Status: On-going :3

Guardian Drummer

First Touch


~5 months later~

Johnny’s POV

It’s been five months since we buried Jimmy, five months since I saw that reflection. It still gives me chills at just how vivid the image was. It was like he was truly there, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. Who was that girl? Was she a friend? Anyways it doesn’t matter, maybe he found someone else in Heaven. We were in the studio planning our next album. I know it’s a shock that we’re getting back on out feet so soon but the fans sent us piles and piles of stories, art and letters offering their condolences. Which is why we’re making this album in memory of Jimmy. The album cover is still in progress but one thing we agreed on is that there’ll be a tombstone with the phrase ‘foREVer’ written on it. Zacky came up with it as he said Jimmy shall forever be in our hearts. I visit his grave everyday, touching the cold grey marble with my fingertips. What broke me most... was that Brian and the others told me he was planning on proposing to me. “JC, you alright?” A voice snapped my out. I blinked before I found myself staring at my other band mates and our temporary drummer Mike Portnoy. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just zoned out for a bit.” I smiled as Mike gave me a comforting look. “I know it’s hard. I lost my parents and sibling in a huge car accident. But I had to move on.” Mike smiled sadly. “Thanks man, I needed it.” I smiled. Mike was a good guy; he was understanding and knew how to deal with things. “If you need a break Johnny, you can just ask.” Brian frowned, his forehead creasing with worry. “Guys I’m fine. Jimmy would want us to do this, I’ll stay strong for him.” I smiled; I know Jimmy would be proud if I said those words. “Thatta boy!” Matt smiled. “What’s this? I was sure I cleaned the place up yesterday.” Zacky exclaimed, holding a white envelope. “Open it Zacky, maybe someone dropped it this morning.” Mike suggested. “Okay...” Zacky trailed off as he ripped open the letter and skimmed through the contents. “This is from Jimmy!” He gasped. We all instantly crowded around him and I peered over his shoulder.

‘Dear guys
By the time you read this, it’s gonna be five months after I died. I never forgot you guys, even in my darkest times.
Matt, you’re like a brother to me. We did everything together back when we were in high school. We would get in trouble together, party and get drunk. I missed those times too. Don’t try and jump over my death, roll along and use my memories as a boost.
Brian, you are one lucky mofo. Zacky first came to me about him being in love with you, you may be the luckiest man on Earth
Zacky. I missed all the late-night chats we did on tour. When the others were asleep we would both be drinking hot coco and talking about crushes like girls. Now you’ve got your crush, so don’t let go
Johnny... I love you and I miss you. Move on, find new love if you can... But always stick to the promise of staying strong.
I’ve been coping well with death. I have a friend that’s been helping me; she’s been our guardian angel since we first started. Remember the times you guys would hear giggling or a violin playing? That’s Rayvyn watching. This wasn’t written before my death guys, I’m still around.’

I stared dumbfounded at the letter. He was still here? So the reflection wasn’t a trick of my eyes. “Guys, this is serious. We can contact a medium, and I know who.” Mike declared. He was into this kind of stuff on TV. “So... all those times we’ve been hearing giggling and violin, is because our guardian angel’s near?” Brian said slowly as Mike waited for the person to pick up. “Yeah... I thought I was going crazy!” Matt exclaimed as Mike started speaking into his phone. “Five months ago. When Matt found that white feather I saw him.” I said slowly as their eyes turned to me. “What?” They shouted in unison. “I was just looking inside the booth when his reflection appeared! He had wings and there was a girl with him. I think she’s our guardian angel!” I shouted, looking at them with wide eyes. “Okay guys. I’ve got a friend who’s coming over here to try and talk to Jimmy if she can.” Mike said as he held up his phone. “Okay, let’s try and stay calm.” Matt mumbled.


Jimmy’s POV
It’s been five months and my wings turned to midnight-blue colour with silver feather-tips here and there. “Well... looks like they’re contacting a medium. The only known medium around here is Saskia.” Rayvyn mumbled. Saskia? Sound like a mysterious name. “She was my best friend before I died. She contacted me through an Ouija board, she always believed in all the ghost stuff.” Rayvyn explained sadly. “So... how does she know Mike?” I asked, well it was strange. “They met through a website, then met in person and became good friends.” Rayvyn replied. “So... basically what started on the net turns into a good friendship?” I raised a brow. “Pretty much.” She replied. We both watched my bandmates waiting anxiously for the mysterious person, Matt was pacing as the others watched. Suddenly, Mike’s phone rang, which made everyone jump. He picked it up and made a short reply before ending the call. “Guys I’m gonna go meet her outside, be nice and not crowd her.” Mike warned as he exited. “Guys... I’m really nervous.” Johnny admitted, his bottom lip quivering. Mike came back with a Johnny-sized woman... well I’m not trying to be mean! Anyways she had über pale skin and... Her hair was dyed an inky blue. Her eyes were a clam grey but were alert when she stepped in the room. “”You sense something Sassy?” Mike asked, looking at her. “Not one, but two.” She mumbled. They all then sat down on the various couches and seats in the studio.


Johnny’s POV
“Mike tells me you lost your drummer recently, I’m very sorry. He’s the reason I drum actually.” Saskia gave a wry grin as we looked at her in surprise. “So let’s get down to business. Tell me about anything that happened.” She said seriously, gazing at us with steely grey eyes. “Well... it was around a day or something after his death and we were in the studio. We then found a white feather out of nowhere.” Matt said as Saskia nodded. “Johnny, do you have something to say?” She asked me as I looked at her in surprise. “Your body language tells me so, so now what’s your story?” She asked, interlocking her fingers before balancing her elbow on her knee. “Well it was the same day as we found the feather. I saw his reflection bouncing from the recording booth glass. He had wings and a girl was with him.” I confessed as her eyes widened. “What did the girl look like?” She demanded, her grey eyes blazing. “I only saw that she had black hair and her wings were black with red tips. Is she a fallen angel or something?” I asked. Her eyes brightened before she smiled. “That’s my friend Rayvyn. She’s not a fallen angel; it’s just that her wings are black and red because... by nature she’s morbid. Yet she’s an angel. I’ve known her since diapers; she died at fourteen as a victim of a bank hostage situation. That was eleven years ago and now I’m twenty-five. After her death I became obsessed with mediumship after her death and managed to contact her after... a year.” Saskia smiled sadly, her eyes were clouded with memories. “But... what’s she doing with Jimmy?” Brian asked, holding a shocked Zacky close to him. “If I’m right, she’s your guardian angel. And right now she’s looking at me.” Saskia stared at a corner of the room. She produced a notepad from her black messenger bag and a pencil, setting the two items on the desk. She looked around, seemingly searching for something. “Rayvyn. If you can hear me which I know you can, say hello.” Her voice rang out clearly. And to our shock and disbelief, the pencil gently levitated and started writing on the notepad.

‘Hello guys’

“She’s here! Now let Jimmy talk.” Saskia smiled.

‘Hey guys, it’s me Jimmy. I miss you, especially you Johnny’

We stared at the words; I still can’t believe Jimmy is here. “Is there a bathroom or a place with mirrors we can use? It would be easier to communicate with mirrors.” Saskia asked. “We’ve got a men’s bathroom, I think it’s empty.” Matt said as he got up to check. He came back merely seconds later before he nodded it was clear. We all shuffled nervously to the empty bathroom where Matt locked the door as soon as we were all in. “Rayvyn, let them see Jimmy.” Saskia said seriously as the figure of a girl appeared in the mirror. “It’s been a long while Sassy, can’t say I didn’t miss you.” The girl smiled. She spread her black and red-tipped wings as she smiled at us. “Jimmy’s here don’t worry, he’s just trying to calm his emotions first... Hang on he’s crying again.” And with that she disappeared and we heard voices echoing around the bathroom. “C’mon you big baby! Suck it up! I know things even your friends don’t know!” We heard Rayvyn’s voice cut through the air. “Yeah? Like what?” Jimmy’s voice shot back. “Like that time in 3rd Grade when-“ “DO NOT!!!! Fine I’ll do it.” Jimmy shouted. He suddenly appeared in the mirror looking sheepish. “I missed you guys...” He trailed off. I just stared, stared at Jimmy. “Johnny, I missed you so much.” He smiled. That’s when I felt two pairs of invisible arms wrap around me.
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Sorry for the late chapter update. It's Ramadan right now and I'm fasting so my brain is going all haywire and what-not... school is starting in less than a month and yeah you get it. I'm excited on seeing my friends again of course!!!!

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