Black and White

Chapter One

"I heard that Jake Torrell is going to ask Veronica Graham on a date. What a waste," my friend Gregory sighed as he plopped down next to me. Gregory (he hated to be called Greg) was a small guy, with wispy brown hair that somehow never went out of place. He had a babyish face which gave him an innocent aura that could be very misleading. He was quite the little minx in reality, but with his tiny stature and angelic smile, people automatically trusted him and protected him.

He was also incredibly gay, and incredibly smitten with Jake Torrell, our school's basketball captain. Despite our school's gargantuan size, Gregory always managed to track down Jake between classes for a few seconds of gawking time. "Why must all the hot guys go after Veronica?"

"Because they know they can."

"Or they could bat for the other team. Isn't the saying that all the hot ones are either gay or taken? Why can't more of them be the former?"

"That only works with guys that are hot and sensitive. Guys that are just hot can be single and straight."

"Hence my tale of woe..."

I laughed and threw a fry at him. "Stop being so dramatic." He fell silent and poked me in revenge. I smiled slightly at him and started eating. It was silent for a few minutes, something that I was never used to happening with Gregory. I was getting twitchy. "So are we going to do anything this afternoon?" I asked in order to break the silence.

"What kind of question is that? Of course we are, bitch. We always do on Fridays. Maybe we'll run into Jake and I can actually talk to him. I know I could get him to swing my way with a little flirting, but he's always surrounded by slutty bitches that crowd him too much to get a word in."

"Darling, I love you, but he's as straight as they come."

"That's what people thought about Mr. Grayson."

"Mr. Grayson was private about his life. Jake is quite open about it. He's always with a girl. Or twelve."

"Cover ups, I'm sure." I rose an eyebrow. "Ok, fine, they're not cover ups. But it wouldn't be the first time I turned somebody bi." Oh how true that statement was. Gregory never really mingled with the folks at school, afraid of ruining his innocent image and therefore losing the protection and free shit people always gave him. But when it came to the outside world, reputation was no issue. The world was Gregory's personal playground.. He was always finding a man to play around with for a while, and about a quarter of them were straight when he met them. He loved the challenge, and by the time Gregory finish, they couldn't even remember their names. All they could remember was Gregory's smile.

"So you're planning on breaking your nobody from school rule?"

"Hell, Jake's different. If I could get Jake... I might stop bouncing around."

"You do realize you would have to show him your true self at some point?"

"And? I'm lovable in a 'you're such a bitch' way. You love me. I may not be innocent, but I'm not mean."

"Just a manipulator."

"Well, nobody's perfect." I smiled and shook my head at his amusing antics.

"So where are we going this week?"

"I was thinking we could go bowling. There's a new bowling alley that just opened up. A blacklight bowling alley. Said to be, and I quote, 'off the chain.'" he said, complete with incredibly sarcastic "raise the roof" movement. "Plus, I heard that the basketball team was meeting there today," he added casually with a shrug. I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair, which fell perfectly back into place without him even batting an eyelash. How did he do that?