just John from Reagan High," he calmly replied. He draped his arm around me and added, "I'm also John, Sam Young's boyfriend,"

"Oh," she said sheepishly. "Sorry to intrude," She walked away.

"Great school," John stated.

"It only gets better," I told him.

"Good better or bad sarcastic better?" he asked confused.

"Both," I informed as the First Bell rang.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys so much for reading my story :)