Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

The Summer Set

I walked to Honors English while John went to Algebra 2. Classes are about 75 minutes long. When I arrived, my teacher wasn't there yet. I sat at my desk near the back and settled in. I placed my notebook and penon my desk, then placed my phone onto my lap. Finally, Mr. Banks came in.

"Good Morning, class!" he greeted cheerfully. I wonder what's his deal..."How were your spring breaks?" he asked.

"Good," we replied as if we were a bunch of 5-year-olds.

"Great!" Mr. Banks exclaimed. He noticed a hand go up. "Yes, Norman?"

"Uh," Norman spoke, "how was your spring break?" he asked. Mr. Banks's eyes lit up.

"AMAZING!" he yelled. "My girlfriend said 'yes'!" We applauded. It's about time he proposed. He's been seeing that chick for about 5 years.

"Now, I have an assignment for you," he began class. "I want all of you to write a personal narrative describing your favorite memory over Spring Break."

Easy. Obviously my favorite memory over Spring Break was my date with John.

"Now, I'll give you this entire period to get started," Mr. Banks instructed.

I opened my notebook and began to write my memory for about 45 minutes, but then my phone vibrated. It was a text from John

How's Hon. English?

Great. We get to write about our favorite memory during spring break

I quickly sent my text and got back to work. My phone vibrates again because of a text from John.

What's your favorite memory? ;)

He obviously knew what my favorite memory was, but decided to play dumb.

Our first date, duh ;)

Then the bell rang. I put away my stuff and raced out of the classroom. I found John by our lockers.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, back" he smiled. God, I love his smile.

I opened my locker and grabbed my Biology book. I soon felt John wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"So, plans tonight?" he asks. I closed my locker and spun myself around without breaking John's hold.

"Nope," I smiled.

"Good," he replied.

"Why is it good?" I asked.

"Well," John began, "I'm going to take you to meet my band buds after school, then I'll take you out for dinner,"

"Sounds great!" I replied.

"Great," John leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

The bell for second period rang. John let go of my waist and took my hand instead as we walked to the Biology Lab.


"Now, before we get started, each and every one of you will pair up and become lab partners," said our teacher Mrs. Kindersen.

John turned his head to face me. "Hey, lab partner," he flashed me a smile.

I laughed. "Hi!" We walked towards our table and set up for class.


After Humanities, I met up with John by the front entrance of the school.

"We're going to have to walk to my house," John spoke. I shrugged.

"I don't mind," I responded. He gave a low chuckle, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Good," he said.


As we arrived at John's front door, he stopped me.

"Be warned Sam," he began, "that we are insane, wild, and total party animals," John gave a small smile.

"I'm dating you aren't I?" I teased. "I'm more than prepared,"

John unlocked and opened the front door. The sound of floor rumbles and cheers were heard.

"I think," John raised an eyebrow, "they're wrestling..." he led me to the living room where we found Jess and Brian wrestling while Josh was playing ref and Stephen was recording the event with his camera.

"Hey, you gu-" John was interrupted.

"Not now, lil' brother," Stephen said. "Jess is about to own Brian!"

"Well she is the runner-up for wrestling champ," Josh chimed in.

Just then, Jess pinned Brian to the ground.

"1, 2, 3!" Josh counted. "AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" Jess stood up and assisted Brian.

"ANYWAYS!" John yelled, to receive their attention. All four pairs of eyes were set on him and me. "This is Sam Young, my girlfriend,"

I waved, "Hey," Stephen pointed the camera at me.

"Way to go, lil' bro!" he sang.

"Shut up Stephen," Jess said. "it's not like Sam's a trophy or whatever," I was already liking her. She straightened her clothes and extended her hand.

"I'm Jess, by the way," I shook her hand. "Don't mind these idiots,"

"HEY!" the guys said. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So," Brian spoke up, "do you wrestle?"

"I don't th-" I cut off John.

"Actually, I do," I answered.Josh looked at me curiously.

"Oh really?" Josh asked. "I bet you can't beat our champ," he challenged.

"Of course I can," I shot at him. "Who's your champ?" Jess, Stephen, Brian, and Josh pointed their fingers at John. I gave him a smug look, as he smirked.

"So, would you wrestle the champ?" John asked.

"Not just wrestle the champ," I said, "I would beat the champ,"

"OOOOOH!" Yelled Brian and Stephen. I took off my backpack, jacket, and shoes, while John did the same.

"Okay," Jess spoke, "On the count of three....1, 2,...."

"3!!" yelled the guys.

John tackled me to the ground but I flipped him over. This went on for awhile, but I finally pinned him down.

"1! 2! 3!" Jess called. "WE HAVE A NEW CHAMP!"

"PAY UP!" Josh screamed as Stephen took out his wallet. I never knew they were taking bets on this match.

As I tried to get up, John pulled me back down to the ground and held me there. Bringing his lips to my ear, he whispers:

"Never knew how strong you were," I giggled.

"Well," I said, "now you know,"

I turned my head to face John. He cupped his hand under my chin and slowly kissed me, yet passionately.

"AHEM" we broke the kiss and saw Josh, Brian, Stephen, and Jess towering over us.

"Okay, love birds," Stephen spoke, "snuggle with each other on your own time,"

"Wait," I said, "I thought this was our time..." I sat up and John did the same.

"We should head out soon so we can grab a bite to eat," he said. I nodded. We got off the ground and said our good-byes to everyone. As John and I were heading out the door, someone pulled me aside. Stephen.

"Hey, I need to ask you something," he said.

"Sure, my brother interrogated John, I guess you can interrogate me," I replied, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"Uh, okay?" Stephen responded. "Well, I was wondering if you actually like my brother..." Strange question.

"Of course I do!" I stated. "Why would you th-"

"Because," Stephen interrupted, "he's been hurt and I hate seeing my little bro like that," I understood completely.

"Don't worry, Stephen," I reassured, "I really do like John, and I would never want to hurt him in any way,"

"Okay, Sam," he let go of my arm, "I trust you on that, have a fun date," he smiled.

"Thanks," I returned the smile, and walked out the door to catch up with John.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another favorite of mine! :)