Status: In the writing process while I juggle school :) Updates will not be as fast as over the summer.

Tell Me You Love Me

The Fight

6 A.M. the next morning, my alarm clock started to buzz. I looked out my window and saw the sun came up. I got up, took a shower, and changed by 6:45. With some time to spare, I quietly walked into the guest room. When I slightly opened the door, I noticed John was still asleep, under the covers.

“Perfect,” I mumbled. I let myself into the room and stood next to the bed. As I began to jump onto the bed, someone hugged me from behind and spun me around.

“Good morning Sam!” I just realized that it was John spinning me around.

“What the heck?” I exclaimed. “I thought you were sleeping!” John sat down on the bed and placed me onto his lap.

“Well, you thought wrong,” he smirked.

“You suck, John Christopher Gomez,” I pouted. “Why are you up anyways?”

“I actually planned to scare you in your room,” he explained. “But I heard the shower in your room and decided to scare you here, if you came in,” I laughed.

“Great minds think alike,” I smiled.

“Worst part is, I didn’t get a ‘Good morning, John’ or ‘How was your sleep?’ or ‘Would you like any breakfast?’” he teased.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “Good morning, John!”

“Actually I was hoping for ‘Would you like any breakfast’…” John smiled.

“Fine,” I got up and headed downstairs. I turned around and noticed John hasn’t moved. “You coming to eat or what?”

“I thought you would never ask,” he joked and followed me to the kitchen.


After making some eggs and toast, John and I finished getting ready.

“Wait,” I stopped him. “You’re not going to school in my brother’s pajamas, are you?” I looked at him.

“What? No,” he said in his “duh” tone. “I always have a change of clothes in my car,”

“Then go get them,” I instructed.

John went outside and came back with some jeans and a N.W.A. shirt. He went upstairs and came back in about 5 minutes with his backpack and keys.

“You ready?” he asked.

“Readier than ever,” I smiled as we went to his car.


After first period, a girl came up to my locker as I slowly put away my books.

“Hey, aren’t you the chick from last night?” she asked, loudly chomping on bubble gum.

“Yeah?” I said confused. She just stood there watching me. The only sound was her lips smacking as she chewed her gum. “Well do you need something?” I asked.

“What’s your history with my Danny-boo?” Wow, she’s pretty straightforward.

“Uh, we went out for almost a year then he cheated on me,” I replied.

“I thought I recognized you,” she said.

“Wait, what?” I was confused.

“Well, remember that party last year?” she asked. I nodded. “Well, I’m that girl that he cheated with…I’m Becky.” that’s when she looked smug.

I clenched my fist, and then closed my locker door.

“So it was you?” I seriously wanted to punch her.

“Yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Becky knew that she was getting on my nerves.

Where is John? I really needed him to hold me down.

“Well?” she smirked. “What are you going to-”

I slapped her.

“YOU BITCH!” Becky screamed.

“Well, what are you going to do about it?” I said in a mocking high-pitched voice; it was my turn to look smug.

“This,” she tried to slap me but I grabbed her by the wrist. Then she punched me in the stomach. It wouldn’t have hurt if she didn’t wear a lot of rings. A crowd started to form around us.

“FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT,” everyone chanted.

I pushed Becky into the lockers as she grasped my shoulders. Before I knew it, we were on the ground tossing around each other. When she finally pinned me down, Becky punched me on the nose. Finally, Principal McClatchy came in and got Becky off of me. Seconds later, someone pulled me up from the ground. It was John.

“I want to see you both of you girls in my office,” the principal demanded. Then he stalked off.

“I guess I should walk you to the office…” John suggested. I merely grunted, holding my throbbing nose. He wrapped his arm around my waist and led me to the office.

John let out a small laugh.

“Shut up,” I smiled. “I’m hurt, you should be nice to me,”

“Sorry, but you’re kind of cute when you’re hurt,” he smiled.

“Because that’s what every girl wants to hear from her boyfriend,” I teased as I jokingly pushed him.

We were soon at the end of the hall, in front of Principal McClatchy’s office.

“This is my stop,” I turned to him feeling scared.

John gave me a hug and kissed the top of my head. “I’ll wait outside, and good luck,” He let go of me.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to the principal’s office. My nose started to erratically throb as Principal McClatchy came into view, sitting behind his desk. On the other side was Becky, make-up smeared from tears most likely.

“Ah, Ms. Young,” McClatchy greeted. “Let’s discuss your consequences of your actions.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh hi guys, thank you for reading :) Please let me know if you want to read my Stephen Gomez story I have on Quizilla. I'm still debating whether or not if I should move that one here too.