Status: On-going :3

Guardian Drummer

A little bit more

Jimmy's POV
Well... things are a bit crazy right now, I found out I'm an angel. Did I anticipate on going to Hell? Damn straight, I thought I was a sinner from being gay and always drunk and shit. "Jimmy, you're not a sinner. You just hopped off the path for a while but got back on, I've been through the same." She assured. We were both now waiting in 'The Spot' in Central Park. They have yet to find my body since they were out getting drunk. "You've been on drugs?" I asked incredulously, I mean c'mon! She's fourteen! "No, I had slight mental problems back when I was still alive. Got caught up in doing some shit for different gangs, learned how to wield a gun from my uncle who's in the Navy. But I smoked, and got tattoos." She replied and showed me a DeathBat on her hip. "Hey, can you do anything about these wings? They're just really annoying." I asked, feeling them flutter. "Just imagine them sliding in your back again, truth is the wings are just for religious purposes. But non-believers can extract them back inside and just levitate." She explained and demonstrated on folding in her own wings. I grunted in the slight pain before I looked over my shoulder to find those pesy white things gone. "See! You can do it! Oh and my friends should be here right about.... now." Rayvyn said, and as she said that she was tackled in a hug by three angels. "RAYVYN!!!" They shrieked, and let her get up. "Jimmy, this is Natalie, Amelia and Eleahh." She introduced. Natalie being a strawberry blond girl with chocolate brown eyes, Amelia being a tall Asian girl with almond shaped eyes and dark skin and Eleahh was pale with reddish purple hair and pale blue eyes.


"Alright! Spill the guts Ray-Babe! What's the occasion." Eleahh asked. "You guys know The Rev right? Well this is him and he needs to socialize with other angels." Rayvyn explained, smiling at her friends. "Ah! I see! Well let's start!" Natalie grinned, showing a set of pearly white teeth. "I'll start! My name's Eleahh, I'm from England and I like rock, metal and screamo music. I like My Chemical Romance and is using my angel powers to stalk them when they are on tour." Eleahh smirked proudly. "I'm Natalie, I like llamas and Frank Iero. Like Eleahh, I use my powers to stalk Frank Iero and not get worried about being caught." Natalie grinned. "Well my name is Amelia, I like Tom Kaulitz and Jared Leto. I stalk them when I'm bored." Amelia chirped happily. "Welcome to the family Jimmy!" Rayvyn smiled as she tackled me in a hug. "Do you stalk me?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes. She blushed and gave a sheepish grin. "I look over you guys, who do you think gave you the idea for A Little Piece of Heaven? Oh and I saw you and your little Jay-Bear at night in case you were wondering." She mumbled, making me blush. Oh Joy. "Rayvyn! You little perv!" Natalie cried, laughing and clutching her sides. "It's not like you don't follow Frankie to the bathroom!" Rayvyn huffed indignantly, crossing her arms. "Yeah you're right, sorry/" Natalie and Eleahh apologized. "Don't mind them JimJam, we're a bunch of oddballs." Amelia smiled at me. They looked no older than eighteen, which was sad. "Oh and... the thing about angels is that we can be friends with demons. We've got friends down there, and they come up here sometimes." Natalie piped up. “So... out of all my friends, who are gonna be demons?” I asked curiously, I mean aren’t angels and demons polar opposites? “The Berry twins since they are so mischievous. The rest of your band are gonna be angels. It’s not that bad down there. If you died a bad person you’re instantly gonna be under torture, if you were just cheeky by nature and it was your fate to go down you become a demon and annoy the people up here.” Rayvyn explained as I listened. Wow this is surprising; demons are sent here to annoy people... I must’ve had a personal demon. ‘Did I have a personal demon? I mean I tend to irritate people and wonder why I did it.” I asked, pursing my lips. “Actually you did, his name is Jamie and he’s my counterpart. Which reminds me, angels and demons have counterparts and they are absolute friends. Amelia’s counterpart is named Jack, Natalie’s is Ash and Eleahh’s is Jason.” She told me, wow things got a lot more complicated.


“Rayvyn, I’m tired.” I whined, way to act mature around children. “Okay Jimmy. Bye guys, gotta take Jimmy to the manor.” She got up and stretched her wings while my wings automatically did the same. She took my hand and as we flew up we waved goodbye to her friends. “Good luck Jimmy! Nice meeting you!” Natalie waved. I waved back and felt Rayvyn grip my hand tighter. Suddenly a black-hole looking thing appeared and we entered through it. The light blinding me for a second before it showed me this reception looking place and several other angels scurrying about. We walked over to a boy angel with dark brown hair and eyes. “Hola Andres!” She greeted and got a nod in return. She led me to a mirror and touched the glass once before it shimmered and showed a big-ass country house. “After you Jim, just step in.” She smiled. I nodded warily before I walked through and found myself at the door of the country house, Rayvyn walking next to me moments later. “Welcome to the DeathBat Manor.” She grinned and opened the door as my eyes popped open. The man room was huge with a skylight, black sofas littered about and several other coffee tables around. She grabbed my hand and led me to the other rooms. We’ve got a huge kitchen with three ovens that was connected with the dining room that had a six-seat table, a studio, a game room with a 56’ flatscreen, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and a Wii while an impressive collection of movies were arranged neatly along the wall in an in-built shelf that spanned from floor to ceiling and another smaller room that was her personal art studio. Next she showed me outside, where we had a pool and a massive backyard along with a patio and a barbeque. We then walked up a grand staircase and reached a hallway with doors apart from each other. “Each room is named, yours is right next to Johnny. I’m the end room; you can look around if you want. Oh and... The rooms are soundproofed sweetheart.” She winked and I couldn’t help but grin. I looked around until I found my room and walked inside. It was huge, with a king-sized bed with blue covers, my whole room was an array of black, white, blue and lots and lots of posters. A desk was situated in the corner of the room; I had a window-seat under the big window that overlooked a forest and rugs, beanbags and a personal bathroom. “Y’know, it gets lonely here.” I heard Rayvyn’s voice and turned around. She changed from her earlier blue summer dress and changed into a pair of shorts and worn Black Veil Brides shirt. “How long were you watching us?” I asked curiously, sitting on my bed. Rayvyn sat Indian-style next to me and sighed. “Since the beginning when you guys formed, I saw your kimonos. And your hair.” She giggled. My mouth hung open, how old is she angel-wise? “I died in 1998, and I was under the mentoring of a healer until you guys released your first album Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. Angel-wise, I’m only eleven. Human years... I’m supposed to be twenty-five.” She sighed, flexing her fingers. I felt a twinge of sadness; she could’ve been something else. “Are you stuck this way forever... or can you turn to an age?” I asked, well I was curious. “You can look younger, but if you died an early death like you that’s the oldest form you can look.” She explained. I felt relieved... what? I want to stay youthful. “Hey can I see your room?” I asked. She nodded and led me to a door and walked in with me behind. It was the same size as mine, same bed but black and red striped sheets with black and white pillows. Spacious desk with two monitors, no doubt for gamed and surfin the net. She had band posters and drawings hanging from the walls, painting that she made herself hung around and she had pictures of her and her demon and angel friends. She also had a HUGE shelf filled with... manga? Oh God this girl is an otaku. “It’s my personal space, I’ve got a closet filled with cosplay clothes.” She grinned and showed me her closet. One wall was filled with normal clothes, the other was filled with different costumed and at the end of the walk-in she had a cabinet filled with weapons and accessories. “So... you hungry?” she asked


Half an hour later, we were both watching CSI while eating the spaghetti Rayvyn made. It was like Earth, except you see people with wings. It was... welcoming. I mean, you do see famous people and that stuff, but people here were all equal and nice. I felt the empty plate being grabbed from my hand and looked to see Rayvyn carrying both plates and washing it before letting it dry on the rack. “How did you manage to watch over us?” I asked, bored outta my mind. “I just tagged along wherever you guys went, angels can become invisible when we want to. Tell me, did you hear violin music echoing in your ears sometimes?” She asked. Now that I think about it, I did sometimes hear a long and somewhat sad violin tune in my ears. “That’s me, that’s how you know I’m near.” She smiled. “I’ve gotta show you one more thing.” She said and grabbed my hand before dragging me into a room that looked like a dance studio because it had full-length mirrors on one side of the room. “This is how you can communicate to people if you don’t want to leave the manor. If you want to go, just use this mirror to go to Central and use the Earth mirror to fly down to Huntington.” She smiled. She touched the mirror and the mirror focused on my band, crying in Matt’s house.


“Let them be for a while Jimmy, it’s a rule that we can only visit them after they bury us. Which is in a week, for now we can only watch over them.” She said sadly, patting her hand on my shoulder. I felt tears streaming down my eyes and I collapsed on my knees. “There there Jimmy, it’s alright. Let is all out.” She dropped down to her knees and pulled me in a hug. I heard my wails echoing through the room, and noticed Rayvyn’s clothes were wet from my tears. “To make you feel better, I’m younger and I’m a girl.” She smiled lightly; I can’t help but let out a chuckle in agreement. “It’s getting late Jimmy, we’ll start guardian duties tomorrow. Today was the day you let the shock in.” She smiled gently and helped me on my feet. She was such a sweet girl. We both walked upstairs and she stopped at the door of my room. “G’night Jimbo.” She gave me a sympathetic smile and slowly walked to her room. “Wait!” I blurted out before she turned the doorknob. “C-Can you please... s-sleep with me?” I asked shyly, not because I’m gonna cheat on Johnny but the fact she’s younger and might think I’m a pedophile. “No need to be shy Jim, it’s your first night after your death.” She brushed off and snuggled in bed with me. Tomorrow... will be one heck of a joy ride.
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I got one subscription......... well that's enlightening