Black and White

Chapter Two

Bowling ended with Gregory thoroughly kicking my ass. "You can go outside, I'll meet you there," Gregory trailed off, looking over at Jake. Gregory licked his lips before looking back at me, his eyes sparkling. I sighed before nodding, making my way to the counter to return the shoes and then making my way outside. I slid to the side wall of the bowling alley. I sank to the ground, resting my head against the wall.

Suddenly I heard a growl. I looked over, expecting to see an angry dog, only to be met by red eyes. I went to scream before a hand covered my mouth and teeth pierced my neck. Pain exploded and I screamed as loud as I could, but it was too muffled to be heard over the music from the bowling alley. "Azriel!" I heard a voice scream before a body crashed into the one that had me pinned to the wall.

"Shit," I heard a male voice breathe out. "You have to suck the venom out, Diana." All of a sudden there was another mouth on my neck, and the pain was slowly fading away. They ran away just as Gregory arrived.

"Oh my darling Sophia, Jake is- oh my god, are you alright?" Gregory's worried voice entered my ears, and I saw him sink down to look at the wound on my neck. "What happened?"

"Can we just go home?"

"Yes. But first let's put some pressure on that." He ripped the bottom of his shirt and pressed what he had ripped off to my neck, instructing me to press it in as we walked. "Do you think we should go to the hospital? It doesn't look too bad, but it might need a few stitches."

“Hell no.

"Fine. If it's still bleeding by the time we get home, though, I am bringing you kicking and screaming to the hospital, you hear?"

"You're like half my size."

"Yeah, but you're a wimp." We walked home to the soundtrack of Gregory gushing over Jake. Apparently Jake was bi. Good for Gregory. "Do you know what this means?"

"He's available to the likes of you?"

"Well, yes, but that's not the point. The point is he thinks I'm cute enough to respond to. He flirted back. Oh, the things I could do to that boy..."

"And now you're disturbing me."

At last, we arrived at my doorstep. "Well, I suppose your gushing will have to continue on a later date. See you monday."

"Later, bitch," Gregory responded, sticking his tongue out childishly before grinning and waving, prancing away.

I sighed before making my way to my room. I flipped on the light only to scream at the top of my lungs. There was a boy and a girl sitting on my bed. They both had golden eyes, and pale skin. The girl had short, dark red hair, high cheek bones, and a model's body. The boy had beautiful raven hair that looked as soft as feathers. It went down to his chin, and while it may look girly on some, it looked perfectly masculine on him. He wasn't overly muscular, but you could see the hint of a six pack under his shirt. "Hello, Sophia." The girl said, a light smile on her face. "I'm Diana. This is Azriel. And I'm afraid that we have some things to discuss."