Status: Started but going to be going slow. Comments help chapters come faster.

My Best Friend's Brother

Our Old Past

Once the little monster I call my brother finished his granola bar he started to nag me about how long it would take to get there.

I told him to look out for a sign that said ‘Welcome to Forks’ and then we would be there soon. We’ve been driving for days and have crashed in multiple kind or crappy motels, eat at a variety of restaurants, got stopped by parades block parties and such, gotten lost a few times, stopped at gas stations and made friends with truckers and cross country travelers, and we even bought road trip t-shirts.

I’ve done everything I could to keep my brother’s mind off of our sudden departure from Phoenix. There was nothing left for us there.

Our mother died from cancer and our father is a raging alcoholic. He would try to beat me but I always defended myself and always protected my little brother. My mother had saved up a lot of money before she died and left it all in an account with my name on it. She only told me about it so my father couldn’t take the money from me.

A few weeks after I turned 18 I raided the house for booze, money, credit cards and anything else that would be helpful in our escape from our crazed father. I poured the booze out into the sink and took all of my father’s credit cards and his ‘secret’ stash of beer money.

He was upstairs passed out drunk and he was going to be like that for a few hours. I was already packed and I just had to get my brother ready. I had been planning our escape for a while. I had got a lot of extra money from my part time job as a dance instructor and baby sitter, most of which I used to finish paying pay for a house my mother had in a place where he would never find us.

I love the heat and the sun, so he would never look for me in a place that rains 80% of the year. I helped my brother pack and I told him we were going on a road trip. I swiftly packed our suitcases in the trunk and a few extra things we would need on the way there in a duffel bag. I buckled my brother into the car and told his to quietly listen to music while I got some last minute things.

I looked around the living room one last time. There were beer and whiskey bottles strewn all over the floor, knocked over on the coffee table, on the couch, by the TV and on the steps. I walked into the kitchen avoiding broken glass on the floor from the night before when he threatened me with a beer bottle he broke on the kitchen counter.

I glanced around at the crème walls and yellow polka dot curtains on the window which were always closed so the neighbors don’t see anything. I pulled the curtains back and let the golden sunshine flood the small room.

I glanced out of the window and saw our neighbor Mrs. Wright watering her flower window box. There were really pretty purple and pink flowers growing slowly from the dark damp soil. See looked up at me, smiled and waved. I returned the gesture before facing the mess in the kitchen again.

The old barely working appliances were stained with food, alcohol and blood in some spots where I got into fights with him. Every since I was a little girl I had a reasonable amount of strength and determination. I would stand and fight for what was right, but I didn’t want to fight any more. He was starting to hit my brother and I decided that was enough.

I got a pen out of a drawer and found paper sticking to the refrigerator and wrote

Clean up your act old man. The police will get a kick out of whatever story you give them about me taking Jesse. You were an alcoholic who deserves to rot in hell for what you’ve done to us. But don’t worry people like you always get what they deserve in the end. Have a nice life :)

I smiled myself and put the note in the fridge where he would go looking for more beer. I took one last look at the house that was my personal hell for 18 years before running out to the garage and starting the car.

“Ready to go little guy?” I asked my bubbly sibling.

“YES! Um Am, where are we going?” He asked realizing he had no idea.

“We are going to stay in Forks for a while. We are going to wait for dad to clean up his act and stop drinking alcohol and make sure he will never hit us again. Until then you and me we live by ourselves in a nice house mommy bought for us.” I told him sincerely looking up at him in my rear view mirror.

He was looking out the window at our old house asking “Do we ever have to come back?”

“Not if you don’t want to.” I said pulling onto the freeway.

“Let’s never come back” He said leaning forward to put his hand on my shoulder.

I put one hand on his and smiled “You got it”