The Rise and Fall of the Beautiful People


“Hey sweet heart” my mom said to me. “How was your 17th first day of school?”
“For the 17th time about the first day Mom it was fine. You know this is your entire fault right?”
“I’m guessing school just wasn’t going the way it usually goes” If only she knew how much different it was. I laughed to myself.
“Oh yeah, it was way different than I had expected it to be.” I walked upstairs to my room and flopped down on my bed. I smiled insanely, all because of one stupid boy… who happened to be one of the HOTTEST GUYS ALIVE!! Ha, I wonder how Sephora would feel knowing that I was “cute” enough to get her boyfriend’s twin brother…she’d hate it…so of course it love it. I started smiling so much that my mouth started hurting. Then, I fell asleep with a stupid smile plastered on my face.

Meanwhile… Sephora’s house

“HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA” Sephora laughed. “Oh my Gosh I cant believe she fell for it.” Alex or should we say “Josh” was laughing as well.
“You should have seen her face after I kissed her.” Alex said. “She got all giddy and excited like she has never been kissed before in her life!” Alex laughed uncontrollably “Seriously it’s like she’s a kissing virgin and I just took that away from her.”
“HA! What a looser, oh my god who gets their first kiss at 15?” Sephora said.
“Hey don’t you think we are being a little too mean?”
“Umm no?”
“Okay, but what if she figures it out?”
“Oh please, that girl is stupid enough to believe that I’M the good guy.” Sephora chuckled
“Yeah I guess you are right, I’ll see you later, I have to go pick out what to wear if I was a geek like “Josh” or should I say me in disguise?”
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haha yeah they're getting shorter and shorter. but dun worry 5 will be pretty long :)