Black and White

Chapter Four

“I have something to tell you...” I trailed off as I pulled Gregory into the girl's bathroom. Luckily it was empty, except for one senior who obviously knew about Gregory's incredibly homosexual state of being. She shuffled out silently and Gregory immediately turned, glaring.

“You had better have a good reason for pulling me away from Jake.”

“I am now dating Azriel Black.” Well that shut him up. He gaped for about ten minutes before suddenly squealing and tackling me to the ground.

“Your first boyfriend! And it just had to be Azriel, didn't it? How did you even meet him?”

“It's complicated... but the point is, you can stop your speeches about how I will always be lonely and end up an old cat lady.” He just smiled and ruffled my hair before walking out. I bit my lip, smiling at myself in the mirror. I was dating Azriel Black. I can only imagine how many girls would want to kill me. Too bad I had a vampire protecting me.

“Hello darling,” Azriel said, wrapping his arms around me in the lunch line. A collective gasp filled the entire cafeteria. I smiled as he kissed me behind the ear, rocking us gently back and forth. The shock people were feeling was evident. Azriel had turned down Veronica Graham, and here he was wrapping his arms around a nobody. “Are you finding the gaping fish as entertaining as I am?”

“Maybe I am, or maybe I'm too distracted by your lips,” I replied, craning my neck to kiss him. I could hear Gregory laugh and looked up to see him on the back of Jake, a grin permanently etched on his face as he buried his head in his neck. All of the shock turned to them. The resident playboy and innocent little Gregory? I could feel the worry people had. They were afraid Jake would corrupt Gregory. I smirked at the thought.

“Hey Sophia! We should go on a double date!” I smiled and nodded, leaving the room as people tried to regain their sense of the world. I smiled with a light laugh. Gregory and I had definitely shaken things up.

The date went swimmingly, and I felt serene as I looked at Gregory and Jake. Jake clearly was smitten with the small boy in his arms, and I already was well aware of how Gregory felt. And as for Azriel and me, the evening progressed in a beautiful melody of sweet words whispered in my ear. Things seemed perfect. Far too perfect to belong to my life.

I was correct in that thought.

“We have a problem,” were the first words I heard as Azriel and I arrived at my house. Diana was leaning against the door, hugging herself and biting her lip. “I think it's best if we talk inside.” We shuffled to my room and locked the door before my dad could get a word in. “Do you remember Anthus?” Diana asked Azriel.

“Of course. He almost killed you.”

Diana scratched the back of her neck. “Almost being the key word. You got in the way. He wants to get back at you.”

“How? I'm stronger than him.”

“Yeah, but... Sophia's not.”

To say that I was shocked would be a gross understatement. I was hyperventilating, eyes wide and fists gripping my bedding as if it held the answer to my problems. “He wants to kill me?” I choked out, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but what was meant to be a comforting gesture only made me shudder in horror.

“Yes,” Diana whispered regretfully. “He does.”