Status: Started but going to be going slow. Comments help chapters come faster.

My Best Friend's Brother

Waking up

I shook myself a wake and shot up straight. It was a bad idea because all of my muscles where sore which caused me to groan and fall back down onto the apparent bed. I glanced around and saw nothing but white pillows and sheets.

I stretched my muscles a little before sitting up a lot slower and looking around. The first thing I notice is the large window wall that let in the dim sunlight that shafted through the thick clouds and flooded the room making everything slightly brighter even though most of the room was white.

The night stand, the chairs, the desk, even the small couch was white. But there was a black door which I was guessing was the closet and the other black door was slightly ajar and I could see it was a bathroom. I looked to my left and crutches were leaning against the night stand with a beautiful light blue lamp resting on it.

I’m going to keep track of all of the things in this room that aren’t white. So far it’s the two doors, the lamp, the crutches, my new clothes and me. I looked down at my body and the outfit I had on before was gone and I was wearing a black over sized cropped top, grey tank underneath and pink skinny jeans. My mother’s Amethyst ring was on my finger sparkling slightly in the sunlight. It was in my other pants pocket last time I checked.

I grabbed the crutches and noticed they were all ready set to my height. I was able to get myself out of bed and rest on the crutches easily because I broke my leg before only it was the right one.

He pushed me down the stairs and stepped on it. When I went to the hospital I told them I fell down the stairs. I refuse to call that thing my father. That’s when my dream came rushing back to me and I realized I didn’t know where Jesse was.

“JESSE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!” I yelled out leaving the room. I looked down the hall and saw the banister that I guessed looked over the living room. I went over to it and leaned the crutches on the banister and looked over.

There was a group of extremely pale people and two russet skinned boys where sitting around on the couch and love seats arranged around the coffee table and they were all facing a large 72 inch TV. Some of them where talking about something I couldn’t hear and some where just looking at the two children sitting on the floor playing with each other.

One was Jesse and the other was a small girl about Jesse’s age with brown ringlets and rosy cheeks. She looked up at me then told Jesse “Your sister is awake.” That caused everyone to look up at me at once.

Jesse squealed gleefully and started to run up the stairs. Two women and a man followed him. The first woman was small and slender with a heart shaped face and caramel colored hair.

The second woman looked extremely familiar. She had muddy brown eyes and shiny chocolate brown hair. They were both extremely pretty and would make any girl jealous but I grew up not caring what I looked like because I was beautiful no matter what.

Jesse almost crashed into my legs but I extended my arms out to stop him.

“Slow down there kid, don’t break me.” I told him when he stopped. He pouted and held his arms out to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around my adorable little brother.

“Are you ok?” I asked running my fingers through his curly brown hair looking for injuries. He shook his head yes then pointed to the pretty brown hair girl and said “Bella” I looked from Jesse to the woman and breathed “Bella”

She almost flew to me before wrapping me in a huge tight hug.

“Mwen terateoutèlmanBella” (I’ve missed you so much Bella)

“Mwente rateou twòametist” (I missed you too Amethyst)

I had taught Bella some Creole when we were younger. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough for her to know what I’m saying and how to respond. I glanced behind Bella at the couple who came upstairs with her.

The man who was blond haired and tired looking. He smiled at me and said “Amethyst I’m glad to see you were feeling better.” I let go of Bella who was extremely different now.

She is paler than before and her body is rock solid and freezing cold.

“Yeah thanks sir” I told him not taking my arm from around Bella’s neck. Her hand was wrapped around my waist.

“My name is Carlisle and this is my wife Esme.” The man said motioning to himself and his wife.

“It’s nice to meet you two.” I smiled holding my free hand out to them. Their hands were freezing too but I figured it was just the weather. I noticed the little girl from down stairs come up and stand close to Bella looking at me.

“Momma who is this?” She asked turning to Bella.

Momma? I thought glancing up at Bella.

She looked slightly panicked and she glanced from the girl to Carlisle and Esme then to the guy who decided to join us up here.

“I remember you; you were in Newton's Olympic Outfitters with me, my brother and your two brothers.” My eyes narrowed at the mention of his two brothers and he chuckled.

“It wasn’t funny” I grumbled sourly flashing back to what happened a few days ago.

“What did Emmett do?” Bella asked looking at the other guy.

“It wasn’t Emmett this time.” He smiled at her.

“Jasper?” she asked surprised. The guy nodded and looked like he wanted to laugh at my expression.

“Who are you?” I asked looking up at him.

“My name is Edward, I’m Bella’s husband.” He responded wrapping his arm around Bella. I had let her go and looked at her.

“Husband?” I asked. She would have blushed but she didn’t but I continued anyway “Why didn’t you invite me to the wedding?” I asked looking at Bella. She looked slightly embarrassed but didn’t say anything.

“And apparently got busy.” I said looking at the little girl still standing near her mother. Bella looked wide eyed probably hoping I forgot about it but I don’t forget anything.

“What’s your name sweetie?” I asked her softly.

“RenesmeeCarlie Cullen” She answered. I nodded slowly looking up at Bella. She looked up at Edward hopefully.

He said “Renesmee is my niece and she thinks of Bella like a mother and that’s what she refers to her as. We adopted her after her my brother and his wife got into an accident and were killed.” Edward told me smoothly.

I looked at him and could see the bull radiating from his body but his face was straight as he delivered the sob story.

I pointed at him and said “That’s a lie.” Then I glanced over at Bella and said “You should have told him I cannot be lied to.” She looked at me wide eyed and started stumbling over her explanation and I couldn’t really understand what she was saying.

I held up one hand and she stopped talking “Is this your daughter?” I asked putting my hand on Renesmee head. Bella nodded sheepishly.

“Is that all you want me to know?” I asked. She nodded again.

“Then I won’t ask any more questions.” I stated looking down at Renesmee who was talking to Jesse asking to go back down stairs. They both ran happily down the steps. Bella sighed in relief and smiled at me gratefully.

‘Thank You’ she mouthed as Carlisle started to talk to me.

“Amethyst I was wondering if you would let me check your leg.” He inquired quickly. I looked at him suspiciously and asked “Are you a doctor?”

“Yes I am, after Jasper brought you here I worked on your leg and put it in a cast.”

“Jasper brought me here?” I asked surprised.

“Yes he carried you and your brother back here. I am a doctor at Forks hospital so he brought you to me.” He told me wrapping an arm around my body so he could help me move into another room.

Once I was seated Bella had followed into the room and was leaning against the far wall. The doctor began poking around my leg asking what hurts. I could hear Bella quietly talking to someone but I didn’t turn to look until the doc was done.

“Ok your leg should be fully healed in a few weeks. Do you do any sports or physical activities other than the everyday things?” He asked readjusting my cast.

“I’m a dancer, I do ballet, ballroom and hip hop.” I told him worriedly.

“Well you will not be able to dance for a while. You would have to wait a week or two after I take the cast off to be able to dance again.” He told me apologetically.

“I heal quickly doc. The last time I broke my other leg it healed in two weeks and they could take the cast of and I was cleared to dance a few days later.” I smiled proudly of my quick ability to heal.

“Well I will check every week to see how well your progress is and we will see from there.” He smiled sweetly. Carlisle left the room and I turned to see Bella and Jasper standing across the room looking at me.

“Bella” I called holding my arm out for her to come help me.

“You don’t want my help?” Jasper smirked from the wall where he was still leaning on.

“You are not allowed to touch me.” I growled wrapping my arm around Bella’s neck and leaning on her for support.

“I was the one who brought you here you know.” He asked still smirking but now coming closer. I sighed

“Yes and I thank you for that but cannot come near me until you understand the terms personal space and rape.” I huffed moving past him with Bella’s help.

When we left the room I could feel his eye boring into my back and when I turned around he was standing in the door way staring at me in a way that made me blush. My skin was too dark for anyone to see but I did blush and my heart beat quicken to a pounding pace.

I hoped Bella didn’t notice but she turned to look at me then behind us to where Jasper was then she turned back to me smirking. I put on an innocent face before she said “You know you can’t lie to me.”